「隣人から差別的嫌がらせ」と黒人女性 警察は「立件できず」

A black woman living in a residential area in the United States has been complaining that she has been racist from her neighbors/Courtesy Jannique Martinez

(CNN) Black women living in residential areas in Virginia have complained that their neighbors have received racist harassment.However, the police, who received her consultation, is in a position to be able to take on a criminal case.

Five years ago, Janik Martines moved to a residential area of Virginia Beach, a suitable environment for raising children."If I knew this, I didn't buy this house."

「隣人から差別的嫌がらせ」と黒人女性 警察は「立件できず」

According to Martinez, the harassment of a man living in the neighborhood began in a tremendous thing.The man has a sensor at home, and multiple lights flashes each time a nearby family comes in.

When the sensor works, loud music flows.Men say they switch music depending on which family they have passed.In addition, we have multiple cameras and constantly monitor the house around the house.

Recently, when Martinez's husband stopped his car on the street in front of a male house, he began to scream at the monkey instead of music.Now, every time the family comes in and out of the house, the squeal of the monkey resounds.

From the date the family consulted with the local police, harassment has been further escalated and has begun to flush black -hearted glory, which seems to have been picked up on the Internet.

Local police explained to CNN that they knew the circumstances and decided that they would not be a criminal case.

CNN asked his neighbor's man to comment, but no response was obtained.