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 On December 1st, the Trial Company (Higashi -ku, Fukuoka City) opened the Mega Centato Real Asahikawa store on December 1st at 64-64 Jo -dori, Asahikawa City.Opened a residence at the site of the old Ito -Yokado Asahikawa store, which closed in May this year.You can experience a new shopping experience as a Hokkaido's first smart store that introduces shopping carts and AI cameras with self -checkout functions.(The photo shows the appearance of Hokkaido's first smart store "Mega Centato Real Asahikawa") (The photo is a food section full of shoppers)

 The company's smart store has been developed by the company, including smart shopping carts with tablet settlements, retail AI cameras that perform product shelves and analyze customers in customers, and digital signage that inform recommended products.It is a store that utilizes the latest technology.


 Smart shopping carts can register a dedicated prepaid card in the cart, and the shoppers can read the product barcode on their own with the attached scan, so you can do cashless accounting without passing through the cash register.A total of about 5,800 units are operating at 54 stores in 270 trials nationwide, and will be introduced for the first time in Hokkaido.In addition to about 200 units in the Asahikawa store, 30 units were introduced on this day at the nearby "Kagura store" and "Nagayama store".(The photo is a smart shopping cart with about 200 units) (the photo is a food counter)

 The retail AI camera monitors product shelves and analyzes in -store -in -store operating, optimizes orders and replenishment operations, arranges products and converts items, and contributes to efficient shelves.。Approximately 3,900 units have already operated at 65 stores nationwide, and about 100 units operate at Asahikawa store.Digital signage is installed in the entire store or in the sales floor, and all signages are made by "Fever Time", which is made only at the side dish section, and "fresh video" that informs freshly fried is connected to purchasing.。Approximately 1,400 stores nationwide are operating, and about 150 units will be installed at Asahikawa store.

 Unfortunately, it rains from the morning.Before opening at 8:30 am, there was a long line in a store near the front entrance of the first floor.At the same time as the store opened, the customer moved on to the desired floor with a foot.When I received the cart from an employee, I put the product in the cart with an advertising flyer in my hand.A man in his 70s who came to shopping with a couple said, "I came and lined up before the store opened. Ito -Yokado was gone and it was inconvenient, but it was really nice to have a new store. I came to buy food today."Inside the store, employees showed me how to use smart shopping carts.

 "IT is an ancestor business. We are aiming to create a store that changes the form of retail businesses," said Daisuke Noda, director of the Trial Company and Marketing Department.The store contains food on the first basement floor, clothing on the first floor above ground, and a 100 -yen shop "Daiso" in addition to home appliances on the second floor.The food section also offers side dishes that make use of the unique ingredients of Hokkaido, such as Tokachi -style pork bowl and Otaru Kitami Bank onion.The 3rd and 4th floors are parking lots.Store area is 4545 tsubo (about 15,000 square meters).Open 24 hours.The number of parking units is 730 units.(The photo is a food counter) (the photo is a clothing section) (the photo is on the second floor, the "Daiso" section)

