English is "plain" so it is comfortable -Know how to taste English and American literature

Explain the specialty field to high school students who are worried about undergraduate selection!Popular corner "Introduction to culture for high school students".This time is English and American literature.Is English sober?What is the definition of "poetry"?If a high school student reads English literature novels?We talked to Mr. Kimihiko Abe about the taste of English literature and this.(Listman / configuration / Nanako Yamamoto)

◇ English is "plain"?

――What kind of high school student was your teacher?

He was a very plain student.My school is a consistent junior high school in Shizuoka.It was a school created by a missionary Canadian.There are many so -called "native" teachers, and English has been about 8 hours a week since junior high school, and there were even LL classes and type classrooms.However, even though they were Canadians, they were all French Canadians, so English is a strong "French valve".The school was on the mountains, and I was in the dormitory, so it was completely isolated from the so -called "lower world" under the mountains.

There are only tea plantations and mandarin fields around, and dormitory students ran around that and were covered in tea and tangerines.At that time, I remember that it was customary to be a professional wrestling epidemic, and even if I became a high school student, when I passed in the corridor, I always chopped each other while saying "upper" or a western lari -out.It was really idyllic, and it was a country odor.

On the other hand, when viewed throughout the school, there were many doctors and self -employed children, and such children were flashy and played with local girls such as Shizuoka Futaba and Toyo Eiwa.I had no connection at all, so I was just hearing that story, "It's amazing."It's not bad, not an honor student.At least until junior high school, I had no memories of my teacher, and I never got along with a specific teacher.

It may be because of that, but from that time, I had been wearing something like a "good idea".This is still going on.If you think this is a good idea, you should write it down.The invention has nothing to complete.For example, a fully automatic tennis court that does not have to pick up a ball that applies a fully automatic mahjong table.

So, when I was little, I said, "If you come up with a good thing, write down the book that came up with a good thing."There is only a notebook.

Meanwhile, when I was in my first year of high school, an English teacher was assigned.He was still a young teacher in his twenties, but he was motivated, and after school, he started reading Shakespeare's "Macbeth" in the original text, and I participated in it.The English test problem was a quote from a British poet John Keats.

It seems that some people thought it was a high level or pedantic, but thanks to the teachers, I had various books introduced from literature to linguistics to anthropology.There were many things that I read, but thanks to the teacher, I was able to suck the academic air.

――Are the reading experience at that time, what to go on to English literature?

that's right.Another opportunity is a class when I was in my first year, before the period before I was divided into a specialty.She entered the seminar of English literary scholar Yura Yura, but there is no other area in English literature, and in the atmosphere of philosophy, sociology, and psychology.did.The students who are coming are also terrible, and Derida, Foucault, Arenae, is it natural?She has a face like that.

Unlike me, I was ready to read western lari -sertins on the mountains of Shizuoka, and I thought that I had been reading Deleuze and Rakan since I was a high school student.

So, at first I felt like I didn't think I was the same college student, but while talking to another participant after the seminar, I could say what I could do.I can see things gradually.Well, of course, young people stretch out and bite.If you look closely, you'll know that everyone in the city -style gorgeous people are quite overdoing.

I didn't want to look anyway, so I decided to go on a sober route.I thought about what I thought about myself, what I was convinced of as my real feeling, and in the process of trying to compete with what I came up with.

I would like to say this to young people today, but those who are smart tend to jump into the concepts they have learned.It looks more flashy and cool.Even in my generation, there are quite a few people who have used theory to "theory" when starting literary research, but some seem to be discussing only for discussions.If you do not return to life -size topics occasionally and return the "concept" to the start, there is a danger that the content and the theory will fall into the theory.

This can be said about the discussions of political youths in the 1960s and 70s, and that applies to the current politics.It is better to study more and more in studying, but I want to return to the plain question, "What can I say from my own point?"

――It's “plain route”, is English literary “plain”?

The teacher I met when I went to Hongo at least in the third grade was sober.I'm sorry to give my real name, but Dr. Takaki Hiraishi was scared and scared in class, and his career was amazing, but the sober smell I had in my house was amazing, oh, I think such a teacher can trust it.That's why.So is Mr. Kazuhisa Takahashi, who was just a colleague until recently.

Hongo's English literature teacher had such a sober smell.So you don't have to bite.There was an air that didn't have to force me to say something I didn't really think or believe.It was very cozy for me.

In the first place, British culture has such a place.It can be said that it is too realistic to be too realistic, and there are few longing for ideals and ideas, but only those with feet on the ground.Whether it's English literature writers or scholars who study such writers, the flashy and fine -grained large furoshiki will quickly laugh with a nose white.

However, it cannot be denied that the strain may be mixed.For example, French literature is cool.Both your grooming, how to live, are stylish.English is serious, clerical work is done, but it is not interesting.Therefore, even in university, there are many English teachers, but it seems that French teachers are always told.After all, the French system has a valve.After all, it is a French person who becomes the president or receives the literary award.

Speaking of which, Natsume Soseki was a serious English teacher before becoming a novelist.Looking at his young composition, he wrote a book like a bureaucracy about English education.He suggests how to hire a junior high school English teacher.It is English literature who can do such steady things.I can't imagine Hideo Kobayashi writing a plan about the treatment of a French teacher.

The curriculum created at university tends to make a muddy and seriously made curriculum.Maybe it leads to England culture under English literature.

――What are the characteristics of England culture?

England is good at creating a system that works no matter who comes in.For example, if you raise the sports that originated in England, there is no end.Soccer, rugby, baseball, golf, horse racing, table tennis, crickets ...

It was good to spread words.Although it is a very difficult language to master English with many exceptions, it was distributed reluctantly.In terms of numbers, Spanish and Chinese are quite important, but for the time being, English hegemony is likely to continue.The financial system, the framework of diplomacy, and the way of war are led by Anglo Saxon.In short, I think it's good to take in different molecules.I will draw a hostile thing into my house.

Of course, there will be criticism.But we can't help but recognize the effects of England's parliamentary politics.Even if you look at the UK today, there is a strong aspect of trying to balance it in a realistic way.It is not deceived by extreme thoughts and things that are too gorgeous.And there is a patience that keeps a muddy discussion, not or not.

In contrast, Hitler once activated power and quickly created a fine highway like Outburn, but it was hard to complete the UK public works and other public works.It seems that there are many things, but this may be inevitable.

For example, there is a dictionary called Oxford English Dictionary (OED).This is one symbol of British culture.It is a dictionary with ambition to put all words in English.And the most amazing is, along with the example, when each word was first used.The project started in the mid -19th century, and the edition of 12 books plus a compilation came out in the 20th century.It was revised in 1989, but at this time it was swept away to 20 books.

OXFORD English Dictionary by MRPOLYONYMOUS

It's so huge, so I'm still writing a little while looking for private volunteers.Some people have a hobby to find and let them know if there is an error in the dictionary.Like "This word, there's a first time before!"

This OED is now a database, but at the time of our book, it was a graduate student's obligation to buy it as an English literature.If I put out about 100,000 yen at a used bookstore, I was able to prepare 20 books.

―― 20 books only in dictionaries!?

A alone is a world like one book.So it can't be used like a normal dictionary.For example, when the word design is drawn, it is the first time that it came out for the first time, and it was described as an example.It's rather inconvenient to just check the meaning.

But when reading a book in the 17th and 18th century, if you think the meaning of Design may be different, draw this dictionary.If you do so, it will certainly have a slightly different meaning.In the first place, I think it's amazing that I can make such a dictionary or make it.Very obsession and patience.

Darwin, who wrote the "Seeds", was also from the UK, and assembled a major discussion that leads to the "evolution theory" while observing the collected creatures.English literary people who are attracted to English may be attracted to such England culture and like or are good at accumulating knowledge steadily.

What is "poetry"?

――The teacher is specialized in English and American literature, especially British and American poems, but what do you know about learning English and American poems?

The study of English literature began with poetry research.This is because modern literary criticism itself began by thinking about how to read poetry.

Poetry once had a great power as a device to convey words.In the days when the binding of the community was strong, the poem "type" led to the power.If the rules of society were strong, it was necessary to clear communication rules.In that sense, poetry is connected to human primitive collectiveivity.

In addition, before the technology to record information, such as printing techniques, developed in various ways, the "container", a poem, also helped the memory.

But as we approached the present age, people no longer have poetry as in the past.There was no longer a tied up in a very micro society like the past, and communication code has become diverse.Poetry was originally powerful due to the restraint of "type", so if the "type" restraint weakens, we will not be prepared to experience such things.So you can't read the poem.

This means that poems are no longer needed.The binding of the community has weakened, and the "individual" has been born, and it has become necessary to act and speak individually than to act in a group.

It is no longer necessary to rely on poetry type for recording.In modern society, at least ostensibly takes a distance from the rituals, so the rituals tied to the mold can only be annoying.As a result, the poem is "?"It looks only a mysterious and mysterious thing.Various promises of poetry can be seen as mere communication failure.

In fact, I don't read poems now.There are people who write, and they are forcibly read at schools, but there are quite a few people who are growing up and reading as hobbies.There is no doubt that the age of modern times is losing poetry culture.At the end of the 19th century, such a crisis was already felt.Especially, it was a matter of how society treats personal emotional expressions.In such a situation, in the 20th century, criticism was born in the form of loosening and understanding emotional expressions with intelligent words.

Poetry is ambiguous compared to ordinary words.That's why it was worth analyzing.If you interpret it in various ways, people who indicate that analyzing words is a very creative task will come out of the UK, and the way to read poetry will be sophisticated.In addition, the method can be considered to be applied to novels and social phenomena.

――I think there is something called “poetry” all over the world, what is poetry?Is it decided by experts?

This is an interesting place.It depends on the times.In 100 years, about one person who defines, "From now on, such poems should be written."For example, in the 17th century Britain, it was a poem that taught while entertained with comfortable rhetoric and words.In other words, the element of "preaching" was quite strong.

However, from around the 18th and 19th century, it has become an individualism era.In that case, poems that represent the hidden emotions in themselves are considered to be sympathetic to the readers.The poet gradually competes for "uniqueness."The spoken free poems written in Japan are one of them.

As I said, poems before the 18th and 19th centuries were more public.Poetry was not what the poet produced only by his own power.Based on the rules shared by everyone, a person who received the revelation wrote it.At that time, there was a poetry goddess, and she let me write a poem.When I read the old poem, it was written like "Oh, the goddess of poetry", and if you read it now, you may think it's weird, but in the past it was a rule.

Even now, the poet knows that poetry is not something you write on your own.After all something comes down.But now he may say "unconscious" instead of "God".Anyway, it is better to "write but write" instead of consciousness.

In the 20th century, the format will be abandoned.Then, the border that can be seen by appearance will disappear more and more.This may have led to the decline of poetry.After all, when expressing "poetic things", it is no longer necessary to take the form of poetry.Clothes are good or food.Some say, "It's a poetic dish."

So, in this era, what is "poetic thing" is in the first place.Even now, if you say, "It's poetic," even those who don't usually read poetry will be convinced.But when you think about it, what is this "poetic"?

――Is the definition of “poetry” has changed, so what is the ambiguous poem?

that's right.Suddenly, as a concrete thing, the absolute thing is that poetry is based on a repetitive principle.For example, an example from English literature is a work in William Break, "Tyger".

Tyger Tyger, Burning Bright,

In The Forests of the Night;

What Imortal Hand or Eye,


In What Distant Deeps or Skies.

Burnt The Fire of the Eyes?

On What Wings Dare He ASPIRE?

What the hand, dare seize the fire?


And what shoulder, & what art,



What dread hand? & what dread feet?

What the hammer? What the chain,

In What Furnace Was THY BRAIN?

What the Anvil? What DREAD GRASP,



And Water'd Heaven with the Tears:



Tyger Tyger Burning Bright,

In The Forests of the Night:

What Imortal Hand or Eye,


One of the attention of this poem is that the word Tyger comes out many times.The repetition of Tyger is producing power.You may not be able to repeat the same words, and some people may not have more information, but poems are exactly what they sell.

In other words, as the information does not increase, the meaning of Tyger changes as if it was magic or a spell as you repeat the word Tyger, and it is strange to swell in this heart.Things grow.

Apparently, poems seem to have the power to make something emerge and feel strange while repeating repetitions like this.In English poems, many of them call on something and cause magical effects with the call.

In fact, do you feel strange when you hear this poem called "tiger"?

--yes!I felt very powerful.I feel like I was grabbed this neck.

As I said earlier, poetry was a device to record words where there was no paper.In order to convey important information to posterity, I gave a rhythm to words and left a deep impression.Japanese has a 7.5 -tone rhythm, and English has a unique rhythm.

However, the situation changes when printing technology is developed.When the words are printed and it is possible to reprint as much as possible, it is necessary to communicate information more efficiently rather than repeat.At the same time, the magical effects that have been repeated are forgotten.

I don't like the repetition of prose.Even if you look at the newspaper article, it would be weird if you said the same thing in the first and fourth lines.Or avoid repeating the ends monotonously, such as "~" or "~".In prose, it is better to increase or expand.In poetry, repeatedly was good, but it is important to change and change without repeating in prose.

Now, we think the person who repeats the same thing is a weird person.If you tell the same person in the same person, you will be pointed out, "I said yesterday."But it may be possible to have a form of knowledge that repeats the same thing over and over again.At least it was in the past.I think the rules of knowledge are different between old and today.

There is a book called "Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology" (Chuo Public Official Shinsha), written by Kenji Terawaki, who was born in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and introduced "Ryutori Education".Once upon a time, the Ministry of Education was called a third -class government agency, but Mr. Terawaki said that he reformed such a government agency to be said to be top -notch.

Why was the Ministry of Education the third class?Because it was the "maintenance government agency".I wanted to maintain an existing system.I should have allocated the budget to schools as usual, and if there were any problems, I should have corrected it.However, Mr. Terawaki changed it to a planning type.

This is the idea that was introduced there.Speaking of something new, you do money, but if you don't say something new, you won't do money, but rather decrease.Thanks to the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education has been planning to plan more and more, and the universities below it have to do so.That is the current situation.Education has become a planned type.

But will it really work?I still know if I only research, but I think that the important part of education is similar to poetry.In other words, there is a form of knowledge that conveys by repeating the same thing.Like the poem of the "tiger" earlier, as you repeat, the meaning of a new thing is born or the meaning of being repeated in the meantime changes.

It is an element of knowledge that you can not understand unless you stop doing that, calm down and take time, but I think that it supports the stability of human life in a deep place.To do.It is certainly necessary to make a new proposal, but I think that it is okay to look a little more in the part that cannot be scooped.

The current culture will always pursue new things.This flow will not change.But you need something that balances it somewhere.Poetry has the power of repetition as an old -fashioned form of knowledge in its core, so it may be an effective antithesis for today's society, which tends to be forward.

However, well, there is not much win (laughs).I feel that there is not much room for poems to survive in the media.If you get used to the lively words that flow on SNS, you will usually feel a different word in one minute.If there is something that does not change forever in such a flow, it will be, "I'm still saying the same thing."I feel busy.

From the perspective of people in a hurry, the words of poetry seem to be just sloppy.I think I'm reading a lot of poetry than ordinary people, but I'm still busy, so I need to change the switch to read the poem.

――When you look at SNS, etc., I thought that the post became poetic from those who seemed to work, so I thought, "Labor will make people a poet."I thought that the poem I felt here was a fixed type of repetition like "growth", "encounter", and "thanks".By the way, when I look at other people's "poetic" things, I think there are many people who have a mean feeling swelling, but why?

The poem introduced in Japanese school education may be because there are many types that are "embarrassing their important things but exposed in public."Like "I'm like this, please forgive me", I give my words shyly.This is in line with the poetry manner of indicating "unique me" since the romantic school.In other words, it is romantic.And that is exactly the intentions.

Such poems sometimes win with a feeling of being drunk.J. S. Mill says that poetry is a leak from somewhere (Overhear).I think it's a good way to say it.Rather than speaking directly to the reader, it is a poem that the poet is immersed in his own world.If you can sympathize with the sickness well, you can get power, but sometimes the sickness of others is troublesome.Noisy, or something.The breath smells (laughs).

That's why the poetry has the physiology of the writer, so when reading, I think it's better to pick it up from a type that can accept the smell.Conversely, if you write it yourself, if you keep the amount with alcohol, you may be therapy, and you will be able to clean it well.

Well, but from the people around you, it feels strange.Modern people are not allowed to be too emotional on the text.I am no longer allowed to give my emotions naked.If you are a convenient feeling, a very festive or a media format, you can accept it with Yanya's cheers (such as joy gestures when you score a goal in soccer), but more dim emotions and bad annoying troubles.There is no place to express the emotions well.The person who is heard immediately complains, "I'm wearing this, but he's naked!"

That's why a tool like SNS now will take over the territory that poetry used to be.I think that the reason that people write themselves more and more in such a place, even though they don't have money is because the body wants emotional expression.

Use novels!

――Do you have the unique charm of English literature?

If you read literature in a foreign language, not just English literature, you will be sensitive to the unique use of words.In Japanese, we read it for granted, so we tend to be careless about how to write.

Not surprisingly, the sentence can affect the heart and let it go.Even with the same content, the effects and ways of transmitting are completely different depending on the shape.In a foreign language, you can read more carefully more than usual, so you should feel the shape of such words more delicate.English is a relatively familiar foreign language for many people, so I think it is convenient to first read English sentences, especially literary works, in many ways to know the "effects" of English.

――Are there any English literature novels recommended for high school students?

English literature varies from times to time.First of all, it can be thought that the characters with modern ego began to be drawn in the 16th and 17th centuries when Shakespeare was active.What you want to pay attention to in Shakespeare is the power of words.It is his literary work that makes English so attractive.I think it's not bad to just take a look at Shakespeare's naming collections.It will decide loosely or loosely.

Of course, it is interesting to read by translation.And I recommend the 19th century novel for high school students.It is said that modern novels were born in the 18th century, but in the 19th century, this is very sophisticated.

This is the place to read.The narrator of the novel steps into the inside of the characters who should not really know and expand it.I don't understand the feelings of others.Still, I write as if I had seen it.I guess, imagine, decide without permission.Originally, you shouldn't know, so you may come off or hit.

However, looking at such a fight between narrators and characters developed in the story of the novel, I realized that the 19th century was a time when I thoroughly thought about people to understand each other.You will feel it with you.I think this alone is a harvest.

In addition, the 19th -century British novels contain plenty of personal desires and social rules.Usually, individuals are frustrated, but looking at them, you can also think about what personal desires are in the first place and why society and individuals are in good compromise.。

Adolescent is just a time to think about that.Often, what you want to do and the system.I think it would be nice to use novel thoughts there.

In the 20th century novel, it will be a bit experimental to do something different from what you did in the 19th century.At the beginning of the 20th century, it was an attempt to make the unconscious words of the heart moving into words.At first glance, such a novel doesn't know what you're saying.It may be difficult at first, but if you read after reading the 19th century novel, you will be convinced that "yeah!"

――It's more interesting to sympathize in the 19th century, which is far from the times, than the 20th century.

People in pure literature in Japan have strongly denied the idea of teaching how to live in life.The novel writes not only the right one, but also evil, and writes something unknown.Therefore, the perspective of regarding the novel as pure art was much more powerful.But originally, the novel was close to the self -development book.I don't mean "read as a self -development book", but I don't think it's bad to use a novel for high school students who are worried about how to live.

――I thought that it would be a story that would not be useful!

I think it is good at all.Literature may have a dark and unhealthy image, but I think reading sentences is good for health.Some people say that they are addicted because they link the work of the body and reading the text in some way.

For example, writers with a respiratory organs may reflect the suffering and peace of breathing in the text.In Japan, for example, writers like Saeki Kazumi express their breathing in a very sophisticated way.When I read his text, he seemed strangely prepared to his breathing.If you read a strange sentence, you may feel bad here (laughs).The first thing that makes you feel better physically rather than your head is a pleasant sentence.I hope you can enjoy the physical pleasure of such a sentence among high school students.

This is too familiar with reading in Japanese, so reading English may make you more conscious.More specifically, reading aloud is more effective.In cooperation with hearing, the sloppy sensation of the tongue, and the characters you see, you can take English more fleshy.

――I decided that literature was bad for your health, so your mindset changed.If you learn English literature, is English good?

In literature, poems and novels are emotional, so it is convenient to learn something like English glue.English has English rhythm and emotional expression points.If you can hold it down and you can remember it, it will be easy to communicate with conversations.

In the field of education, it should be more aware that English is in English, and Japanese has a unique emotional exchange mechanism in Japanese.In Japanese, if you say "Did you enjoy today?" And say "... yes", "yes!" The same "yes" is different.

It is very difficult to grammar or explain in words around here.It is best to learn through specific examples.So, if you can stock such an example, you will lose your hardships in English conversation.

In the first place, reading a novel is also an experience of meeting a new world.All works have individual rules.The writer sends it here.If you don't understand and accept this, you can't enter the work world.This is a hassle, but it's also an exciting.

As long as you live in society, there will be similar things.Meet, face each other, and learn the rules of that person.This is a repetition.Bothersome.But sometimes it's interesting.The act of reading a novel may be quite practical in terms of thinking about the rules of such "encounters".

―― Finally, please give a word to high school students.

No matter what you do in the future, you don't have to overdo it if it's interesting.Rather, the encounter with interesting things begins because I really think it's not interesting!In that sense, it's paradoxical, but when you are young, you may need to have a boring experience, read stupid, and be terrible.Through that, the desire for something really interesting is sprouting, and the tips for encountering such things may be improved.

5 recommended books for high school students!

I want high school students to touch Shakespeare English.Iwanami Bunko's bilingual series is useful in such a case.

Malamad is a writer who is known for its short story depicting the Jewish people in New York.With a tasty taste, dark and bright things permeate the heart.

A problem work in modern English literature.It is a story that starts from a place where a university English literature teacher falls down with sexual harassment, but even though it is a terrible story, the story is light and the tempo is really good, so I think I will read it more and more.Kutze is from South Africa.

Explains how to read English poems.I do not use as difficult terms as possible, so I think that high school students can read it.There is also a translation.

This is a book that talks about the border between poems and things that have become a hot topic in this interview.Where is the poem in the first place?The starting point of the story is that poetry is not always in a collection of poems.This is also enough to read by high school students.