Travel with your dog with a camper!Specifications and precautions such as popular Hiace and light

Now, the number of people traveling with their dogs with a camper is increasing.You can enjoy traveling with dogs that are difficult to search for accommodation with your dog with your dog while maintaining a private space with a camper.There are various ways to hold it, from casual rentals to purchases that can be customized to your liking.In this article, I will explain the camper car with the experiences of the owner who enjoys the camper with dogs.


More and more people travel with dogs in camper


Enjoy a trip with your dog camper user


Experience: Two stamps and nationwide ♪


I was riding the camper before the dogs welcomed the dogs, and I enjoyed visiting hot springs and eating delicious food. It was a year and a half ago that Sarah and Kai, a protected dog, were greeted. After greeting, she knew that she was a car sick child, and she was thinking about what to do, but for some reason it was okay with a camper. She has never been drunk, and recently she has become fine with ordinary cars. The precautions of the camper are size and performance. It is important to note that there are places where the size is restricted depending on the campsite, and you may not be able to hit a tree on a mountain path or go on a narrow road. The performance is completely different depending on the car, so I think it's a good idea to try various cars with a rental car. The fuel efficiency is more than twice as different as the previous car. Modification of the underbody is essential, and tire pressure check is indispensable. Recently, the number of inns where you can stay with pets has increased, but it was limited to two large dogs, so it was really good to have a camper. I sometimes use a campsite for staying in the car, but I often use high -speed service areas and parking areas. It is convenient because there is a dog run or a terrace where you can eat rice with your dog. I have been to Tohoku and Shikoku so far, and my dream is to go around Japan.

関連記事サービスエリアのドッグランおすすめ15選! 関東・関西から九州エリアまでスタンダードプードルの飼い方|大きさや性格、毛色、寿命など


Comparison with options for traveling and accommodation other than camping cars

「ペットがいるから」キャンピングカーユーザーになったという人も多いようです。旅行に行く際、宿泊場所や移動手段を考えると、キャンピングカーの優位性は高く、キャンピングカーとペットの相性は良いといえます。実際にキャンピングカーユーザーは、ペットを連れて旅行に行っているのでしょうか。その回答は、39.6%の人が毎回連れて行くという結果でした(図表2)。さらに、ときどき連れていく、連れていかない、飼っていない、それぞれの数値が、前回アンケートよりも、全般的に減少しているのも、1つの傾向と捉えられます。この結果から、キャンピングカーオーナーは、ペットを飼っている人が増え、一緒に行動する人が増えていると考えられます。最近ではペット専用のモデルが登場するなど、ビルダーもペットオーナーを意識したクルマを製造しています。ペットオーナーたちも、ペットと旅行をしやすいモデルが増えたことで、ペットと一緒に旅する機会が増えていると考えられます。出典:日本RV協会『キャンピングカー白書2020』実際、Comparison with options for traveling and accommodation other than camping carsするとどんな違いがあるのでしょうか。それぞれのメリット・デメリットを考えてみましょう。

Differences in transportation

犬と旅をする際の移動手段としては、電車や一般車が比較対象になると思います。飛行機という選択肢もありますが、飼い主さんと離れて貨物室での移動となるため、頻繁に利用する移動手段としては難しいかもしれません。関連記事犬猫を飛行機に乗せるのにかかる料金、条件は? 海外には機内持ち込みできる航空会社も


基本的に鉄道会社が定めたルールを守れば犬も鉄道に乗ることができ、新幹線も利用できます。ただ、大型犬はサイズ的に難しいかもしれません。また、車のようにプライベート空間があるわけではないため、吠え癖のある子や人混みが苦手な子は難しいかもしれません。関連記事犬と電車に乗るときの注意点やルール&マナー 各社の料金や準備の仕方を解説犬と新幹線に乗るために何が必要? 注意点やルール&マナー、飛行機との違いを解説



Differences in accommodation




Before buying a cane, I stayed at a hotel with dogs, but when the noise and the dog next door barked, my dog ​​barked. Wanko is always nervous in an unfamiliar environment, and we are in a lack of sleep. But in the can cars, we are relaxing with each other. It is a different environment from the house, but I think the cans are the second house for dogs. The plane is uneasy and I think that long train movement will be stressful, so it is very good that you can always move together and take a break while watching the dog. I feel that it is a safe place. When I spend my time and sleep, I spend my time next to us. By buying a can car, you can now travel with dogs to areas where you can't go far. I think that it is the best for dogs and dogs depending on the weather of the day and the physical condition of the dog, and I think it will be useful for dogs or blackouts.


犬もOKなキャンプ場がたくさんありますので、移動は一般車で宿泊はテント・もしくはコテージというスタイルもおすすめです。一般車の天井に付けるポップアップルーフもあり、いつも使っている車を簡易的なキャンピングカーにすることもできます。ペトコトでは、全国のペットと行けるキャンプ場をはじめ、事前準備や持ち物、楽しく過ごすコツなど、キャンプに関するさまざまな記事を紹介しています。ぜひ以下の関連記事をご覧ください。関連記事【犬とキャンプ】ハウツーsummary|楽しみ方から持ち物、全国のおすすめキャンプ場まで【犬とキャンプ -グッズ編- 】初心者にもおすすめな便利グッズや持ち物などを紹介【犬とキャンプ -過ごし方編- 】初心者でもノンストレスで楽しむためのコツや注意点

Types and specifications of camping cars


Light camper

Light camperは、軽トラックや軽ワゴンをベースにキャンピングカーとして改造したもので、価格やサイズの手軽さから近年人気が出ているモデルです。走る際にあまり高さや幅を気にせず済みますし、駐車場も見つけやすいのがメリットです。その反面、車内のスペースが限られるのがデメリットですが、スペースを有効活用するためにさまざまな工夫を凝らしたモデルもたくさん出ています。ポップアップルーフを付けて広さを補うこともできます。



There are various reasons why I chose a bancon, but one is that I like Hiace and can dress up even though it is a camper. The second is storage! Of course, I think that there are many models that have a lot of storage in other camper cars, but in the layout of my home (I searched for this layout vancon), the bed is a queen size, so the cargo space under the bed is large and camp is a camp. Supplies and large pet carts enter Yu Yu. It's been 10 years since I traveled to the canker, but after traveling in various places, I often go to a cool place and go to campsites! When it comes to that, I often pass through narrow mountain roads, and there were really many places to say, "I got it because of this size!" I don't think it's inconvenient even in town riding while being a camper, such as a multi -story parking lot and a parking gate! Regardless of the banquon, the car trip with a camper is the best! However, if you can use a vancon, you can use it everyday and the size is good, so I think you can enjoy it without stress in many ways!



Originally, I was riding a Hiace Bancon, but I switched to a cabcon that can operate the air conditioner with a separate power supply from the engine so that I can travel comfortably even in summer with dogs. If you book a hotel, etc., there will be parts that must be planned according to the inn, such as check -in and meal time. However, if you are a can -car, it is attractive that you can feel the mood at that time, if the weather is bad, go to a different place, or change the plan flexibly. In addition, there are special rules for dogs such as hotels, so it should be a fun trip, but people and dogs may feel stressed. However, staying in the can car is free. Doggy is the same as at home, so you can relax. I think the advantage of cabcon is more relaxed. To be clear, the ride comfort when driving was better. But the wide living room of the cabcon is "the best moving house!" I am very satisfied with changing to the cabcon.

Camping trailer

Camping trailerは「トラベルトレーラー」や「キャラバン」と呼ばれることもあり、エンジンなど駆動装置を持たないキャビンです。一般車にけん引装置を付けてけん引します。キャビンが750kgを超える場合はけん引免許が必要になります。定員2人ほどであれば大丈夫ですが、子どももいる家族が利用するサイズになると750kgを超えてしまうかもしれません。





Tracan is a good point that trucks and camping are separated. The dogs are riding on the beds, so they don't wander around while driving. Because it is a style that can not be entered in the cage, I take such a shape. Even the camping can pop up the upper part, so the immigration space is large and you can get about 2 dobels + 2 adults. The pop -up part is comfortable because it can be ventilated. I usually drive down the pop -up, so it is easy to run without being swayed by the wind because it does not appear. I think it's easy to use wherever you go, no matter where you go. When not in use, it is convenient to remove it and become a truck. Tracan also uses this for a long time, but living with a large dog always requires a migration space, so I think that comfort and car personality can be expressed. You can always call out wherever you go because it is a picture at the camper. I recommend Tora Can. Please live a happy life with your dog!

Purchase cost of camper cars

実際にキャンピングカーを利用しようと思ったとき、どれくらいの金額で購入できるのでしょうか。購入費用はキャンピングカーの種類によって大きく幅があります。フルコン、セミフルコン、バスコンなど大型のタイプは新車で800万円〜で、内装にこだわると1000万円を超えていきます。国内で一般的なCabconやVanconであれば500万円前後で購入することができます。もう少し価格を抑えたいということであれば、Light camperがオススメです。サイズは小さくなりますが、200〜300万円ほどで「キャンピングカー」を手に入れることができます。また、Camping trailerやトラックキャンパーであればキャビンだけの価格になりますので、100〜200万円が相場となります。利用者の声@muukun.neneさん

The camper in my home was a type called "Light Cabcon", and the total amount was about 6 million yen with various options. Actually, I was looking for a family car (vantype), but I was fascinated at a stretch that the camper show that happened to be a camper show that I thought was more expensive. A few months later, I had a contract. The maintenance cost is not much different from a normal car. However, it is different from a hybrid car, and the size of the car is large, so it may be somewhat poor fuel economy. The parking lot is no different from a normal car because I chose a light cabcon that does not have to worry about a small parking lot. Thanks to the camper, you can go on a journey immediately with a dog rice. The dogs in my home think that the camper is part of the house, so I spend the same time as a living room in the car.

Travel with your dog with a rental camper!


Precautions when putting your dog on a camper


Before I purchased a camper, I used a pet OK pension, but when I took many large dogs, it was quite difficult. So I bought it about 10 years ago, and for a while, my husband had created a space that would be flat for dogs in DIY. It was a full -fledged remodeling three years ago, and it took about 2.5 million yen to ask a builder. It was cheaper if only the interior was only, but it was the best because the position of the entrance was changed to prevent jumping out. For example, it is dangerous to jump out in a high -speed service area, so there is a fence inside the door and it looks like a double door. There is also a fence behind the driver's seat, so it has a large cage inside the car. It is often said that it is a moving kennel (laughs). It is popular with dog friends. It's good for dogs, but there's almost no space for people to relax (laughs). I think it would have been nice to think a little more people's space, but thanks to this car, I was able to travel all over Japan from Hokkaido to Kagoshima with 3 to 4 large dogs. I'm glad I had a camper because I could go out with the dogs casually.

Car sickness

人がCar sicknessをするように、犬もCar sicknessをします。一般車で酔っていたのにキャンピングカーでは全然酔わなかったという子もいれば、逆にキャンピングカーだと酔ってしまうということもあり得ます。購入してから愛犬のCar sicknessに気付いては手遅れですので、事前にレンタルのキャンピングカーで試してみるなどしたほうが安心です。普段は大丈夫な子でも、疲れやストレスによってCar sicknessをしてしまうこともあります。うちの子は平気だからと過信せず、適度に休憩を取ったり、サービスエリアのドッグランを利用して運動させてあげるなど、体調に注意してあげてください。関連記事犬がCar sicknessをする理由は人と同じ!? 対策と慣れさせるため方法を解説





Pet -loving editorial staff who live with dogs and cats will provide a wide range of tips on how to keep them and the latest information, including information such as papers.

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Pet -loving editorial staff who live with dogs and cats will provide a wide range of tips on how to keep them and the latest information, including information such as papers.

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