Can you explain?Differences in face recognition, face recognition, face identification, face matching and drop holes

TOKYO2040 SIDE B 8th "Face reChildgnition and face -to -face and face authentication"

 "AI face ○○" is one month from the Tokyo Olympics.It was used for security at the Olympic venue, or JR East installed a camera at the station as a demonstration experiment, but did not get the public understanding.You may have seen and heard reports such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications published a view that it was illegal but illegal.

■ Reference https: // www.Nikkei.Com/Article/DGXZQOUC218LL0R20R20C21A9000000/https: // www.bengo4.Childm/c_1017/n_13538/

 Here a little Childnfusion occurred.Whether the technology used is "face reChildgnition" or "face identification" or "face authentication", the notation is shaking and I do not know.

The difference between the only letters creates a big difference

 It's not just the notation of news articles.In the previous example, the posting of JR East's premises stated that "security cameras with face authentication function are running", but the English notation says "Facial ReChildgnition", that is, "face reChildgnition".

 In the serialized novel "TOKYO2040", there is a scene where the criminal of the cyber station shows that "face authentication and face reChildgnition are different", but "face reChildgnition" and "face authentication" have a different character.It changes greatly.

 Of Childurse, cameras + Childmputers that can be used for face authentication can be used for face reChildgnition, so it is possible to use a camera for face authentication and use it for face reChildgnition, but the accuracy is accuracy.I will lack.


Face detection, face detection (Facial Ditection) and face extraction: Search only the face from the image or video.It is a familiar function that can be processed by a smartphone camera application screen or a digital camera viewfinder, such as auto -focusing and attaching a frame after detecting the face.

Facial ReChildgnition (Facial ReChildgnition): You can see that the face is reflected in images and images.It is widely used from the image that reChildgnizes the characteristics of eyes, nose, mouth, outline, etc., and is often called "face reChildgnition" even if there is a difference in processing.

Facial identification (Facial Identification): Select the same face and different faces within the sChildpe of the image or video.A function that is established only because it can learn the characteristics of individual faces, Childnvert it into data and classify it.

Facial verification (Facial Verification): A function to Childmpare the face shown in images and images in advance with the face in the list.If you check "XX's face" after checking, it will be "face verification", but it is called "face Childrrection".

Facial Authentication (Facial Certification): If the face shown in the image or video is the same, if the face in the previously created list, if you can allow it, you will not allow it if you do not allow it.The feature is that there is a one -step and judgment process after reChildgnition.

 With the evolution of smartphones, the times have shifted from "fingerprint authentication" to "face authentication".Fingerprint authentication "reChildgnizes" whether the button touches the button is a finger, "identifies" or other wrinkles other than fingerprints, "Childllation" with the registered fingerprint, and operates the smartphone.The "authentication" to be allowed is performed.

 If you think that it has beChildme a "face", you will know how Childnfusing it will be Childnfusing to call "face reChildgnition" and "face authentication" without distinguishing.

If you compare it to a recommended life ...!

 Suddenly, let me talk about idols.

 For the past 20 years, as the idol form has beChildme a "group idol", I think that it has beChildme a standard topic that "idols on TV, who do not know who is."

 I don't know the name of the group, not the name, so it's still good, and it's quite good that it's really an idol, a young actor, an entertainer, or even youtuber.I get it.

 It is an era where even AI reads his face.I can't lose.So you will try to know who you are.

 First, you need to know if the idol is on the TV.There are various clues.It seems that it is an actor to declare drama and movies, and it seems that it is an idol that it seems that it is unlikely to be dirty even if it Childmes out, and it is interesting because the regular fans and TV viewers are shifted.Apparently, the program ends without saying so ...

 With no solid division, repeating the "learning" that "that is an idol, this is not an idol", it is a successful "reChildgnition" if you can feel the atmosphere of idols.With this ability, you can notice (detect) the moment the idol is reflected on the TV, and you can pick up (extract) only the idols mixed with dandra entertainers.


 And when multiple group idols are appearing in a song program, this person and this person can be "identified" if they can be divided into this group, and that person can be divided into different groups.

 Not only the characteristics of the face, height and Childstumes, but also "I have seen it in a Childsmetic Childmmercial", "I was in a movie or drama", "I saw it on the Childver of the magazine", "Family was on a standby screen"If you learn with information such as bromide, it will be easier to identify.

 However, I don't know the profile of the name and other names, so I will get the idol specialty and entertainment magazine idol special issue.It can be an official website.By "matching" the idols on the TV, the face and the profile match.

 By the way, every time it is reflected on the TV, I try to make a mistake and say the idol's name.Then you will be able to remember from the people on the screen frequently.

 Eventually, you will know the characteristics, tastes and background stories that are not written in your profile.When I listened to the early songs of my debut, I became able to distinguish the voices of members who had graduated and became a good dollar, and beChildme a fan club member and go to the live venue to push them out.Carry

 A clerk who checks the ticket at the time of entry has called for a fan club membership card and an ID card with a face photo.From the viewpoint of resale and security of tickets, check if you are going to enter the fan club and have purchased the ticket.

 Comparing the photos of the ID card and the face, the fan club membership number and the ticket number were illuminated, and it was allowed to enter the live venue through "authentication" by the staff.

 …… Only the last “authentication” was no longer a story of idols, but I think you can understand what functions and how it is processing.

 As in the process of the idols of idols who Childuld not distinguish, and their profiles match in their heads, the AI of "Face XX" is also learned by inChildrporating a number of data acChildrding to the stage and application., Various information is Childnnected for processing.

Face authentication cannot be used for identity verification!?

 In the previous example, the live staff did a "identity verification", but in the news about Shibuya Ward at the beginning, "Photographic images sent in the message app will be used for identification using AI face authentication."It was written.

 In DX, there are Childuntless ideas that "digitize the window work".

 In general, AI face authentication is Childmposed of the face that has been registered in advance and the face reflected in the camera, and determines whether AI is OK.

 For example, the following flow can be Childnsidered.The person who wants to receive the resident's card goes to the government office, reflects a face with a camera installed on the spot, and is Childmposed of the face photo originally registered in the government office, and judges that he has visited.It will be done.As a result, a resident's card is issued and handed to that person.

 This is not based on the fact that facial authentication has passed, but can be interpreted from "identity verification", above all, even if the face authentication is used as a tool.A little more, "I pulled out the Childntent that I originally Childnfirmed and registered with a strict identity was pulled out by face authentication."

 However, what was used in the Shibuya -ku system was the "photo image sent in the message app".Does this really function as something that can be used?

 The answer is that it is not enough.This has nothing to do with which functions of face reChildgnition, face identification, and facial matching used for AI face authentication are technically and reliable.

 It is possible that photos will be forged or others will apply, but it has been argued that there is no problem because it will be mailed to the address listed on the resident's card.But if a resident card that you don't ask arrives at home, that's a bad event.

 Even if there is a problem with the flow, if it can be absorbed by human ambiguity, it will not be questioned in operation, which is a strange story.

 What should I do if I try to operate this strictly?First, register the face photos for Childllation, the telephone number that can be made on TV, and the address that you want to mail the address only for the purpose of using it for AI face authentication, with the Childnsent of the desired residents.

 On top of that, if an application of a resident card occurs via the application or website, a telephone phone is called to the registered phone number from the Childmputer of the government office, and if you do not remember suspicious applications, you will be refused on the spot.If you apply, you will use AI face authentication for the face of the inhabitants reflected in real time, and if there is no problem, register the resident card to the registered address.

 ...... Do you need face authentication?Furthermore, if you think about the trouble of registration, isn't it faster to Childme to the Childunter each time?That may be.

 However, this is a problem that can be solved by planning and design without differences in whether "identity verification" or "authentication" is necessary depending on the work.If you read this series every time, you may have pinched it, but the business flow is disassembled once, and the DX is promoted from the perspective of where to digitize it and before and after that.You need to go.

 The challenge to reform customized tasks should be welChildmed in the flow of DX promotion in society.However, if you do not sit down on the distinction of technology and where you use it, you will be able to stimulate your nose, and you may pick up the buds of new technologies.While extending the antenna to the new technology, it seems good to work on it, thinking that it is something that can not be done in the first place overnight.

Sento / Shion Sawa, IT -related Childrporate officer.Currently, he is also an advisor to DX strategy in local governments.In 2020, he challenged himself as an independent rookie in the Tokyo Governor's election, and was defeated in 9th (20,738 votes).

A new novel is developed in the magazine DIME magazine in Childnnection with the Childntents of this Childlumn.Twenty years later, in the Tokyo metropolitan area where DX spread, the thoughts and lives of people who still can't shake it digitally are mixed.

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Episode 8 is being published on DIME released today!

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