Is it okay to do "oversized garbage illegal dumping" or "search for the culprit" in a luxury apartment?

Leaving oversized garbage occurs in a certain apartment.Under such circumstances, the manager has committed a blunder of printing out the security camera video and pasting it on the bulletin board.The photos were removed, and after that, oversized garbage continued.And the chairman of the apartment management union has taken this action ...

[Part 1] "Naddy garbage in a luxury apartment is a big problem ... Unfortunate trouble that occurred during" searching for the culprit ""



How far can you use a security camera?

There have been several things like this, and the chairman boiled the work, checked the video of the security camera, and be careful directly to the person, "I was in the security camera, so I should quickly pick up the oversized garbage I put out." have done.

As a matter of course, the chairman reported at the Board of Directors that "the residents were picked up three fans and one chair."

I think it's better than putting it on a bulletin board, but it's still a problem to check the security camera video to violate the garbage manners.

Then, when asked what to do, I don't know how to answer.

However, if you do this, the president may be able to check the video at any time with your own thoughts and look into the privacy of the residents.

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