"MONTHLY Mix" Contributed August 2020

1.What you feel through the support of pharmaceutical companies (from the consultant's eyes)

PWC Consulting supports many pharmaceutical companies for DX (digital transformation) and AI utilization, but I would like to introduce what they feel from the consultant's perspective.

「Monthlyミクス」2020年8月号 寄稿


The good thing is, first, I want to increase the aggression of the challenge in the digital area.Many pharmaceutical companies have been taking a number of advanced challenges for some time, but some companies have accelerated them.Many MRs have repeated trial and error, taking such movements positively.There is such a momentum in the industry, reminiscent of the time when e -details spread at acceleration from the middle and second half of 2000.

Another good point is the growing interest in analytics and the penetration of decision -making by data analysis using AI.For example, our support clients, including the Pfizer, use suggestions from AI analysis for decision -making and deploy them in the field.The analysis is performed for execution (execution), not for analysis.

Where is the room for growth for advanced companies?We believe that the biggest growth opportunity is to enhance the above -mentioned challenges to enhance the propulsion for the entire organization.And "practice of" Data-DRIVEN "PDCA" is important for the realization.PDCA may sound like a worn -out word, but even today, it is said in various places that the practical level greatly affects the growth potential of the organization, and repeated hypothesis building and verification is an innovation without the correct answer.The importance is increasing because it is now required (Fig. 1: "see" Data-DRIVEN "PDCA (overall picture) to accelerate growth).