Health No. How much painless stomach know?

This text is from “Xu Medical Hospital Hemp Research Institute”


A little painless stomach knowledge?

Painless stomach mirror

Preventive sedative injection for normal gastrointestinal malaise or pain medication, under short-term sleep conditions, safe and painless progress, treatment, complete and rapid awakening. Completed jointly by Dr. Kazumasa M.D. and Dr. Wanauchi M.D.

compared to your stomach


Points of painless stomach medicine

01 Preliminary review and preparation x 01 Painless gastrointestinal symptoms

  1. Patients with painless digestive and endoscopy.

  2. Patients who are highly sensitive and unable to control their digestive system.

  3. Long operation time, effective endoscopy techniques, such as endometrial retrograde cholangiography (ERCP), endoscopy (EUS), endometrial resection ( EMR), endomembrane sublayer detachment (ESD), intraoral skin detachment (POEM), small mirror, etc.

  4. Patient with good general condition and ASA grade I or II.

  5. Patients with ASA III grade (active, active, severe systemic disease) or IV (severe systemic disease with active disease) Receiving painless digestion inner mirror.

  6. Painless and painless gastrointestinal endoscopic surgery for patients with severe upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

× 02

  1. Patients who are usually contraindicated or have refusal of internal surgery.

  2. ASA V grade patient.

  3. Acute respiratory tract disease, such as acute coronary artery disease, uncontrollable severe hypertension, severe heart failure, severe heart weakness, and acute respiratory tract infection , wheezing period, active hypertension, etc.

  4. Hepatic dysfunction (Child-Pugh grade C or higher), acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, severe hypoglycemia, gastric retention with gastrointestinal infarction.

  5. Independent or private.

  6. Have a long quiet / hemp liquor sensitive and other serious hemp drunks.

× 03

The following information is administered under the supervision of a measles doctor / Contraindicated under the supervision of a non- measles doctor:

  1. Clearly difficult airway patients such as mouth disorder, limited activity in the club, windy spondylitis, and so on.

  2. Severe neurological diseases (such as stroke, epilepsy, panic, epilepsy, etc.).

  3. Patients with medical history, too old or too little, obesity, and severe obstructive sleep apnea.

× 04

  1. Notification of patient information: need to notify the patient of the drug operation process, the purpose of the patient's analysis of the drug, the wind, the patient's consent, and the signature of the patient's informed consent form.

  2. Medical Preliminary Review: Disease history, physique review and trial room review.

    Key judgments: (1) The patient's existence is difficult, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), acute upper respiratory tract infection, degree of obesity, asthma and non-abstinence, etc. Possible cases of heavy respiratory system during surgery 2. Presence of acute coronary arthritis, uncontrollable hypertension, severe heart rhythm disturbances and severe cardiac weakness, etc., may lead to serious cardiovascular events during surgery; In some cases, it is possible to induce a counter-intuitive situation.

× 05

  1. Basic homology between painless digestive endoscopy and normal digestive endoscopy.

  2. For patients, no food for 6 hours before, no water for 2 hours before, and a small amount of 50 ml of skin cleanser as required. For example, patients with gastric emptying function disorder or stomach retention, suitable for extended abstinence from food and water, maintenance when necessary.

  3. If the patient has an activity letter, should be present before taking it, the bladder should be drained.

  4. Under mild and quiet conditions, superficial throat paralysis may be used, but the patient is more tolerant;

  5. On the day of the operation, the attending physician should confirm the progress of the procedure, and the patient should be present for the subsequent operation.

  6. Establishing a quiet road, choosing the right upper limb.

02 Hemp management and usage

× 01 Painless gastrointestinal ideal choice

× 02 painless gastric medicine

Heibo: 1-2mg/Kg intravenous injection, additional 0.5mg/Kg;

Yi Tuo Niu: 4-6 mg intravenously;

Namu Stable: 1mg IV;

Right beauty rule: Initial load 1ug/Kg, 0.2ug/kg.h maintained;

Rui Manta Ni 50ug, Shu Manta Ni 5ug, Manta Ni 50-100ug intravenous injection;

Paper: 0.1mg/Kg intravenous injection;

Butuocha: 1mg IV;

Jisakarashi: 5 mg IV;

Drinking alcohol: 1-5 minutes, 6 mg/kg skin injection, 2-3 mg/kg.

Local cannabinoids: Rita card cause, Ding card cause, 达克罗宁胶浆;

The effect of the new model is very good.

× 03 Non-uniform internal control demand-based alcohol method

Under general circumstances, a diagnostic or non-recoverable upper gastrointestinal tract or constriction window can be operated during a moderate period of sedation. Long-lasting and highly resilient internal operation, such as EUS, ERCP, ESD, POEM, etc., can be used for deep or full body dehydration.

03 Hemp Water Storage and Equipment x 01 Hemp Water Storage

The end of the exhalation of the gas: The patient who is able to use this method has a low blood flow rate before it develops, and it is possible to avoid the area where it is effective or reduce hypoanaemia. Research report, passing two-dimensional waveform chart release patient pulmonary foam low ventilation ratio observation change sensitive. Full-body alcohol is usually monitored at the end of the breath.

Variable blood pressure and blood pressure analysis: critically ill patients with severe cardiopulmonary disease, hemodynamic uncertainties, etc.

Continue uncreated blood pressure measurement

BIS monitoring: Precise controlled dehydration depth, reduced nightly dose, hemodynamics enhancement.

Temperature measurement: long-term gastrointestinal surgery temperature measurement, especially important for small and critically ill patients

Floor voice: Evaluate heart function and stomach capacity.

Urine volume measurement: Urinary volume measurement for patients with a period of 4 hours.

× 02 Equipment Drinking equipment 04 Drinking post-recovery and hospital standard × 01 Precautions

Health no. How much?

1. Patients who are not asleep (including lethargy) after being drunk, or are still awake at night, but the patient who is unsatisfied with the strength of the skin should enter the room/area.

2. The standard placement of the analgesic room for the analgesic room, and the use of an analgesic doctor, an electrocardiogram monitor, a sucking device, etc., to ensure the patient's safety during the analgesic period.

3. During the recovery process, the patient's blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, blood fatigue level and state of mind, and concurrent symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. After the patient wakes up, if there is a small amount of persistent bleeding in the digestive tract, it will take a long time to observe, and the bleeding will stop immediately.

4. Medical personnel or family support beds, evacuated patient exit beds, trauma, etc.

×02 Under standard general information in the detachment room, rated >9 minutes, the patient is admitted to the hospital with a friend. For example, the patient in the residence, the regular management of the administration of the drug.

Informed patient eating, activity, medication and visiting hours, etc., not available on the day of appointment, including work at high altitude, etc.

05 Special group digestive endoscopy x 01 Elderly patients

Geriatric patients with decreased systemic physiological function, multiple possible diseases, decreased ability to tolerate drugs, increased response to drugs, drug types and dosage balance. The blood flow dynamics analysis is advantageous for high-class patients who choose to stay for the first time. Elderly patients should be given an appropriate amount of intravenous injection to prevent pain and soreness caused by intoxication. Geriatric patients are prone to dislocation, attention and emergence, and early recovery.

×02 child

Careful if the patient has musculature, presence or absence of the amygdala, cardiopulmonary function, etc. Drinking alcohol is a common drug in the child's digestive system, but it may cause an increase in oropharyngeal secretions, sore throat, severe respiratory distress, and stress. Research report, it can be used safely and effectively for children's digestive system.

×03 Pregnancy and nursing period lady

Research on the safety of pregnant women for gastrointestinal surgery is very limited, and many studies on animal safety have been obtained. If the fetus is sensitive to maternal weakness and low blood pressure, the mother's excessively static induced hypotension, poor ventilation, and the fetus will die. If you don't have any congenital abnormalities, don't use it early. It is possible to cause the fetus to break, but it is not applicable to pregnant women.

×04 Patient with abnormal liver function

In cases of severe liver disease, the duration of action of biodegradable drugs in the liver can be extended, and the dose of the drug should be reduced. Patients with severe hepatic function, normal cause severe hypoproteinemia produced abdominal hydration and edema;

×05 hypertensive patients

Except for emergency, general pressure is high, blood pressure is limited to 180/110mmHg. On the day the patient is allowed to wear the clothes. The blood pressure fluctuation width during the alcohol period should generally not exceed 20%. If the blood pressure is originally horizontal drop of 25%, it is expected to be low blood pressure; Closely monitor during the malnutrition period, and prevent hypotension.

×06 heart disease patient

Measles pre-details medical history, understand patient's heart disease history (patient's heart structure, heartbeat, heartbeat, and coronary artery disease). It is possible to improve heart function and general condition, and improve cardiovascular regenerative ability. Indigestion due to malnutrition may cause recurrence of recurrence or aggravated psychiatric illness. A patient who died of myocardial infarction within three months had to undergo an endoscopy under anesthesia. The basic requirements for patients with measles are to ensure heart skin supply and demand balance, ensure sufficient pain relief, determine circulatory status, maintain normal blood volume, and maintain adequate ventilation.

×07 Patients with obesity and OSA

Obesity is especially common in patients with obesity, who often have abnormal respiratory and circulatory function, and who are at high risk for OSA. For this reason, patients with obesity and other possible illnesses, clearly patients should not be OSA, patients should not be difficult. For patients with obesity and OSA, a full-fledged asthma physician must perform a quiet/anesthesia, along with airway management equipment that can be used at any time.

Obesity patient gastrointestinal volume reduction pregastric surgery, general sleep-induced respiratory arrest, calming/pain technique, can be administered with a small dose for a short period of time or pain, plus (or) local Drug therapy for patients with strong stimuli (such as internal examination, interventional therapy, minor surgery, etc.) does not cause obvious adverse reactions, stopping for a few minutes.

Because of obesity, there is a great difference in the body size of patients, and it is necessary to prepare for a sufficient pre-diagnosis before proceeding with a painless gastrointestinal examination. Continually searching for time, speed, etc. to meet the ever-changing demand, the processing will be refined and individualized as soon as possible. Recommend clearing quiet technology.

06 Preventive treatment for common symptoms × 01 Respiratory depression Respiratory depression × 02 Countercurrent breathing × 03 Circulatory waves

×04 Floor and Falling Incident Preventing Floor Falling A B C Expenses for use Good patient review Complete review course ×05 Internal conflicts

The above content reference:

2020 China Digestive Research Conference / Hemp Association Joint Research;

2021 Jiangsu Provincial Medical Association Gastrointestinal Division, Marijuana Research Group Annual Meeting, New progress in management of out-of-room marijuana management;