Fujikawa Tenjin Wolong Plum is in full bloom Kagoshima / Satsumasendai City

Last week there was a warm and cheerful feeling of spring, but on the 7th, it was a cold return due to the cold of winter. Meanwhile, at Fujikawa Tenjin in Satsumasendai City, Kagoshima Prefecture, Wolong Plum is in full bloom and many people are visiting.

The pale pink flowers are in full bloom, and the little birds peck their nectar at Fujikawa Tenjin's Wolong Plum, which is also designated as a national natural monument.

 藤川天神 臥竜梅が見ごろ 鹿児島・薩摩川内市

The name of Wolong Plum is derived from the fact that the trunk twists and digs into the ground like a dragon, and it is said that the strain planted by Sugawara no Michizane, who is known as the god of learning, has propagated.

It is said that the best time to see the flowers in 2022 is about one week to 10 days later than usual, but since last weekend, many people have come to see the flowers.

The person who visited "It's beautiful because I thought it would bloom more in the future." The person who visited "I smell it as soon as I came. It's not a complaint of the song, but I thought it was a good smell."

Fujikawa Tenjin's Wolong Plum is in full bloom until this weekend.

The daytime temperature is expected to rise after the 8th and become spring-like cheerful.

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Satsumasendai City, Kagoshima Prefecture
