[A must -see for lenspo operators!] RemoteLock rental fee is free for the first month, and a "Space Business Support Campaign", which can start safe and easy keyless operation for 0 yen, starts today

Instabase is Japan's largest rental space reservation platform that posts rental conference rooms, seminar venues, rental studios, rental kitchens, rental salons, and more. RemoteLOCK is a pin code smart lock with cloud management.

Reservation management system construction and key management work, which can be a heavy burden in terms of time and cost for rental space providers, can be automated by linking Instabase, which is free of posting fees*, and RemoteLOCK. Automating key management by Instabase and RemoteLOCK has been introduced and used by many rental space operators since the collaboration in 2018.

*It is a complete performance fee type that charges a contract fee only when there is a reservation or use.

As a campaign to support rental space operators, Rebase Co., Ltd. and Kozo Keikaku Institute Co., Ltd. offer free rental fees for RemoteLOCK for the first month for operators posted on Instagram Base. And from today, we will carry out a "space business support campaign" that allows you to start a space business with an initial cost of 0 yen for key management.

"Instabase x RemoteLOCK space operator support campaign"

Campaign period: February 4, 2022 (Friday) to June 30, 2022 (Thursday)

■ Target audience: Instabase publishers and those scheduled to be posted

■ Benefits: First month usage fee for RemoteLOCK rental service (5,500 yen including tax) is free

*If you purchase the product, you will receive a special price for the main unit and the first month system usage fee (1,650 yen including tax) will be free.

The RemoteLOCK rental service is a rental plan that allows you to install RemoteLOCK 5i at zero initial cost, without any normal product costs or construction costs. In this campaign, the RemoteLOCK rental fee of 5,500 yen will be free for the first month, and together with the free posting fee of Instabase, you can start keyless operation while keeping the initial cost related to the reservation system and keys to 0 yen.

[Must-see for Lenspe operators!] RemoteLOCK The rental fee is free for the first month, and the

[Benefits of introducing Instabase and RemoteLOCK]

■Automation/Online When a reservation is made through Instagrambase, a password for entering the room is automatically issued and a notification email is sent to the user. Space management becomes easier by reducing the hassle of making reservations.

■ Reliable security with a PIN that changes every time A different PIN is assigned to each reservation. Since it is a password with an expiration date that can be used only during the reserved time, security is greatly improved, and the problem of losing the key is eliminated.

■Improved convenience for space users Since you can receive your PIN by e-mail, there is no need to take out the key from the key box or return it on site. The key can be easily shared even in the case of group use, realizing smart entry.

KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING and Rebase reduce the initial investment when starting up a rental space business, realizing highly convenient space management and improved safety.

Instabase is a service that allows you to easily and conveniently reserve more than 18,000 rental spaces nationwide on the site.

Space operators can rent various spaces from 1 hour, from conference rooms, yoga and dance studios, photography studios, kitchen studios, cafes and apartments. Space operators can easily start a business and attract customers because there is no initial cost or publication fee, and a contract fee is charged only when there is a reservation or use.

RemoteLOCK is a smart lock product for business provided by Kozo Keikaku Engineering Inc. Boasting a cumulative total of 70,000 units sold worldwide, the cloud system allows you to manage and issue a PIN key with a different expiration date for each customer who makes a reservation. It is used for the entrances and doors of various facilities, such as unmanned salons, rental conference rooms, rental studios, gyms, hotels, inns, private lodgings, and public facilities such as offices and gymnasiums.

Access control that can reduce the hassle of handing over facility keys and the complexity of counter operations by automatically issuing and notifying PIN keys linked to various reservation services, business systems, and hardware via API. 's open platform.

Rebase Inc.


Kozo Keikaku Engineering Inc. RemoteLOCK Team remotelock@kke.co.jp / 050-5306-6250
