Awareness of "biometric authentication" to 1,099 men and women nationwide conducted a survey on "biological authentication" about 52 % of people who are attracted to "face authentication" as the key function of the entrance door at home.

※1:2021年6月22日時点、金属製玄関ドア国内メーカーの電気錠一体型戸建住宅用玄関ドアに関しての自社調べ<主な調査結果>■ “生体認証”を知っている人は約84%、「使ったことがある」「現在も使っている」人は約53%■ “生体認証”を「使ったことがある」または「現在も使っている」人のうち、“顔認証”を「使ったことがある」「現在も使っている」人は65%■ 自宅の玄関扉(ドアや引戸)の「カギの施錠や解錠」機能として、顔認証に魅力的を感じる人は約52%■ 玄関扉のカギとして“顔認証”の一番の魅力は「セキュリティ面で安心」<調査概要>
実施時期 / 調査方法2021年10月13日~20日 / インターネット調査(YKK AP調べ)
対象者 / サンプル数全国の20歳~60代男女 / 1,099人

全国の男女1,099人に“生体認証”に関する意識調査を実施 自宅の玄関扉のカギ機能として、“顔認証”に魅力を感じる人は約52%


84 people who know biometric authentication.I confirmed that 3 % was recognized by many people.Also, among those who answered "I know", 53 people answered "I have used it" or "I still use it"..It was 4%, and it turned out that biometric authentication was highly recognized, and it became a familiar technology in life.


65 who answered "I have used" or "I still use it now" and have used face authentication at least once..It turns out that there are more than half at 0 %.People who have used it in the past (21).2 %) is considered to have experience in the airport screening, hotel and entertainment facilities for admission and admission systems.Also, those who are currently using (43).8 %) has been confirmed that it is used on a daily basis when locking smartphones and PCs or entering the office, and that face authentication is becoming more familiar in life.。


As a locking function of the key to the entrance door at home, the percentage of those who answered "very attractive" or "attractive" when investigated consciousness other than the conventional "key (manual lock)" is fingerprint authentication.Biological authentication that does not use "objects", such as face authentication, is higher than the key lock function that uses "things" such as cards and remote controls.In addition, fingerprint authentication (57 (57) that has penetrated as biological authentication).Following 9%), face authentication is 52.It was found that more than half, 1 %, the second most, and more than half of them are attracted to the skills of collaborating with people's faces as the key to the entrance door.In addition, when we investigated the troubles of opening and closing the key of the entrance door (locking), we found that the key to the key when the hands were buried with mail and baggage.There were a lot of sympathy, especially in the items that took time for locking.In the case of face authentication, the key can be opened and closed even when the hands are blocked by luggage or mail, searching for the key in the bag, or searching for the key hole in the dark such as at night.It is thought that there are many people who are attracted to the convenience without any trouble.


This entrance door is equipped with a "smart control key" that integrates the function of the electric lock into the door handle. Since its release in 2012, the sales volume has been increasing year by year, and as of May 2021, the sales composition of the YKK AP entrance door is 68 %, the mainstream of the YKK AP entrance door. This time, a new "face authentication key" has been added, and "Smart Control Key" is a "Pitt Key" that can be locked with IC tag key, and a "pocket key" that can be locked with remote control keys. ( * 2). It will be released from the representative series "Insulated Entrance Door" Venato D30 "", and will continue to develop to the entrance door and sliding door of other series. * 2: If you select the "face authentication key", you will be able to lock the IC tag key or remote control key.

● We adopt the technology of biometric authentication (3D authentication) that captures the face three -dimensionally by two built -in cameras in the outdoor unit, preventing unauthorized unlocking with facial dummy and photos.● It can be authenticated even at night with an infrared camera.● Up to 20 faces can register.● The facial authentication function and human sensor are integrated as a sensor unit, and the stress -free operation speed has been achieved until the lock has been realized.● The mounting height of the sensor unit to the door is set to 130cm, which enables authentication from adults to the height of the child.