[on-the-spot investigation and Research on the Reading of Primary School students] Reading has a great positive effect on children with low academic ability. "self-investigation" and "topic increase" A wide range of advantages are obvious in enterprise distribution | Daily Industrial News Electronic Edition

Issuer: Benesse holding Co., Ltd.

【小学生の読書に関する実態調査・研究】読書は学力が低い子どもたちに大きなプラス効果「自分で調べる」「話題が増える」幅広いメリットが明らかに 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

Benesse Corporation (headquarters: Okayama, chairman: Jen Kobayashi), a subsidiary of Benesse Holdings Limited, is the internal think tank of Benesse Education Comprehensive Research Institute, which is based on the results of e-book reading resumes and academic aptitude tests and questionnaires. We started a survey and study to track the impact of reading on learning ability and attitudes. The study, which lasted for one year and four months, shows that the more children read, the higher their learning ability, especially in arithmetic, which has a good effect on children with low academic ability (those with lower academic ability). In addition, children experience the "spread of learning" and "connection with others" through reading, as well as their wide range of benefits in consciousness and behavior. The Benesse Institute of Comprehensive Education will continue to analyze reading types and reading methods to study the impact of reading on the improvement of a variety of qualities and abilities. [main analysis results] 1. The more children read, the higher their learning ability, especially for the group of "arithmetic" that affects the amount of reading "more", "less" and "no". Compared with the change of the deviation of one year and four months, the average score of "more" children is + 1.9 points. In contrast, "nothing" is-0.7 points, reducing the deviation value. Figure 1, especially the deviation in arithmetic, varies greatly, with + 3.5 points in the "many" group and-1.3 points in the "none" group. Figure 2 * "read more" is a child who has read more than 10 books with e-books in a year and four months. "No Reading" is a child who has never read a book. Trailblazer Reading is based on the results of positive academic aptitude tests for children with low academic ability. Children are divided into three groups to confirm whether the reading effect of different academic levels is different, and reading with low academic ability is more effective. According to the change of the deviation of the four subjects, the difference between "reading more" group and "non-reading" group in "academic ability superior" group is + 1.5%, while in "academic ability inferior" group, the difference between "reading more" and "non-reading" is + 4.7%. Figure 33. Children themselves are also asked about the benefits of extensive reading, such as "expansion of learning" and "connection with others", and feel good about children who use e-books. Those who read the books mentioned in class (71.3%), surveyed themselves if they didn't understand anything (66.9%), and talked about books with family members (60.0%) were among the top. From "the expansion of learning" to "connecting with others", we find that they widely feel the benefits of reading. Figure 4 data 1: how does the amount of reading affect academic ability 1) [the relationship between the amount of reading and the change of academic ability] the more children who read, the higher their learning ability, the higher their academic ability (the average deviation of the four disciplines). The average value of "reading more" is + 1.9, while that of "no reading" is-0.7, which reduces the deviation. 2) [the relationship between the amount of reading and the academic ability of various disciplines] the amount of reading, especially from the change of the deviation of each discipline that affects the improvement of the academic ability of "arithmetic", there are significant differences in "reading quantity" and "deviation value change" in any discipline of Mandarin, arithmetic, science and society. The deviation of "reading more" is the highest. Among them, the learning ability of "arithmetic" has a great influence. It can be speculated that it improves the "ability to correctly read the questions and conditions given in the article", prepares a calm learning environment according to reading habits, and brings positive effects to "stacked" problems (computational problems, etc.). 3) [for who is effective] Reading has a great positive effect on children with low academic ability [in advance] (August 2016) based on the results of the academic aptitude test (August 2016), the children were divided into three groups to confirm whether the reading effect of different academic levels was different. Children with low academic ability have a greater effect on reading. Data 2: children's feelings about which aspects of reading are "good" 4) [the effect of reading from a child's point of view] is aimed at children who read e-books such as "expansion of learning" and "connection with others" brought about by reading. I asked questions that I thought were good. As a result, "read the books mentioned in class", "investigate yourself if you don't understand anything", "talk about books with your family", "you can recommend books to friends" and so on. From "the expansion of learning" to "connection with others", we can see that they widely feel the benefits of reading. [conclusion] in order to live in the future, children today not only need to master knowledge and skills, but also need to improve their ability to use this knowledge, judgment and expression. This analysis shows that reading may be related to the growth of subject learning ability. But not only that, children also read to investigate their feelings and questions and create opportunities to share with someone. Such an experience can be considered to help to improve a variety of qualifications and abilities. The Benesse Institute of Education plans to analyze historical data in more detail in the future. What kind of children? when and what kind of books do they read? What kind of qualifications and abilities does this experience have to do with? I want to spread this kind of research deeply and clearly to the society so as to help children create a better reading environment. E-book service "e-library virtual library" into the e-book service freely available to seminar members (https://www.benesse.co.jp/zemi/ml/). With the environment and devices connected to the Internet, you can read freely anytime, anywhere. The books that can be lent can be changed regularly, and you can choose the books you want to read from 1000 books at any time. Because of this ease of use, there are now about 800000 primary, junior and senior high school students using the service, with an average of about 360000 users per month (as of September 2018). For children, it has become an important reading opportunity to replace ordinary (paper) books. Materials related to this release can be downloaded from the home page of the Benesse Institute of Comprehensive Education. For more information about https://berd.benesse.jp/special/bigdata/ebookanalysis.php corporate press releases, please visit the top of PRTIMES.


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