Is that QR code okay?With the increase in the use of fraud purposes and the spread of cashless payments

Notice posted by Austin Police

 そのQRコードは大丈夫? 詐欺目的の利用増加、キャッシュレス決済の普及を逆手に

"I was guided to an unauthorized site that deceived the price from the Parking Meter's Parking Fee Payment QR code." "I read the QR code received by email and entered the login information without noticing the fraud site."。Such fraud tricks have been reported in the United States one after another.[Image] QR code that has become popular due to corona disasters, such as pay and drinks posted by BBB and paper menu, such as non -contact cashless payments.Convenient half, the US Federal Bureau (FBI) and others have called for the fact that they are more likely to be misused in the actual situation that tends to be read with a light feeling.

False sticker for QR code for parking lots

According to the Austin Police, Texas, from the end of 2021 to the beginning of the year, a fake QR code sticker was affixed to a QR code for paid in several parking lots in the city.The user who used the code without noticing may have been guided to a fraud site, and the charges they should have paid have passed to the fraudulent vendors.The fraudulent QR code sticker attached to the parking meter in a similar way has been found in other cities one after another.The QR code can be easily accessed on a website just by reading it with a smartphone camera.That's why I tend to open it without checking the URL of the website that I read and displayed casually.The scam group seemed to look there.For example, if the victim who reads it because it is a regular code for the fee, if you enter credit card information, etc. without noticing it as a fraud site, you may be stolen.An unauthorized QR code is sometimes used for downloading malicious apps or infection with malware.In that case, the victim's mobile terminal may be unauthorized access, which may lead to leaks such as location information, personal information, and payment information.

There is also a trick to paste an illegal QR code on mail etc. and try to deceive it.

The QR code fraud, Better Business Bureau (BBB), which is consumer -protected, also reported that since 2021 has been used to trick consumers.According to the BBB, such tricks are sent to an unauthorized QR code to e -mails and SNS messages, short mails, flyers, and mails that are pretending to be regular businesses.When the victim reads this, it is guided to a phishing scam site and promotes inputting personal information and login information.In addition, QR code has been found to automatically launch a payment app or follow a malicious SNS account, and it is also used as a means of using cryptocurrency fraud.All of them are common that the recipient will read the QR code without thinking deeply."The QR code may seem to have arrived from the regular source. You have to confirm whether it is a regular thing before reading the code," BBB emphasizes.As a countermeasure to prevent damage, the advice of checking the URL when paying a fee or entering personal information via the website read in the QR code.It is necessary to check if it is not tampered with stickers on the real QR code.FBI pointed out that the download of the application is at a great risk of downloading malware if it is obtained from the QR code.The app is encouraging to get it via your smartphone app store.