[New Corona Bulletin] 1 者 者 者 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管 管

Shimane Prefecture announced on the morning of April 4 that 100 new Coronavirus had been confirmed.100 people were confirmed for two consecutive days.By public health center, 54 people in Matsue jurisdiction increased by 17 people from the previous day, 32 people in Izumo tube were one year compared to the previous day, nine people in the cloud -south tube were reduced from the previous day, and four people in Hamada jurisdiction were three people.The decrease, the inside of the Masuda jurisdiction decreased by one day by one person.There were 0 people in the prefecture's central and Oki jurisdiction.The cumulative total is 6787.

島根県のコロナ・ワクチン >>>

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 【新型コロナ速報】島根県で新たに100人の感染者確認 松江管内54人 出雲管内32人など
