[Added CEV subsidy] The reason that can be said to be advantageous compared to the Tesla model 3 leaf with a significant price cut

Added two types of CEV subsidies

text:Yoichiro Watanabe(渡辺陽一郎)editor:Taro Ueno(上野太朗)

On March 26, 2021, the CEV (clean energy vehicle) subsidy for the third supplementary budget was revealed.Reception will also start.

What attracts attention in this CEV subsidy is that the number of subsidies has increased to three.You can choose a subsidy that suits your purchase method.

The most common course is the same as the same as the same as the same as the same as the previous "clean energy car introduction project expenses."The subsidy grant is the same as before, and the upper limit of electric vehicles is expected to be 400,000 yen (420,000 yen with power supply function).

The newly added "Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry subsidies" and "Ministry of the Environment subsidies"."Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry subsidies" is for individual users, and up to 600,000 yen is issued.

For this reason, along with clean energy vehicles, it is necessary to purchase V2H equipment that supplies electricity from electric vehicles to home, and V2L devices that supply electricity products from electric vehicles to home appliances.Participation in monitoring surveys and cooperation with local governments in the event of a disaster is also required.

 【CEV補助金追加】大幅値下げのテスラ・モデル3 リーフと比べてもお得といえるワケ

"Ministry of the Environment" is widely targeted for individuals and companies, and up to 800,000 yen is issued.Solar systems, etc., procure the power of home and office with 100 % renewable energy, and participate in monitoring surveys.

Tesla Model 3 has been significantly reduced

As the subsidies of clean energy vehicles become diversified, Tesla, an electric vehicle, drastically reduced the price in February 2020.

The Tesla model 3 standard range plus can drive 448 km in WLTC mode by using a rear wheel drive.The previous price was 5.11 million yen, but the price was reduced by 820,000 yen and it is now 4.29 million yen.

Tesla Model 3 Long Range is a 4WD with a motor before and after.There is plenty of lithium -ion battery, and you can drive 580 km in WLTC mode in one charge.The previous price was 6552 million yen, but now it is 1,562,000 yen, which is 4.99 million yen.

The model 3 standard range plus is 4.29 million yen, so if you use a clean -energy automobile introduction project subsidy, you can purchase 400,000 yen and purchase it for 3.89 million yen.Mercedes -Benz A -class A180 sedan is the same expense.

If you install a solar system at home and use 100 % renewable energy, you can get 800,000 yen for the Ministry of Environment subsidy, so you can get the model 3 standard range plus for 3.49 million yen.It is about the same expense as a mini cooper D 3 door.

There are many conditions for subsidies between the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment, and the number of users can be used, but can now buy electric vehicles at a lower price.

Tesla's price reduction was a timely one, aligned and pace of subsidies.


Image Tesla Model 3 and Nissan Reef [Comparison] All 147 sheets