Mixi has started commercial use at a bicycle racing event with a wireless station license of local 5G

Mixi has obtained a license for a local 5G SA system using the SUB-6 band (4.8GHz to 4.9GHz). On January 22, the company launched video distribution of the bicycle truck tournament "PIST6 CHAMPIONSHIP" sponsored by Chiba City as the company's first commercial use. [Image] Pable fixed -point camera terminal is automatically acquired from the external system to automatically acquire an on -board broadcast system that attaches a camera to the player's bicycle to realize the transmission of an onboard video from the external system. We have developed a video editing system that can be edited / transmitted. In the future, he has obtained a local 5G wireless station license in order to achieve more low -delay and high quality video distribution to users. After the system was built, a stable and stable portable camera video was distributed with the vision of the venue "TipStar Dome CHIBA" and the co -motion -type sports betting service "Tipstar". First of all, we will start operating from the transmission of portable fixed -point camera images, and in the future we plan to provide a local 5G camera for bicycles on the race.


 ミクシィ、ローカル5Gの無線局免許を取得 競輪イベントで商用利用を開始