Inlock happens even with smart keys!Reconciliation is important before getting off the car

Tags: Inky, Inlock, Key

North American specifications will lock if you close the door even if there is a key in the room!

Now the number of smart keys cars are increasing.Many people have never pierced the door lock unlocking.If you wear a smart key, you can unlock it simply by putting your hand on the doorknob, and even the engine will start by pressing the start button.Thanks to that, the feeling of using a key becomes sparse.

[Related article] [Note] Inlock latest circumstances that occur in keyless entry cars!

When that happens, the so -called "inky lock" is scary.If you leave the smart key in the car, you can get it off if the door lock is applied.Normally, when the smart key is in the car, the vehicle side recognizes that there is a crew, so there is no door lock during parking.Click here for the image

However, in the North American specification, some models have the default specifications such as a door lock when the door is closed, no matter where the smart key is.In such a car, the smart key is placed in the car, and even if the crew is gone, the door locks will be applied.In other words, the inche locked state and the door cannot be opened.Click here for the image

This is a well -known trouble for American car riding, and many owners will be habitual to wear smart keys.Nevertheless, there is an accident that I took off my smart key in the jacket, I forgot that I put it in the passenger seat with a smart key in my bag, and I locked an inky lock.。Domestic cars do not hear much of these troubles, but still when the battery is exhausted, a door lock may be locked even if there is a smart key in the room.Click here for the image

In any case, I want to make sure that smart keys are always attached.

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スマートキーでもインロックは起きる! クルマを降りる前に再確認が重要

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すべて表示カテゴリー: 自動車お役立ち情報 | タグ: インキー, インロック, カギ

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