[Breaking news] Aichi is the third, Mie is the second ... 8457 new infections in the three Tokai prefectures Aichi 6591 Gifu 984 Mie 882

On the 16th, it was found that 8457 people were newly infected with the new coronavirus in the three Tokai prefectures.

There are 6591 patients in Aichi prefecture, of which 2066 are patients in Nagoya city. It has been announced that three people have died so far.

 【速報】愛知は3番目,三重は2番目の人数...東海3県の新規感染8457人 愛知6591人 岐阜984人 三重882人

There are 984 people in Gifu prefecture, and it has been announced that two people have died.

There are 882 patients in Mie prefecture, of which 131 are patients in Yokkaichi city. 882 people are the second highest number after 1013 people on February 3, the highest number ever. It has also been announced that two men in their 70s, three women in their 80s, and one woman in their 90s have died, for a total of six people.

On Wednesday, February 9, a week ago, there were 6287 people in Aichi prefecture, 940 people in Gifu prefecture, and 880 people in Mie prefecture, for a total of 8107 people, an increase of 350 people.

The bed usage rate is 65.1% (as of 15th) in Aichi prefecture, 59.4% (as of 13th) in Gifu prefecture, and 57.1% (as of 16th) in Mie prefecture.

Gifu Prefecture Corona Vaccine >>> Aichi Prefecture Corona Vaccine >>> Mie Prefecture Corona Vaccine >>>

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