How AI is used in the real world ④ -Image recognition (2) (Image Recognition)

At the beginning

Last time, we have seen examples of utilization of image recognition at stores, but this time we will introduce the efforts of transportation, airports, parking lots, etc. and the entire area of the region.Since the use of video utilization of modern knowledge, we also introduce videos produced by vendors.By all means, please check the video how far it is realized.

Image recognition in transportation

1.Electric train

For ticket generations like me, even the automatic ticket gate of the station is a dream -like product, but the further evolved "face pass ticket gate" has begun.It is still in China, and around 2019, Shenzhen, Chengdai, Taiwan, Zhengzhou, Guangzhou, Naneshu, Kunming, Kunming, Saiyasu, Harpin, and Fukushu have been introduced one after another in subway subway subways.Please see the video of the Chengdu Subway in Sichuan Province about how to register your face with your smartphone and authenticate your face path.

Many people, like me, are satisfied with the touch of mobile Suica, but if China does it, Japan may not be able to do it.Japan is still in the future, but we will introduce the demonstration experiment conducted by the subway in Osaka and JR East.A few years later, will anyone see a scene that passes through the Swiss ticket gate without taking out a smartphone?

・Osaka Metro自動改札は関西の私鉄がいち早く導入し、関東やJRはだいぶ遅れた感がありました。顔認証改札も同じように、まず関西私鉄がチャレンジしています。Osaka Metroは2019年12月から4つの駅で社員を対象にした顔認証によるチケットレス改札の実証実験を行っています。仕組み自体は単純で、①事前に顔写真を登録しておき、②駅の改札で顔認証をしてリアルタイムに照合するというものです(図1)。

Figure 1: Face authentication ticket gate

OSAKA METRO "Metro News Vol.Please see the video of "39".If you look at this, you can authenticate even if you wear a mask, and you can see that you are passing through the ticket gate smoothly with a continuous face pass.It is said that one is aimed at installing one at the ticket gate of all stations in 2024.



Since July 2021, JR East has introduced a new crime prevention system that detects the subject registered in the database in a camera image in advance as a countermeasure against the Tokyo Olympics.The subjects were "those who committed serious crimes in JR East facilities", "suspects in nomination", and "suspicious behavior".

However, on September 21, 2021, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported that "crime prevention measures are being implemented to detect outlawers from prisons in the station," and it has become a big topic, and suspects and suspicious people will continue to detect.However, the detection of the prisoner (source) was stopped as "not yet obtained a social consensus."

AIは実社会でどのように活用されているのか④ー画像認識(2)(Image Recognition)

Face authentication has been discussing privacy protection not only in the ticket gate, but also everywhere, and it is difficult to find a border depending on the country and companies.

2.Bus (face authentication ride and autonomous driving)


The bus has been carried out on the bus since May 2021, and in September of the same year, the Face Acting has been introduced at all six ticket gates on the Yama Gigaoka Line.It seems that the population of New Town "Eucalyptus Hill" is 18,000, but it seems useful if it is introduced by all stations and buses.I want to support not only major companies like JR but also their independent attitudes.




The communication speed is very important because the face pass using a smartphone or tablet is referred to with the database on the cloud.For this reason, the line is basically 5g, and the spread to the whole country is also a balance with the spread of 5 g.


Although it is far from the plane due to the corona evil, the full -scale operation of Face Express by face authentication at Haneda Airport and Narita Airport in July 2021 has started.As shown in Fig. 2, read the passport information with the automatic check -in machine and register the face information, and then leave the baggage, the security checkpoint, and the boarding gate with face authentication (without presenting a passport or boarding pass.) You can pass.

Figure 2: Face Express [Source] From Japan Airlines website

It is amazing that all face passes are not required in advance or presenting a passport.In a long line waiting to confront a strict security inspector, there is a feeling of different world from the generation who was thrilled for some reason.


Face authentication has begun to be used for boarding large cruise ships.It is a mechanism to take a face with a camera when boarding, and check with the face photo registered in advance to verify the identity.Since the trouble of checking tickets and identification when boarding, the waiting time for boarding is eliminated and the staff can save labor.

The whole area face authentication

Provide a facial authentication (face path) service throughout the region and call customers.Such new developments are being developed in sightseeing spots.


  1. 出発する羽田空港のJALのショップ「BLUE SKY」で顔認証決済
  2. 南紀白浜空港ではサイネージがウェルカムメッセージを表示
  3. 観光案内所でレンタカーや現地ツアーなどの顔認証決済
  4. ホテルのチェックイン、顔認証ドア解錠、フロントで顔認証決済
  5. 南紀白浜の各店舗、飲食店、観光施設での顔認証決済

What I personally expect is the hotel's face certificate door.This eliminates the worries of who will bring the key when you go to the public bath, and you don't have to worry about being stolen in the bathroom.



