"Life in Art", which is celebrating its 10th year, what is aimed at encountering household goods and art --- Ryojin Plan, Hiroko Miyao Vol.2

This article is reprinted from an article published on the site "MUGENLABO MAGAZINE" operated by KDDI

We will talk to Hiroko Miyao, who is deeply involved in the planning and operation of the Life In Art EXHIBITION, which is being held mainly in Ginza, Tokyo, at the Ryokin Planning Headquarters.

In the first half, we asked about why MUJI was involved in the art project.In the second half, we will ask about the secrets of MUJI, which are also worrisome for entrepreneurs and business people, is making a breakthrough in overseas businesses.(All questions in the sentence are Mugenlabo Magazine editorial department, the answer is Mr. Miyao, the title is omitted.)

MUJI and MUJI brands have the impression that they are quite popular overseas.Is there anything that is valued for having customers recognize, keep using them, and love them as a brand.

Miyao: MUJI is currently deployed in 31 countries and regions, and is designed from design from design to deliver products globally.We want to propagate products that become MUJI icons as globally as possible, while I think that local MD (merchandise) is required for products that apply to each region, such as Found Muji, are required.。

Even if you have exactly the same assortment around the world, there will be things that are unacceptable to customers depending on the region due to differences in life and culture, so we communicate with employees and customers in each region and communicate with the local area.We are also developing, but in that case, there are areas where it is difficult to localize design resources, so we have a system to support product design with our team.

In the planning and art, this exhibition was Japan, but I think that overseas will be from countries and regions with many stores, but on the theme that resonates with the characteristics of each country and region, large crafts and folk art exhibitions.I think it will expand.In fact, we have begun to talk with countries and regions with a large number of sales companies, so I think that such cultural activities will expand and patrol from such countries.

Is it mainly to introduce Japanese artists overseas for the overseas development of projects and art?

Miyao: I would like to introduce a local artist, and I would like to introduce Japanese artists.I think it will be a hybrid.It will be different depending on the country.For example, in China, the Chinese people are now enthusiastic about the “Koto” (editor: not material), and when there is an exhibition for famous Japanese pottery artists.It can be packed with the purchase of the work.

After all, it would be interesting if I could land in something that was completely different from the exercise I did this time while holding down the trend of the country — what is being asked? ---I talk to the members of the station.Although it is the same LIFE IN Art, it would be more interesting to see that the subjects to be handled are completely different.Also, in terms of business, news is important.

There are many startups trying to advance to Asia from Japan.I understand that MUJI is a brand that is well penetrated in Asia, but is there a secret (secret source) for being accepted in the market?

Miyao: MUJI's product development is a bit different from general marketing, a slightly unusual method of marketing your own life and producing it from it.Unlike an approach like "Our market is like this, our company is such a positioning, there is such a persona, so I want to put out such a product."Since things are so messy in the corner of the room, it is such a way of developing that it can be made in this corner.

I think it is unusual that the object, one of the methods of product development, is being done quite thoroughly, so I thought it was around.Of course, if the object is common, if it is global, even if it is a product that can be reached in the itch that has never been used before, it will be sold explosively.I think there are things.

However, some things that seem to be aware of living in life may probably only be found locally where the housing situation is different and the living culture is different depending on the country.I think there is.How much can you get into the site, go on -the -ball, and make your awareness from your life as a product?I think this is a rarity in the way of product development of other companies.

10年目を迎える「Life in Art」、生活雑貨とアートの出会いが目指すもの——良品計画・宮尾弘子さん Vol.2

Furthermore, in business -like stories, products are imitated overseas.Overseas, the speed of development is fast, so we can always think that we have to go further.Are you keeping your hand the most? After all, it's becoming more like a sense of crisis.

Depending on the goods, we are not particular about ourselves, and if we have a similar purpose, we will be able to buy that in the era of buying that.I think it should be.Once we are throwing our expectations that we will buy our house because we are our ancestors, we will continue to study products in areas that we have not yet proposed while thoroughly researching our lives.

It's not like fighting or biting, and that kind of product is not zero.If you lose at the price, the number of developed countries is increasing, so of course we are making efforts to go through the price in quantity, but it is probably not that we are imposed on our design teams.No matter how much you have noticed until now, sustainable and environmental consideration, which has recently become intense, and even if other companies are superior in terms of price, the customer wants to choose this.I think it is more important to make a product that can be done.

Is there anything important for sustainable and environmental consideration through product development and planning in the good goods plan?

Miyao: First of all, in the medium -term management plan, there is also the content of "aiming to be the top runner of ESG", but we are working on our best in the company, and in terms of products, we are developing product development.And the two axes of the package, we are going to thoroughly realize the circular design.

First of all, in the axis of product development, we handle a considerable amount of resin and plastic products.It has already begun to collect plastic products at large stores, and is embodied by making products that mixed materials obtained from the collection.It's a circular design.Furthermore, for new products to be created in the future, we are developing the development team with the theme of the concept of circulation (circular).

I think there are various ways of thinking about the word circulation.Sometimes I use the recycling material I mentioned earlier, and sometimes it seems to be designed so that there is no waste, and when it is no longer used, it is easy to hand over to others and design.I think it is one of.Also, I think he is one of the product development that comes from the ESG perspective, whether to use the energy, and outputs to the next product development while ideasing such a circular design.I am preparing to be able to do it.

For another package axis, we have announced that we will eliminate the plastic package and change it to a regenerated one, and we are increasing the design of the package and the change in materials.As you can see from the store, we are promoting the package from plastic to paper material, and those that do not need a package in the first place are packaged.

Do you have an impression that you value such a work, select what you buy and be referred to at the time of your reference.

Miyao: That's right.Recently, I have released a release on water and beverages.All PET bottle beverages are made into a can, and instead of buying water as a beverage, a water supply machine is installed in the MUJI store, so the customer uses the My Bottle that the customer has.It's okay to drink.The message is that we want to accelerate the movement to a recycling -oriented society by providing water.

In this release, customers have received a favorable reaction, and the use of water agencies has recently increased, and the base of beverages has not changed, so I think it is accepted.increase.

Can LIFE IN Art EXHIBITION be enjoyed outside MUJI's Ginza store?

Miyao: Yes.There are many other venues besides Ginza.There is a store called "IDée TOKYO" with a gallery near Tokyo Station, but in that gallery, more than 50 famous artists participate and auction.This is a little interesting attempt, and the auction is being conducted on the theme of "What is your Life in Art, which you want to inherit the next person?"。

In addition, we are also developing a business in the form of contribution to the society I mentioned earlier.In the Tokyo Biennale, the Tokyo Biennale, Tokyo Northeast Area (Areas Snow in Chuo Ward, Chuo Ward, Bunkyo Ward, and Taito Ward), 31 Life In Art EXHIBITION in 31 locations, including coffee shops, satellite offices, beauty salons, and galleries.We have participated as a satellite gallery, and exhibit works by the artists who are associated with the artists who want to introduce the owners of the venue and those who are associated with IDée.

It is necessary to take a break to visit a restaurant due to the corona evil, and the shops are in a very difficult situation, so this time we can come to the store by doing the satellite gallery together.I think that it has been a trigger and contributing to society.Life in Art EXHIBITION information is distributed on Instagram's official account.Those who cannot visit can see the situation, and the auctions can also participate online, so I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you very much.

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