Japan's first! JAF develops a special attachment that can carry a motorcycle with a tow truck

■ Faster response to motorcycle troubles

JAF, a road service company, has developed the first "two-wheel attachment" in Japan that can tow a motorcycle with a tow truck. Operation started nationwide from Wednesday, May 5th.

By attaching this device to a tow truck device that can normally only tow four-wheeled vehicles, it will be possible to safely transport motorcycles that could not be towed until now.

It is said that this will increase the number of vehicles that can transport motorcycles that cannot move due to problems such as falls and breakdowns, and will enable faster response.

●Motorcycles can be moved even with a tow truck

Usually, a tow truck is often used to move a four-wheeled vehicle that cannot move due to trouble, but in fact, a normal tow truck can be used to move a motorcycle that easily falls over. It is structurally impossible to tow.

For that reason, when JAF received a motorcycle rescue request, they went to the site with a loading vehicle. However, since JAF's main service vehicles are tow trucks, there are only 209 trucks and multi-purpose vehicles that can carry motorcycles.

Because of the limited number of vehicles, until now, if it was difficult to arrange a service car that could respond to motorcycle trouble, it would take a long time to arrive at the site.

Japan's first! JAF's motorcycle and tow truck

In fact, I once had the experience of requesting help from JAF when the engine stopped restarting when I fell alone on a motorcycle. At that time, there was a vehicle that could carry the motorcycle, and I was told that it would take more than 6 hours to arrive.

The place where I fell was in the urban area of ​​Tama district in Tokyo, so it didn't take much time to arrive.

At that time, I managed to get rescued by asking my favorite motorcycle shop to dispatch a loading vehicle, but JAF's motorcycle rescue depends on the timing, but what is a four-wheeled vehicle? I realized that it takes more time than anything else.

●Compatible with everything from mopeds to large motorcycles

In order to solve these problems, JAF has developed the aforementioned two-wheel attachment.

This is Japan's first device that guarantees structural safety (utility model registered), and it is an original system that can only be installed on JAF service cars.

As a result, the number of vehicles that can move motorcycles has increased to 523 in total by adding tow trucks that can be equipped with two-wheel attachments in addition to the above-mentioned loading vehicles and multi-purpose vehicles.

In addition, the range of bikes that can be loaded on the attachment is as follows.

・Displacement: Moped (50cc) ~ Large motorcycle (about 1300cc) ・Motorcycle wheelbase: 1145mm ~ 1700mm ・Example of a bike that can be loaded: Honda Dio (50cc) = Wheelbase 1145mm Suzuki Skywave (250cc) = Wheelbase 1600mm Honda CB1300SF (1300cc) = Wheelbase 1520mm *Data from JAF research

For riders, if they encounter trouble while touring or on the go, they can feel more secure than ever before. In addition, you can see how to carry a motorcycle using a tow truck equipped with this attachment on JAF's official YouTube channel.

(Text: Naoki Hiratsuka)

[Related links]

JAF Channel (JAF official YouTube channel) "Japan's first! Developed an attachment for towing a motorcycle"