After school Princess Official Blog 9/18 (Sat) After school Princess New Single "Certificate of Psyllium" Release Event Held Information List

『放課後プリンセス・miao合同リリースイベント ミニライブ&特典会』◆日時2021年9月18日(日)  🏫1部🏫 13:00〜 👑2部👑 16:00〜※候補生・仲野りおんは足の怪我治療に専念するため休演させていただきます。※候補生・水野青海は学業のためしばらく休演させていただきます。◆会場パセラリゾーツ銀座 ベノア銀座 B3F住所:東京都 中央区 銀座6-13-16 銀座ウォールビル B3F)◆時間

11: 30 ~… Target product sales/admission ticket distribution [1 part] 12: 30 ~… Customer gathering/admission with an admission ticket with reference number/admission

12: 45 ~… Customers who do not have an admission ticket with a referral number/Entrance 13: 00-13: 20… MIAO Mini Live 13: 25-13: 55… after School Princess Mini Live

* After the mini -live, we will hold a privilege party.

[2 copies]

15: 30 ~… Customer gathering with an admission ticket with reference number/admission 15: 45 ~… Customer gathering/admission without a referral number/admission

16: 00-16: 20… MIAO Mini Live 16: 25-16: 55… After School Princess Mini Live

* After the mini -live, we will hold a privilege party.

* There is an upper limit on the number of visitors in consideration of social distances as part of the new colonavirus infection prevention.At the venue on the day, we will give priority to customers who have purchased the target product.Please check the precautions before participating.

◆入場料各部 ¥1,000※お支払いは現金、電子マネー(iD、交通系)が使用可能です。※ドリンク代なし※再入場可◆特典会について《特典会内容》※対象商品1つご購入で特典券を1枚お渡しいたします。※リリースイベント対象となりますのでこれまでに発行されております放課後プリンセス特典券はご使用になれません。※特典会中、メンバーはマスクもしくはフェイスシールドを着用させていただきます。 ●特典券1枚メンバー個別トーク 30秒※メンバーはフェイスシールドをさせて頂きます。※飛沫感染防止シートごしでのトークとなります。

●特典券2枚メンバー個別ソロ写メ撮影 or お客様とメンバーの2ショット自撮り写メ※メンバーはフェイスシールドをさせて頂きます。※お客様ご自身で写メ撮影をして頂く形となります。

* 2 Shot self -portraits are taken with droplet infection prevention sheet.

 ●特典券3枚集合写メorセレクト(メンバー2名または3名)写メ※メンバーのみの撮影になります。※メンバーはフェイスシールドをさせて頂きます。※お客様ご自身で写メ撮影をしていただく形となります。 ●特典券4枚メンバー個別ロングトーク&お客様私物サイン(90秒)※メンバーはフェイスシールドをさせて頂きます。※飛沫感染防止シートごしでのトークとなります。※下記注意事項をよくご確認ください。

* The meeting / select photo is performed first, and the members are individual talks and photographs → long talk.


* Regarding the shooting, it will be a single shot of the member or a two -shot (a self -portrait of the customer), and you will be taken by yourself.

You can also shoot with a check camera you bring your own (please bring a check camera and film yourself).The members will be shooting after wearing the face shield.

* Shooting will be taken with your equipment (mainly mobile phones).Please do not forget to bring it on the day.

* I can't sign my personal belongings who judge that the staff is not suitable for signing the personal signing.In addition, the members will sign after wearing rubber gloves.Please note that the delivery of personal items to be signed will be via the staff, and at that time the staff will wear rubber gloves.

* The contents of the bonus meeting may be changed in a hurry without notice.

* Individual talks will be passed through the droplet infection prevention sheet.Please understand in advance.

* "Bonus ticket" is valid only on the day.


After school Princess NEW Single "Proof of Psyllium"

放課後プリンセス 公式ブログ 9/18(土)放課後プリンセス Newシングル『サイリウムの証明』リリースイベント開催情報 コメント一覧

① Normal edition (Forza-031) ② 10th Anniversary Version (Forza-032) ③ Limited edition (Forza-033) Price: ¥ 1,200 each (tax included)

[How to participate in the event]

* On the day of the event, the customer who purchased the target products of each group at the special cashier counter in the venue will receive an "entry ticket with reference number" and "privilege ticket" for each part.

≪In admission ticket distribution with reference numbers ≫ 1) Purchase one target product in the 1st accounting → Distribute one or two "entry ticket with reference number" ② 1 copy of the target product → 1 copy and 2Distribution of "admission ticket with reference number" in the club

* Even if you purchase two target products for your convenience, please contact the registered staff if you participate in only 2 copies.

* The "admission ticket with reference number" in each part is not distributed by each group, but is a "entry ticket with reference number" for both groups.

* Even if you purchase multiple copies of each part of each section, only one per person per person is distributed.

* The distribution of the "admission ticket with reference number" will be discontinued and only the "privilege ticket" will be distributed when it is time to enter each part.The two "entry tickets with reference number" will be distributed if there is a surplus of 15:00.

* "Bonus tickets" can be used for two parts and two copies.

* "Admission ticket with reference number" cannot be issued even if it is for family and friends.Also, please do not stop and break in later.

* The reference number of the "admission ticket with reference number" will be distributed at each part randomly.It is not the order of purchased.

* If you have an admission ticket with a referral number, please come to the venue 30 minutes before the event start.Please enter in order of number.

* If the meeting time is delayed, the reference number will be invalid and may not be able to enter the event space or enter the event space.

* Customers who have entered earlier will prohibit the location of the customer who can come later.When the management staff judges that the luggage you have is a place, we will call you.Thank you for your cooperation.

* If the number is separated by each other, you can guide us with a slow number.

* Depending on the congestion situation, there may be restrictions on the number of "privilege tickets" on the day.

* If you have a "privilege ticket", you can participate in the privilege party of each group after the mini -live.

* Payment method is only cash/credit card.Various coupons/electronic money/point cards are not available.

* Please note that "admission ticket with reference number" and "privilege ticket" will not be reissued even in any case (including loss or stolen).

* "Bonus ticket" is valid only on the day.

* You can participate in the privilege party multiple times, but if the event extends for a long time, it may end on the way.

* Please note that we cannot accept cancellation or refund after purchase.In addition, the defective product discovered after receiving the product will be replaced with a good product.

[Admission of customers who do not have an admission ticket with reference number]

Even if you do not have an admission ticket with a referral number, you can enter without purchasing a CD if you pay the admission fee.

If you wish, please come to the venue at the designated time specified by each part.

* Depending on the status of your ticket for the customer with an admission ticket with a referral number on the day, it may not be implemented.In that case, you cannot participate in the event.You will only participate in the privilege party.

* The viewing space will be guided behind.

* Please fill in the temperature inspection, hand disinfection, and customer information (name, contact information).

[About the expansion of the new colonovirus infection when viewing the event]

* Temperature (37) when entering.5 ° C or higher is not allowed) ・ Enter the questionnaire ・ Finger disinfection ・ We will ensure that masks are required.The personal information when filling out the questionnaire will be used only when a public institution has requested submission, and will be discarded two weeks after the end of this performance.If you do not accept these, we will refuse admission.

* At the time of entry, the questionnaire will be collected at the reception.

* Thank you for your cooperation in complying with social distances.

* If you come to the venue, please refrain from conversations between customers as much as possible.

* For viewing of the event, calls, jumps, and voice support are prohibited.

* Those who have an unusual contact with fever, cough, diarrhea, dullness, taste and olfactory impairment, those who have a rich contact with those who have been judged to be positive for new colonavirus infections, and families and familiar people.Those who are suspected, travel to countries and regions that require an observation period after entering the country within the past 14 days, and have a rich contact with residents in the country / region.I will refuse.

* At the time of the privilege, we will thoroughly install a vinyl sheet and an acrylic panel between the customer and the performers.Contact to vinyl is also not possible.

* Be sure to wear a mask in the event space that covers the nose and mouth.

* Please try to prevent general infection, such as hand washing, disinfection, cough etiquette, etc.

* Please open a sufficient interval in the waiting line.

[Event participation precautions]

* All acts of artists on camera, video camera, camera mobile phone, etc. are prohibited at all unless the staff is instructions.

* Entrance fees will be charged even if you come to the privilege meeting time after the live start.Please understand in advance.

* Event time is subject to change.

* Eating and drinking, smoking and drinking in the venue are prohibited.

* Transportation expenses and accommodation expenses to the venue will be borne by your own.

* If it is judged to be dangerous, such as a sudden stormy weather and strong winds, or if it is determined that it is impossible to perform performances due to force majeure such as equipment failure, natural disasters, traffic strikes, and traffic delays, the event will be canceled or suspended.· I will change it.

* Admission of those who cannot respond to the instructions of the staff may be refused.

* If fraud is discovered, we will refuse to participate in the event.Please note that even in that case, we cannot respond such as refund or refund of the product.We will also refuse to participate in all events in the future.

* At the time of entry, we may perform your luggage inspection and body check for safety, security, security, and security.

* For crime prevention, we will refuse to bring baggage more than necessary to the event venue (large luggage such as carry back, etc.), so please use station lockers etc. in advance.

* You cannot keep your luggage at all at the event venue.

* Organizers, venues, or performers are not responsible for accidents, theft, etc. that occurred inside and outside the event venue.Please manage your valuables yourself.

* Customers who have a wheelchair or situation should consult the staff in advance.

Customers who can not follow the notes and do not follow the guidance of the staff will refuse to participate or leave.


* Basically, we will reply within 24 hours (excluding inquiries around weekends and holidays), but it may be delayed due to circumstances.

* Please refrain from contacting the venue.