The Malaysian government officially established a digital free trade area, and the Internet Company Group Catchha Group, which drives Southeast Asia, has opened a digital hub

Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Lazak has officially launched Digital Free Trade Zone (Digital Free Trade District, DFTZ) at Global Transformation Forum 2017 today (March 22).

DFTZ, in a political initiative of Prime Minister Najib, hopes that DFTZ will "activate the Internet and promote the development of the Malaysian economy," according to a speech held at the event.

The main goal of DFTZ is that SMEs and startups will be the hub of e -commerce that will provide a local shipping center (as Alibaba = Alibaba is planned in the near future).

The Prime Minister talked about Malaysia's need to incorporate e -commerce.According to THE STAR ONLINE, the government plans to reduce tariffs on products exceeding 500 Malaysian Kit (US $ 112) to promote it.

In a speech, Prime Minister Najib said:

This concept is Malaysia's e -commerce growth rate by 2020.8 % to 20.It is part of the recently launched NATIONAL E-Commerce Strategic Roadmap, which is doubled to 8 %.

Prime Minister Najib said that by the end of the year, the cost of fixed broadband would be reduced by half and the Internet speed was doubled.

The main strategic investors of DFTZ are Alibaba (the company's Jack Ma = Maun has a keynote speech at Global Transformation Forum 2017), Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation, and Catchha Group.

マレーシア政府が正式にデジタル自由貿易区を発足、東南アジアを牽引するインターネット企業グループCatcha Groupがデジタルハブを開設へ

Catchha Group, along with "strategic partners," will be the main developers and major investors of the project called Kuala Lumpur Internet City (KLIC).

KLIC is expected to be a major DFTZ digital hub and will be located in the main development area of Kuala Lumpur, Bandar Malaysia.The goal for 15 years is 5 million square feet (about 46).By building a digital hub of 50,000 square meters, the total development costs are planned to be 5 billion Malaysian rigit (US $ 1.13 billion).

KLIC is expected to accept about 1,000 companies and 25,000 people.Aim to accept global, regional and local startups as much as possible to become the "center of the Southeast Asia Internet economy".

CATCHA Group co -founder and CEO Patrick Grove said in a statement:

I am very excited to create a place where active Internet companies, lively entrepreneurs, educational institutions, incubator, accelerator, investors, and government agencies can be united.

Malaysia will be the center of the ASEAN Internet ecosystem by receiving the DFTZ support while the Internet keeping layers are close together.

The interesting thing about the KLIC development plan is to be an independent urban environment, which is trying to revitalize the area by putting lifestyle and wellness -related facilities.For example, bicycle roads, fitness and health facilities, and large plazas where you can hold community events.

Nevertheless, KLIC is essentially tech -oriented and wants to help with the main players in the industry to promote thorough support, network construction, and information sharing.

[Via E27] @e27co

[Original text]

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