If you live comfortably with dogs and cats.Points to be careful when building a house

Pets want a cozy house

In order to create a home that lives comfortably with your pet, you need to devise it.For example, a floor that slides when a dog walks.In some cases, it puts a burden on the pet feet without knowing it.Know the plan and building materials that take into account living creatures, behavior patterns, health, etc.I asked architect Kazuya Yokoseki and Yuki Nakajo, who have been living with dogs and cats for many years, explain the points they want to keep in mind, including examples they worked on.


POINT 1 Cleanly separate dangerous NG areas


There are places in the house where you want to keep pets away, such as a kitchen with a fire, a kitchen with food, or a bathroom with a risk of drowing in a bathtub.The principle is to discipline and "do not go to a dangerous place".In the case of a dog in the kitchen, a gate is set up so that it does not enter, and in the case of cats, a cover is used for the stove, and a child lock is applied.Be careful not to create a place where cats can jump off the stove from a high position.Don't forget to lock the door in the bathroom and cover the bathtub.This example is an prevention gate for dogs in the kitchen.Because it is a sliding door type that can be locked, there is no need to bite the inside food inside.When not in use, it is convenient to pull it into the kitchen side (slide to the right).

POINT 2 Equipment to prevent jumping out around the entrance




In order to prevent pet jumping out from the entrance, it is common to provide a lattice door with a key inside the entrance in both dogs and cat.However, in the case of cats, they may go out with a chance when visiting.Therefore, there is also a method of establishing a "windshield room" seen in snowy countries.There is a cushion space that can be locked between the entrance door and the outdoors, and the two steps are made.In addition, there are cases where a front yard surrounded by fence is provided outside the entrance door and a gate is installed.When you visit the customer, if you open the entrance door and open the entrance door, you can protect it in the front yard even if the cat jumps out.An example of a house with dogs and cats.The expensive fence is around the front yard outside the entrance door, so not only dogs but also cats can go out.It is convenient if there is even more footwashing to use for dog walks like this.