Music expression that DIOS states, sprout in life

When listening to the music of DIOS, it disappears when listening to the music of DIOS ...The lyrical sounds they make have a fascinating sound that appeals to deep psychology.

The guitarist Ichika Nito, who has gained a great reputation overseas, has met with a great reputation as if he had resigned from Nori -no -Yomi in 2019.DIOS was formed by the addition of Sasanomarii, who has been working on trucks from the times of the doll.

A frozen clean tone guitar played by Ichika, trucks that make Sasanomari feel the sadness created by Sasanomari, and the voices of the sorrow ... The three people have different roots and careers, but they are certainly intersected.I guess there is a sense of aesthetics.In March 2021, he officially announced the start of this project, and released the first single "Escape".In the six months, "Oniyo", "About betrayal", "Theater" and the song were released quickly.I think the three are fully demonstrating their creative while enjoying the chemical reactions that occur here.

We talked about the background of the song production and the future that the three looked at from the history of the formation.


左からササノマリイ、たなか、Ichika Nito


で す か When is DIOS a project that started?

Ichika NITO I did an anison cover live called Birthplace with me two years ago, but after that rehearsal, I went to eat yakiniku.So you learned that you want to have a band.From there, we talked about DIOS and later invited Sasano.

2019 is the year when I resigned by me.Why did Tanaka motivate the band?

After finishing the cramps, I decided to do music again, but if I make songs in solo and call an arrangement or truckmaker, it will be a repetition until then.I felt good with Ichika, and I started playing a band with him because I wanted to do something else.

で す か Is it a musical compatibility?

Ichika Nito I think the beautiful things and values they think were the same.I think the DIOS songs that are now appearing are cold or sharp, but when we make songs, it became natural.I think that the tone of my guitar is also influenced, but I think the current DIOS songs have a feeling of ice, and I think the values overlapped in such a place.

Ichika's guitar looks like a Scandinavian.When you listen, you can think of a magnificent landscape, and I really like the feeling of entering the back of the forest.I thought it would not match what I wanted to do.

─ What did you say to Sasano as a last piece?

Ichika Nito bass and drums were put in and there were plans to do it in a basic band, but I felt like that.We didn't intend to do the THE band in the form, we wanted to do various music.So, when I thought of the third member, there was Sasanomarii, who also made songs from the time.

There is also a close view of the song of the song, and it was talked about doing it together.

──How did Sasano receive the offer?

I was called by Sasanomary Tofu shop and heard the story, but at that time I said, "No, I can't.""Even if I participate in a band, it won't help."

Ichika Nito At that time, it was negative (laughs).I was able to say that once, but I tried to arrange our ideas as a sense of play, so I sent a demonstration for the time being.

Then he's a creator, so if you send good things, you'll want to make something good.

Ichika nito I used it using that habit.

── (laughs).In fact, what was Sasano's feelings?

It's like Sasano Mary, but the trucks I wrote in the middle do not use it as it is.Moreover, except for my own songs, it is the most convincing form, so I can sublimate what I think is good in a better way.Also, around 2019, there was a time when I was only making my own songs, but at that time I couldn't make a song.I realized that writing songs was the driving force behind my production and music activities.

── I see.

Sasano Mary In Actually, I've been making songs with DIOS in the past and two years, and my activities have moved a lot ...

で す ね There is such a way of saying (laughs).As a musician, he has a good relationship.

What I gathered with Sasano Maryi is definitely something I can say that I can get my heart.If so, I really want to join.

Did you have the image or vision of the band activity when you became three?

Ichika Nito I wanted to do it seriously, rather than playing with play or hobbies.I have been working overseas mainly, and more than 90 % of fans are based overseas.Even though he was a little famous guitarist in Japan, he was not that much, and he was an overseas artist.But I felt how far I would pass in the music scene of Japanese songs.So I wanted to win, or when my guitar was mixed with the two music elements and became a band.

── Then, did you become this member clearly?

Ichika nito is about last winter.

で す か Did you enter into production from there?

I was doing it in the middle.

Ichika NITO There are already a dozen songs that haven't appeared on the table, and many songs are made, including one chorus only.At the moment, I play the guitar and give about half of the finished one to Sasano and have it flesh.There are many flows where Tanaka puts song melody and lyrics.

Music production and roots

The first single “Escape” was released in March, and four songs have been delivered since then.In the completed order, which is the first?

Ichika Nito The first is "Escape".

Then it's the order of "theater", "demon", and "betrayal".

──The escape is an impressive Ichika's clear guitar that feels like a Scandinavian landscape.In the first sense that it was done, can you see it as a song that appears at the core of DIOS?

That's right.It is a song like this if you make it honestly.

── On the other hand, the second song “Theater” feels like a truck in front of other songs.

The "Theater" is made up of the way to make it, and Sasano first makes a truck, putting a song there, and putting on the guitar at the end.Because of that, it feels a little different in terms of hearing, and I think that the color of Sasano is dark in this.

DIOS -Escape (DIOS - "Runaway" Official Music Video)

DIOS -Theatrical (DIOS - "THEATER" Official Music Video)

─ “Oniyo” has a strong maslock guitar.

Ichika Nito "Escape" and "Oniyo" are songs that I made guitars in a rugged and Sasano used it as it was.

I was told that Sasanomarii would be fine, but I used it as it was so good.Also, this song has 6/8 beats, but I love this beat.So "Oniyo" is like making it with the tension rising.

Ichika NITO "Oniyo" often applied a melody here.

DIOS - Oni (DIOS - "My Inner Demons" Official Lyric Video)

── I feel the strength of the song in all four songs, but what do you think of Tanaka -san?

たなか EGO-WRAPPIN'が僕のルーツにあるからだと思います。彼らは昭和歌謡の流れを組んで、ジャズやR&Bを取り入れていたと思うんですけど、僕の楽曲に歌謡曲の要素があるのは、そこからの影響が出ているのかな。あと、ぼくりりのときはラップをすることが要素としては大きくあったんですけど、DIOSはラップしなくてもいいかなと思っていたので、最初の方に作った曲は歌謡曲の強さの方に行ったんだと思います。

By the way, what are Ichika's roots?

Ichika Nito I'm Bill Evans.I went to classic in the wake of jazz, and from there I arrived on technical routes such as maslock through heavy metal.

─ What do you think is the most affected of your own play now?

I think it is affected by Ichika Nito Classic, but the best is Iron Maiden.I like old heavy metal and hard rock, such as Van Halen.

─ Dramatic guitars are coming from there.

Ichika Nito Surely so.The development is lyrical, and that smell is dropped into my favorite shape.

─ The “betrayal” that was recently created among the songs that has been released is the most pop in the taste.

Ichika nito I had only a pretty dark song, so is it okay to be so bright?It was about the tension.In the production, I play a bright guitar phrase, and Sasano rings rust.

Sasanomary I like to chop the demonstration waveforms, but I changed the guitar I got and made it with AB rust.I returned it again to Ichika and played it again with a guitar.

DIOS -About betrayal (DIOS - "Betrayal" Official Music Video)

─ Even in everyday activities, Sasano's songs have a strong pop color.I feel that Sasano's arrangement is brighter this song.

Sasanomary I don't intend to make a bright thing, but it looks like that from the surroundings (laughs).I love post -rock, drum -bass, electronica and IDM, and when the people who have eaten such things go output, it will be like this.If anything, I like "heavy" and "cute".

"Heavy" and "cute"?

Is it the opposite of Ichika nito?(smile).


Regardless of "cute", I don't know "heavy" (laughs).

It's Sasano Mary's sound, but for example, "Escape" is exactly like that, and "Oniyo" is made with that image.But I also realize that there is a gap in the perception of myself and others.So there are times when I don't know what I think is good, and I think it's like that.

Creation direction

──It may be the fate of the creative person.Tanaka sings a song and does it feel like that?

When I touch the culture that I am not used to, I feel strongly.For example, when you touch music, I think that as a music professional, I want to twist a little more, but when I look at the picture, I can only see it honestly.For those who don't have that background, I think it's all cool.In other words, who will do it, but I'm not singing with my colleagues.

Ichika Nito That's not the purpose.In that sense, I think it is necessary to be rough.

Sasanomary I intend to put in the ego that I can't throw away, and when people who have knowledge of music listen to them, they also put what they think.After all, the song of Ichika's guitar and the song is amazing.Ichika's guitar is so amazing that I don't know what I'm doing, but I don't think it's easy to listen to and it's difficult to sing.

── If it is easy to listen to, or it is easy to reach.

I don't want to make anything that doesn't convey Sasanomari, so I would like to make a song that can make use of that.

The story changes a little, but I think that the work of the boring era had a sensational place on themes and visuals, and I dared to imitate and speak for something.

It's pretty much.

So, so to speak, I think that it was an activity with many narrative spouts other than music, but compared to that, DIOS is a project that excludes other than music as much as music.You can see it now.

There may be experimental places to do what will happen if I do not talk much.But ... I'm skeptical about the result (laughs).

Are you already skeptical as early as possible?(smile)

I guess it's okay to talk.I feel that it is a really buried era.

Ichika nito I feel really it.In this era, it wasn't the case when I could afford it.

Really so.It is very important to survive.I think it's a specialist era than an all -rounder that can do anything.

── Why?

Because there are so many things that can be touched.Basically, it's all buried in it, and I have to ask someone to find a sharp part.In that case, I wonder if the one with a distorted one with 150 points is more than 80 to 90 points.

Ichika Nito DIOS songs would be "Oniyo".“Theatrical” and “betrayal” feel like a song that gets a good point evenly.

In that sense, it's still a hand -for -hand search.However, because the four songs were released, the door that was not open was highlighted.I want to make the next soon.

── Lyrics seem to be spelled out by Tanaka -san, but I think the phrase “escape” of “escape” and “demon” is particularly symbolic.

Ichika Nito "Escape" often comes out.

When I give the answer to things, I think basically there is only "escape" or "confront".And, of course, it's important to confront there, but I realize that it's often the right answer to escape.In that sense, it's natural for me to write a lyrics that focus on escape.

── What kind of image do you have to escape specifically?

Are you running away every day?I think it's a repetition, and there is a great awareness that living is to escape.I feel like dying ... I feel that leaving from this world is to escape, and people come to some place, but always leave.The fact that it is determined to leave is that life itself is a metaphor of escape.The song "Escape" is written with such an idea.

As is the case with "Oniyo", the lyrics that look at the dark parts of people and words that allow weakness and backlash are impressive.

It seems like I learn the beauty when people have a conflict and the two things in that person.Even if you hold two contradictory things, you will find the beauty in such a situation where the conflicting things are wriggling in the person.So I want to say that facing a conflict is precious, and I think that conflict is life.

In other words, the view of life is reflected in the lyrics.Talking about life means doing philosophy.

I'm going to talk about my life right away ... I guess there should be an expression that is not so, but if I make it myself and sing it myself, it will be all.

Even Sasanomarii, it's a philosophy of singing when you rush.


── The lyrics are wonderful, but the words are interesting because they sometimes resonate with the meaning when riding a melody or rhythm.I think that is also the charm of pop songs.

It feels great.

─ I would also like to pay attention to the fact that such songs are born in the expression of DIOS.

It is difficult to observe it.I think it's a work close to prayer.

Ichika Nito It's a prayer that I want you to do that.

That's right.But I think it's almost a prayer.Isn't it especially a prayer to write letters?

で す ね Because we only reach unintentional ways.

Really so.In the past, I feel a little different ... I think people who use words recently are doing more prayers.

In such a society, DIOS wants to compete with music.

That's right.

──It was first told that you wanted to try how far you would pass in the Japanese scene, but it seems that sales will also be an important factor as well as musical things.

Ichika Nito I know that it's not just a great music, so I know in my activities so far, so I think I have to think about what is commercially transmitted.

I think commercial success is an important factor.I personally want to do something like a time bomb among them.I don't know if it's 10 years or 20 years later, but I want to make a song that will cut a specific phrase with the brain at some timing.I want to be that kind of existence for those who sing and listen to songs like germinating the buried species.

── Indeed, it is ahead of "commercial success".

Sasano Mary is the prayer.

I want you to sprout in everyone's life.I pray so much for the world.I want to do what I can.

で す か Are there any images of your future creations at this time?

For a year and a half since the formation of Ichika Nito, I think it was a task to know the skin of the three people, or to know how the songs would be created when we gathered.So, from now on, I wonder if I will make a song in a new way based on that.

I made a song together with the three people, but from now on, it would be interesting to make a song by someone pulling out.

── If someone takes the initiative.

It means that a person like the general director appears from the place where the division of labor system is.The members of DIOS will not change, but what will come out will change.Or is Sasano Mary writing the lyrics?

Ichika nito looks interesting.

I can't arrange it at all, but I think it's interesting to be able to pass this band, so I want to do that kind of shuffling.

ICHIKA NITO I'm looking forward to making three songs in the real sense, as I do that kind of attempt in the band.

What happens if you have a 10 -year band?

Ichika Nito I have a quarrel.

You want to quarrel as soon as possible, right?

か Do you want to do it?(smile).

Isn't it a tan (band) style?

ICHIKA NITO is unlikely to occur with Sasanomarii in between.

In that sense, it was great to talk to Sasano.

I want to put one like a fighting group.

Ichika nito No, I probably hate it in an instant.

Tanaka (laughs).Now I am enjoying the arrangement.

It's really good that it's interesting not to be as expected.There is no song that has been completed without someone convinced.DIOS is a band that wakes up chemical reactions, so it's really fun now.

Interview / sentence / Ryutaro Kuroda Photo / NAOKI USUDA


Tanaka (former job, I Riku no Kobo Yomi), the most remarkable worldwide guitarist Ichika Nito, the Vocaloid and online games area with more than 1.6 million registered YouTube, also linked to the past work.A newly formed band with Composer Sasano Maryi.He is named DIO, the characters of his favorite manga "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part7 Steel Ball Run", and Dionus, a god who controls euphoria and drunkenness in Greek mythology.

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