NTT DoCoMo 5G compatible high-performance mobile phone "AQUOS R6SH-51B" photo and video introduction! Type 1 sensor camera and Pro IGZO OLED supervised by Leica [report]

シャープのフラッグシップモデル「AQUOS R6 SH-51B」をチェック!
既報通り、NTTドコモは19日、オンラインにて「2021 夏 新サービス・新商品発表会」を開催し、5Gに対応したハイエンドなスマートフォン(スマホ)として「AQUOS R6 SH-51B」(シャープ製)を2021年6月中旬以降に発売すると発表した。

Prior to the sale, advance appointments will be made at DoCoMo dealerships such as DoCoMo stores and hypermarkets, as well as the official Web store "DoCoMo online Store" from 11:00 on May 19. The current price has not yet been determined, but we will support the smartphone welcome program.

In addition, the company also cooperated with the press conference on the same day to hold a media-oriented new product experience session, where you can try the real AQUOS R6SH-51B machine in its touch and trial venue, mixing photos and videos to report.

AQUOS R6 SH-51Bの本体正面AQUOS R6 SH-51Bの本体背面。左からブラック、ホワイトAQUOS R6 SH-51Bは17日にシャープが都内で開催した「スマートフォンAQUOS新製品発表会」にて「AQUOS R6」として発表されていた製品のNTTドコモ版で、シャープの新しいフラッグシップモデルだ。

The size of the fuselage is about 162mm (high) × 74mm (width) × about 9.5mm (thickness), the weight is about 207g, the display is about 6.6in WUXGA+ (1260x2730 points) Pro IGZO OLED (organic EL), the color of the body changes in "black" and "white" two colors.

Using self-developed OLED (organic EL) instead of liquid crystal, it realizes three aspects: image beauty, fast response and energy saving.

本体正面向かって左側面(上)と右側面(下)(画像=上)、上部側面(上)と下部側面(下)(画像=下)本体正面に向かって左側面にはボタン類やスロットはなく、右側面には上下(音量)キー、Google アシスタントキーおよび電源キーを搭載。上部側面にはnanoUIMカード(4FF)およびmicroSDカードのスロット、下部側面にはUSB Type-C端子と3.5mmイヤホンジャックを搭載している。本体背面上部のカメラ本体背面中央には「docomo 5G」のロゴ、その下にFeliCaマーク、本体背面下部には「AQUOS」ロゴと型番「SH-51B」の記載があるAQUOS R6 SH-51Bのホワイトを手に持ったところ背面上部には、有効画素数 約2020万画素のCMOS/広角レンズ(35mm換算で24mm相当/F値1.9)カメラおよびToFセンサーを搭載する。「AQUOS R5G SH-51A」の標準カメラの約5倍となる大型の1インチセンサーを搭載するだけでなく、Leica(ライカ)の「SUMMICRON(ズミクロンレンズ)」により歪みを低減。また、ライカ監修の元、センサー選定やレンズ設計、画質調整などを含めたカメラシステムを共同開発した。

NTTドコモの5G対応高性能スマホ「AQUOS R6 SH-51B」を写真と動画で紹介!ライカ監修の1型センサーカメラやPro IGZO OLEDなど【レポート】

The installation of 3-eye camera and 4-eye camera has become the standard specification recently, although it is a rare single structure, but not only that, but the design around the strongly advocated camera is also its feature. Although it is a single camera, it can also take pictures with up to 6x super-resolution zoom (equivalent to 35 mm equivalent to 152 mm) and ultra-wide angle (equivalent to 35 mm equivalent to 19 mm).

In addition, although 8K shooting of animation is not supported, it has the function of "8K Lemaster" that upconverts 4K animation to 8K HDR.

「背景ぼかし」機能も搭載AQUOS R6 SH-51Bでは「背景ぼかし」機能にも対応している。一般的な「ポートレートモード」における被写体を際立たせるために背景をボカす機能そのものだが、ポートレートモードの場合は、被写体が人物であることを前提としているため、顔認識によって人物だと認識した被写体の背景をボカす機能となっている。もちろん撮り方次第で人物ではない被写体(物など)にフォーカスを当てて背景をボカすことが可能ではあるが、あくまでも「ポートレートモード」なので被写体は人物であることが前提だ。

On the other hand, AQUOS R6SH-51B 's "background blur" is not the premise that the subject is a character, but the function of blurring the background. In the venue of touching and trying, you can take Poinco's dolls and other "objects" as subjects and try the "background blur" function. You can also adjust the background level. Enjoy the blur, needless to say, this is a function that can be used flexibly even if you care about the background.

ディスプレイ上部中央にインカメラを搭載両サイドのエッジ部分は美しい曲線を描いた仕様前面のディスプレイ上部のパンチホールには有効画素数 約1260万画素CMOS/広角レンズ(F値2.3)インカメラを搭載する。こちらはアウトカメラとは反対に、極力ディスプレイ表示を遮ないようかなりの小型化が図られている。また、ディスプレイ両サイドは、丸みを帯びた曲線ディスプレイとなっている。

The refresh rate and touch sampling rate of the display screen support up to 240Hz, realizing ultra-high speed display and low delay drive. In addition, it also supports 1 billion color display, peak brightness 2000nit, contrast 20 million: 1 HDR image quality. The range of refresh rate varies according to the condition and state of the table. Although it is a bright and bright display, energy-saving countermeasures have been implemented through various technologies.

Also support in-screen fingerprint authentication, equipped with a wide range of fingerprint recognition area "Qualcomm 3D Sonic Max", touch Abat can also be unlocked, but also improve the level of security. At the same time, it also supports the fingerprint sensor to push the "Pay trigger" to start the electronic payment application. After unlocking with a fingerprint sensor, you can start the payment application for quick settlement.


I think people who have used the fingerprint authentication function should know that when logging in to the fingerprint, they need to contact the monitor many times according to the instructions shown on the screen. This is almost a faucet, you only need to touch the monitor to complete the finger to register. Needless to say when unlocking, this fingerprint registration has become quite easy, which is the focus of attention. About the login and release of fingerprint authentication, you can confirm it through the following animation, please use it as a reference.

指紋認証についての解説部分の動画左が「デフォルトのホームアプリ」画面、右が「セキュリティ」画面左が「ストレージ」画面、右が「デバイス情報」画面OSはAndroid 11、チップセット(SoC)はQualcomm Snapdragon 888 5G Mobile Platform(2.8GHz+1.8GHzのオクタコアCPU)、内蔵メモリー(RAM)は12GB(LPDDR5)、内蔵ストレージ(ROM)は128GB(UFS 3.1)を搭載する。外部メモリは、最大1TBのmicroSDXCまで対応する。

In the mobile network, the maximum downlink 4.2Gbps and uplink maximum 4.2Gbps and uplink maximum Mbps are 5G NR and 218 Mbps,4G LTE respectively, and the wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) is IEEE802.11a/b/g/n (Wi-Fi4) / ac (Wi-Fi5) / ax (Wi-Fi6). The maximum number of networks under Wi-Fi is up to 10 and that of USB network is 1. The number of netting on Bluetooth can be up to 4. In addition, Bluetooth corresponds to Version5.2.

In addition to the in-picture fingerprint authentication mentioned above, the biological authentication function also corresponds to the face authentication of the front camera. The built-in battery is equipped with 5000mAh, which not only has a large capacity, but also restrains the aging of the battery itself through the "intelligent recharge" function. In addition, it also has the waterproof performance of wallet mobile phone (FeliCa), IPX5 ·IPX8, the dustproof performance of IP6X, and supports high resolution. In addition, single-stage, full-segment, wireless charging is not supported.

Finally, again introduce the animation which is the same as the above introduction, but ask the narrator of the venue for the animation of the main features and so on.

【docomo AQUOS R6 SH-51Bの主な仕様】
機種名AQUOS R6 SH-51B
OSAndroid 11
ディスプレイ[サイズ、解像度(横×縦)、方式]約6.6インチPro IGZO OLEDWUXGA+(1260×2730ドット)
SoCSnapdragon 888 5G Mobile Platform
接続端子USB Type-C
WORLD WING[対応ネットワ−ク:LTE/3G/GSM]○/○/○
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