11 people died 2333 infection Hokkaido ... 2500 people in 5 days, but 6 clusters at high levels and high -level "medical institutions and facilities"

 In Hokkaido, on February 20, of the 2,333 people newly confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus (of which 7 were re-positive), 825 (of which 1 was re-positive) announced by Hokkaido. announced the details.

11 people were confirmed dead on the 20th. 8 people announced in Hokkaido (men in their 70s, 4 men in their 80s, 2 men in their 90s, age and gender undisclosed) and 3 people in Sapporo (men in their 70s, 2 men in their 80s). This is the 19th consecutive day of deaths reported in Hokkaido.

 The number of infected people in Hokkaido is 825 (of which 1 is re-positive), 1231 in Sapporo (of which 5 are re-positive), 97 in Asahikawa, 104 in Hakodate, 76 in Otaru (of which 76 are re-positive). 1 person). The number of people in Sapporo exceeded 1,000 for the fifth consecutive day, which is almost the same as the previous week, with two more people. * Asahikawa City announced a correction on the 21st, saying that there was one more person.

Including the previous week's Sunday when the number was 2692, the number of people fell below the same day of the week for 9 consecutive days, and fell below 2500 for the first time in 5 days, but the number of infected people continues to be high.

18763 people in total for the 7 days, a decrease of about 18% from the previous week, and a decrease of about 15% in Sapporo City. It has been down about 20% from the previous week for three days.

 The number of new infections per week per 100,000 population was 358.8 in Hokkaido, 498.9 in Sapporo, and 222.7 in Asahikawa.

 Hokkaido has surpassed all three indicators initially set in the "Priority measures to prevent the spread of infection": "rate of sick beds or severely ill beds", "number of new infected people", and "number of people undergoing medical treatment" for 28 consecutive days.

 One new cluster has been confirmed as published in Hokkaido.

● Paid Nursing Home (Ishikari region): 5 people One staff member and 4 residents were confirmed infected.

50s to 80s with mild or no symptoms. So far, 21 people have been tested for PCR.

 The existing cluster is also expanding. ● Special Nursing Home for the Elderly (Takikawa City) (announced on the 4th) 2 new people confirmed, bringing the total to 21

●Medical institution (Sorachi region) (announced on the 13th) Two new cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 17

● Nursing care insurance office (Sorachi region) (announced on the 13th) 1 new person was confirmed, bringing the total to 15

● Special Nursing Home for the Elderly (Sorachi Region) (announced on the 17th) 2 new people confirmed, bringing the total to 18

● Special Nursing Home for the Elderly (Ishikari region) (announced on the 11th) 2 new people confirmed, bringing the total to 33

● Medical institution (Ebetsu City) (announced on the 17th) 3 new people confirmed, bringing the total to 21

● Long-term care insurance facility (Shiribeshi region) (announced on the 9th) 1 new person confirmed, bringing the total to 10

● Special Nursing Home for the Elderly (Iburi Region) (announced on January 29) 1 new person confirmed, bringing the total to 40

●Medical institution (Muroran City) (announced on the 12th) 1 new person was confirmed, bringing the total to 41

11 dead 2333 infected Hokkaido... 11 deaths, 2,333 infected Hokkaido... First time in 5 days below 2,500, but high level 6 clusters in 'medical institutions and facilities' 6 clusters in 'medical institutions and facilities'</p><p>● Nursing care facility for the elderly (Tomakomai City) (announced on the 14th) Two new people were confirmed, bringing the total to 38 people</p><p> ●Medical institution (Date City) (announced on the 15th) Two new cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 18</p><p>● Medical institution (Date City) (announced on the 16th) One new person was confirmed, bringing the total to 37</p><p> ● Nursing Care Insurance Office (Hokuto City) (announced on the 17th) One new person was confirmed, bringing the total to 12</p><p>● Nursing Care Insurance Office (Yakumo Town) (announced on the 18th) 2 people were newly confirmed, bringing the total to 24</p><p>● Support facility for people with disabilities (Abashiri City) (announced on the 19th) 9 people were newly confirmed, bringing the total to 15 people</p><p> ● Group home for the disabled (Tokachi region) (announced on the 13th) 1 new person confirmed, bringing the total to 8</p><p> ● Nursing care facility for the elderly (Tokachi region) (announced on the 16th) One new person was confirmed, bringing the total to 24</p><p> ● Fee-based nursing home (Obihiro City) (announced on the 19th) 7 people were newly confirmed, bringing the total to 12</p><p>● Paid nursing home (Kushiro City) (announced on the 9th) 1 new person confirmed, bringing the total to 22</p><p> ● Medical institution (Kushiro region) (announced on the 11th) Four new people were confirmed, bringing the total to 38</p><p>● Paid nursing home (Kushiro City) (announced on the 13th) 1 new person confirmed, bringing the total to 21</p><p> [Infected person information announced in Hokkaido on February 20] ▼ Sorachi region: 46 people ▼ Ishikari region: 271 people ▼ Shiribeshi region: 17 people ▼ Iburi region: 128 people ▼ Hidaka region: 12 people ▼ Oshima region ▼ Hiyama region: 2 people ▼ Kamikawa region: 42 people ▼ Rumoi region: 3 people ▼ Soya region: 13 people ▼ Okhotsk region: 37 people ▼ Tokachi region: 122 people ▼ Kushiro region: 72 people (of which 1 re-positive) people) ▼ Nemuro region: 9 people ● Others: 8 people ■ Outside Hokkaido: 2 people</p><p> Age: Under 10 to over 90 (494 people under 30, about 60% of the total)</p><p> 66 people are hospitalized (including accommodation facilities), about 90% of 759 people are being adjusted, and 1 person is moderately ill.</p><p> Out of 2333 people, the route of infection for 1490, more than 60%, is unknown, and the number of severely ill people remains the same as the day before, with 8 of them, 5 in Sapporo City and 1 in Asahikawa City.</p><p> The new cluster on the 20th was 13 people in

 The cluster is also expanding. [Asahikawa City] 107th case: "Miyabi no Mori" nursing care facility for the elderly 4 new confirmed cases, total 18 people 111th case: Moriyama Hospital 1 new confirmed person, total 23 people 117 cases 121st case: Onishi Hospital 2 new confirmed cases, 13 in total

[Otaru City] ・Group home for the elderly: 6 new people confirmed, bringing the total to 16 ・Facilities for the elderly (announced on the 19th, 2nd facility): 1 new person confirmed, bringing the total to 10

 The City of Sapporo has temporarily suspended the announcement of the expansion from the 6th day, saying that it will concentrate its business.

 Hokkaido will extend the "Priority measures to prevent the spread of infection", which was until February 20th, to March 6th. Hokkaido continues to request restaurants to shorten their working hours, thoroughly implement infection control measures at schools, childcare facilities, and facilities for the elderly, and request that people refrain from going out to places with a high risk of infection.

 The total number of infected people in Hokkaido is 155,089.