New lifestyle, prevention

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Important Matters, Topics


If you feel unwell, don't overdo it! (Updated February 22, 2022)

*Text version▼ Click to expand

If you're not feeling well, don't overdo it!

There have been many cases where the infection spread within the facility as a result of being reminded to work despite being unwell. Some of them have become clusters.

In order to prevent the spread of the highly contagious Omicron strain, and to protect yourself and your loved ones, if you have any symptoms, do not force yourself to go to school or work. Talk to the counseling center. In the workplace, please ask employees to check their physical condition before coming to work, and to refrain from coming to work if they have symptoms.

Consultation Center Contact Information

(Reference) February 22, 2022 Tottori Prefecture New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters (142nd) based on the Special Measures Law

Department in charge: New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters Secretariat

Updated date: February 22, 2022

Everyone's solid Omicron prevention strategy 1 "Omicron countermeasures 'Tiger' volume" (updated February 3, 2022)

*Text version▼ Click

Everyone's solid Omicron prevention strategy "Omicron countermeasures 'Tora' volume"

Omicron countermeasures 'Tora' volume

Part 1 Mask

The mask is effective even in Omicron

Second, between people, love is between people

 If you can't keep a distance, use a partition and refrain from shouting

So, contact me even if you have only a few symptoms

Don't go to school or work if you feel unwell. Contact your family doctor or consultation center

No. 4 Eat and drink with good etiquette

Even at restaurants and at home, refrain from large groups, loud voices, large plates, and fuss when dining with a mask.

No.5: Get vaccinated and tested

The vaccine is also effective for Omicron. If you are unsure, please get tested

Part 6 Let's call happiness through prevention

Thoroughly implement basic infection control measures such as ventilation, hand washing, and disinfection

(Reference) February 3, 2022 Tottori Prefecture New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters (131st) based on the Special Measures Law

Department in charge: New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters Secretariat

Updated date: March 3, 2022

Everyone's solid Omicron prevention strategy 2 "Points for correct mask wearing, points for ventilation" (Updated February 3, 2022)

*Text version ▼ Click to expand

Everyone's solid Omicron prevention strategy "Points for correct mask wearing, points for ventilation"

Omicron strains are explosive with "micro droplets" in addition to droplets It is pointed out that it will spread to I'd like to take care of the infection more than ever.

Points for wearing masks correctly

Basic points for ventilation

Especially at schools, childcare facilities, and workplaces.

Trial calculation of infection risk by supercomputer Fugaku▼ Click to expand

(Reference) February 3, 2022 Tottori Prefecture Novel Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters (No. 131 times)

Department in charge: New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters Secretariat

Updated date: March 3, 2022

Omicron prevention strategy 3 "Points for home infection control" (Updated February 3, 2022)

*Text version▼ Click here Deployment

Everyone's solid Omicron prevention campaign "Points for infection control at home"

There are still many cases of infection at home. Thorough infection control and protect the elderly and children!

Meal scene

Brushing your teeth

Family gathering

Basic infection prevention measures

(Reference) February 3, 2022 Tottori Prefecture New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters (131st meeting) based on the Special Measures Law

New lifestyle, prevention

Department in charge: New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters Secretariat

Updated date: March 3, 2022

Everyone's solid Omicron prevention strategy 4 "Points for infection control in the workplace" (Updated March 2, 2022)

*Text version▼ Click here Deployment

Working Together Omicron Prevention Campaign "Points for Infection Control in the Workplace"

Infections and cluster incidents in the workplace are occurring frequently. Let's once again confirm and thoroughly implement infection control measures and protect our important workplaces together.

Point 1 Before/After work

Point 2 Measures in the workplace

Point 3 Breaks, etc.

Point 4 Meetings, business trips, etc.< /h3>

(Reference) March 2, 2022 Tottori Prefecture New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters (147th) based on the Special Measures Law

Department in charge: New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters Secretariat

Updated date: March 3, 2022

Everyone's solid Omicron prevention strategy 5 "Thorough infection prevention measures at restaurants!" (Updated February 10, 2022)

( Reference) February 10, 2022 Tottori Prefecture Novel Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters (134th meeting) based on the Special Measures Law

Department in charge: Living Reassurance Promotion Division

Updated: March 3, 2022

Points to prevent infection at home (Updated on August 12, 2021)

Points to prevent infection at home (PDF:1.1MB)

* Excerpt from the Japanese Nursing Association Nursing Training School "How to prevent community-acquired infections and domestic infections" (PDF: 3.6MB, external link)

Flyer "To prevent infection at home... Things to be aware of at home" (September 2, 2020 version)

PDF version (258KB) PowerPoint version (121KB)

Department in charge: New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters Secretariat

Updated: January 4, 2022

Request for thorough BCP (Business Continuity Plan), check BCP and continue socioeconomic activities (Updated January 20, 2022)

BCP( Business Continuity Plan) Request for Thorough Implementation

Basic Policy for Countermeasures against Novel Coronavirus Infection (January 19, 2022) (PDF:676KB)

Business Continuity Plan (BCP) ) should be checked as soon as possible.

  1. Even if a part of the functions of a business that is essential to daily life is suspended, a system must be established so that social activities can continue.
    1. . Also, if a BCP has not yet been formulated, it should be formulated.
    2. [Examples of businesses] Medical care, nursing care welfare, schools, educational facilities, transportation, infrastructure (electricity, gas, etc.), agriculture, forestry and fisheries, retail, logistics, etc.
    3. Telework (work from home), in-house Thorough measures to prevent the spread of infection within the facility, such as decentralization and promotion of vacations.

    Check the BCP (Business Continuity Plan) and continue socioeconomic activities There are increasing concerns that absenteeism will hinder the maintenance of socio-economic activities of business establishments and organizations Please prepare for the continuation of business in the corona disaster, such as selecting priority work and building a support system on the premise of employee absence.

    Key Points for Business Continuity during the Corona Crisis

    Business Continuity Plan What is a (BCP = Business Continuity Plan)?

    In addition to emergency operations in the event of a disaster, to ensure the implementation of normal operations that require continuation or early recovery as emergency priority operations , By securing and allocating the necessary resources (personnel, offices, materials and equipment, etc.) and establishing necessary countermeasures in advance, we aim to shorten the time to start up operations after a disaster and improve the level of operations immediately after the occurrence of a disaster. It's a plan.

    (Reference) January 20, 2022 Tottori Prefecture New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters (121st) based on the Special Measures Law

    Department in charge: Commerce and Industry Policy Division

    Updated: January 21, 2022

    Continuation of operations necessary to maintain social functions (Updated January 21, 2022)

    < h3> Business operators who perform essential work to maintain social functions are important to residents. I would like to ask you to take measures to prevent the spread of infection and continue business even during the corona crisis.

    Key Points for Business Continuity during the Corona Crisis

    Basic policy for new coronavirus infectious disease countermeasures (January 19, 2022) (PDF: 676KB)

    Social functions ▼Click to expand

    1 Maintaining the medical system

    All medical personnel

    *In addition to hospitals, pharmacies, etc., pharmaceuticals・Including the manufacturing industry and service industry related to all supplies and services necessary for patient treatment, such as the import, manufacture and sale of medical equipment, the blood collection business that conducts blood donations, and the provision of meals to hospitalized patients.

    2Continued protection of people who need support

    All parties involved in housing and support for people who particularly need support, such as the elderly and people with disabilities

    *Welfare facilities for the elderly, people with disabilities In addition to those involved in the operation of support facilities, etc., this includes all manufacturing and service industries related to the supplies and services necessary for the lives of the elderly and people with disabilities, such as providing meals to facility residents.

    3 Securing a stable life for the people

    Business operators that provide essential services for the people who spend their time at home to live the minimum necessary life
    1. Infrastructure management ( Electricity, gas, LP gas, water supply and sewerage, communication and data centers, etc.) )
    2. Supply of daily necessities (import, manufacturing, processing, distribution, online shopping, etc. of household goods)
    3. Delivery, takeout, retail of daily necessities (department stores, supermarkets , convenience stores, drug stores, home centers, etc.)
    4. Maintenance of household goods (plumbers, electricians, etc.)
    5. Life essential services (hotels, lodging, public baths, beauty salons, laundry , veterinarians, etc.)
    6. Garbage disposal (waste collection, transportation, disposal, etc.) )
    7. Media (television, radio, newspapers, Internet-related people, etc.)
    8. Personal services (Internet distribution, remote education, equipment and services related to maintaining the Internet environment, private cars, etc.)

    4 Maintaining social stability

    Related businesses that provide essential services to maintain corporate activities from the perspective of maintaining social stability
    1. Financial services (banks, credit unions, credit unions, securities, insurance, credit cards, etc.) , postal services, etc.)
    2. Maintenance of manufacturing and service industries necessary for national defense (aircraft, etc.)
    3. Services necessary for corporate activities and maintenance of public order (building maintenance, security-related)< /li>
    4. Social infrastructure necessary for safety and security (management of public properties such as rivers and roads, public works, waste disposal, management of hazardous materials based on individual laws, etc.)
    5. Administrative services, etc. (police , firefighting, other administrative services)
    6. Childcare services (nursery school, daycare center, etc.)

    5 Others

    (Reference) January 2022 21st Tottori Prefecture New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters (122nd meeting) based on the Special Measures Law

    Department in charge: New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters Secretariat

    Updated: January 21, 2022



    Preventing Infectious Diseases (Updated July 20, 2021)

    It's all on the "Videos" page. *The following links are external links.

    Prevention of new corona infection at sports games and local events (15 seconds, July 20, 2021, YouTube)

    Mutant strains such as the new corona delta strain are expanding! Be extra careful! (1 minute, July 14, 2021, YouTube)

    Even close friends have masks! Request from Tottori Prefecture to prevent the spread of corona infection (30 seconds, December 8, 2020, YouTube)

    Fear the new coronavirus correctly and act correctly (3 minutes, May 2020 1st, YouTube)

    *The phone number of the consultation center in the video has been changed, so if you have symptoms such as a fever, please consult your family doctor first. Please see the page.

    Infection prevention starts with proper hand washing! ~How to Wash Your Hands Correctly~ (1 minute 30 seconds, April 28, 2020, YouTube)

     The main government videos are introduced below. Check out the other videos linked below.

    New coronavirus countermeasures "Infection prevention during dinner 2" (30 seconds, November 30, 2020, Government Internet TV)

    Please be careful when dining! (1 minute 7 seconds, August 21, 2020, Government Internet TV)

    Avoid the 3 Cs! (Long ver. With ``How to wear a mask correctly, how to wash your hands correctly'') (1 minute 58 seconds, April 28, 2020, Government Internet TV)

    Correct hand washing method (57 seconds, 2020 February 28, 2020, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)

    How to put on and throw away a mask correctly (46 seconds, February 28, 2020, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)

    CM "New Coronavirus Countermeasures" 3” (30 seconds, March 3, 2020, Government Internet TV)

    Department in charge: Public Relations Division

    Updated: December 28, 2021



    Flyer/Poster "Let's prevent Omicron strain together and protect yourself and your loved ones (5 measures against Omicron strain infection) ”(December 28, 2021)

    *PDF: 1.1MB *Can be used as a poster when enlarged. In addition, please refrain from processing, altering, etc.

    *Text version▼ Click to expand

    Let's prevent Omicron strain together and protect yourself and your loved ones

    Five infection control measures

    < ol>
  2. Make sure to wear a mask, wash your hands, and ventilate even after vaccination
  3. Keep your distance from others even outdoors. Be careful when eating or drinking for a long time or with a large number of people.
  4. If you are not feeling well, avoid going to school or work unreasonably, or traveling to and from other areas. Refrain from loud noises and wear a mask when conversing
  5. Be especially careful when traveling to and from outside the prefecture, such as when returning home

Vaccination is effective against the Omicron strain!

Even the Moderna vaccine is effective in preventing the onset and severity of the disease. Adverse reactions are mostly mild and pose no safety concerns.

If you feel unwell or worried, call us

If you have even the slightest discomfort, such as a fever, headache or sore throat, or if you feel tired If you feel unwell, please consult your family doctor or the Consultation Center.

Contact information for consultation center

Department in charge: Public Relations Division

Updated: January 6, 2022

Let's protect our children from Corona (Updated September 21, 2021)

*Text version▼ Click to expand

Let's protect our children from the coronavirus

It is the responsibility of adults to protect children from the novel coronavirus. In order not to spread the infection to children, adults should take the initiative in infection control.

If you have a job where you have a lot of opportunities to interact with parents or children, please consider getting the vaccine early, such as using the priority slot at the prefectural vaccination venue.

Please call for easy-to-understand infection control measures so that even small children can take appropriate measures.

Wear a mask

Hide your nose with a mask!

Wash your hands

Be sure to wash your hands before eating and when entering school or home!


No talking when eating!

Lending and Borrowing Tools

Don't lend and borrow tools!

(Reference) September 21, 2021 Tottori Prefecture New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters (105th) based on the Special Measures Law

Department in charge: New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters Secretariat

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare 11 Knowledge about New Coronavirus Infection

Updated: December 21, 2021

Food and Drink

Return Thorough Omicron countermeasures! (Updated January 21, 2022)

Requests for dining

Please refrain from large groups, loud voices, large plates, and fuss.

In addition to shops, group infections are often seen at home parties.

Speech by Chairman Omi of the Government Subcommittee (January 18, 2022)

 Epidemiology of the rapid increase in Omicron strains Analyzes in the survey show that most of the cases occurred in loud parties, dinners, homes, and various other settings, and these represent the majority of infections. At such a loud party, you may drink alcohol, remove your mask, and have poor ventilation. We know this is very risky after all.

(Reference) January 21, 2022 Tottori Prefecture Novel Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters (122nd meeting) based on the Special Measures Law

*Text version▼ Click to expand

Thoroughly take measures against Omicron when dining together!

Please follow the manners and cooperate with the store's call for infection control.

Points before entering the store

Points when eating

(Reference) December 30, 2021 Tottori based on the Special Measures Law Prefectural Novel Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters (113th)

Department in charge: Life Safety Promotion Division, New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters Secretariat

Updated date: February 3, 2022

Flyers and posters "Let's hold down points and have dinner!", "Things to protect with mask dinner" (Cabinet Secretariat March 5, 2021) > It's time to have more opportunities to have dinner together. The opportunity to talk should not become a scene where you infect your loved ones, so let's hold down the points to prevent infection and have a meal together. In addition, videos and other leaflets and posters are posted on the Cabinet Secretariat's "Special Site for Preventing the Recurrence of Infections," so please take a look at them as well.

Flyer/poster "Let's hold down points and have dinner!" (PDF: 1,016KB, Cabinet Secretariat, March 5, 2021) (PDF: 1,662KB, Cabinet Secretariat, December 17, 2020)

*1 Precautions when using leaflets*2 The link is an external link.

Updated date: December 30, 2021 Prime Minister's Office/Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare April 2020)

1 Brochure (4P) "Guidelines for avoiding the three Cs" (April 15, 2020, PDF: 1,395KB, Source: Prime Minister's Official Residence/Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, external link)

2 Leaflet "Don't 'close', 'crowd' and 'close-contact'!" Avoid "close"! (Updated March 28, 2020, PDF: 1,245KB, Source: Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, external link)

Updated: December 6, 2021 Meeting October 23, 2020 "Five situations where the risk of infection increases" and "Ingenuity to enjoy dinner while reducing the risk of infection" (recommendation)

On December 2, 2020, the Cabinet Secretariat The following site has been released.

 What would you advise your family and loved ones to do if they were going to go to 5 situations where the risk of infection increases?

"Five Situations" Where the Risk of Infection Increases

 The following content is from the Cabinet Secretariat "October 23, 2020 New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Subcommittee (12th)" This is an excerpt from the (external link) subcommittee's recommendations to the government, "'Five Situations where the Risk of Infection Increases'" and "Ingenuity to Enjoy Dining While Reducing the Risk of Infection" (external link, PDF: 1,126KB).

Five Situations Where the Risk of Infection Increases

[Scene 1] Social gatherings involving drinking

[Scene 2] Large groups and long hours of eating and drinking


[Scene 3] Conversation without a mask

[Scene 4] Living together in a small space

[Scene 5] Switching places

Ingenuity to enjoy dinner while reducing the risk of infection

★At a restaurant where an employee was infected, the guidelines were followed, ventilation was provided by opening the windows, and there was a certain amount of space between customers, so customers (more than 100) No infected person was found.

Things to keep in mind in all situations, including drinking situations

Updated: December 6, 2021< h2> National Institute of Infectious Diseases August 13, 2020 Collection of cluster cases (nosocomial infections, restaurants with karaoke, workplace meetings, sports gyms, restaurants with entertainment, bus tours) National Institute of Infectious Diseases August 13, 2020 Cluster case studies (PDF: 853KB, external link) Updated: August 2, 2021

Masks, droplets


Use a non-woven mask and fit your nose! (Updated January 28, 2022)

*Text version▼ Click to expand

Use a non-woven mask to fit your nose!

Urethane masks are expected to be less than 30% effective, and cloth masks are expected to be less than half as effective as non-woven masks when used correctly

Droplet collection rateUrethane maskCloth maskNonwoven fabric mask fit
When inhaling 18% cut30% cut75% cut

【 Performance of commercially available masks (measured values)] *Created by Tottori Prefecture based on materials created by Professor Makoto Tsubokura (RIKEN/Kobe University)

It is important to use a non-woven mask correctly, such as fitting it to the face (covering the nose) so that there are no gaps

Checkpoints for wearing the correct mask

Please be thorough at schools, kindergartens, childcare facilities, etc.

(Reference) January 28, 2022 Special Measures Act Based on Tottori Prefecture Novel Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters (127th)

Department in charge: New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters Secretariat

Updated: January 28, 2022

Even close friends have masks! ~Let's wear a mask~ (November 19, 2020 version)

Even close friends have masks! Request from Tottori Prefecture to prevent the spread of corona infection (30 seconds, YouTube video, external link) ``Five scenes'' where the number of people who are infected is increasing and ``Ingenuity to enjoy dinner while reducing the risk of infection'' (recommendation) Video (Source: RIKEN, Kobe Shimbun NEXT, etc.) was released as a video. The video visualizes the effect of masks on preventing droplets from scattering, the scattering of coughing droplets on a face-to-face table with a distance of about 2m, the effect of partitions, and the air flow in commuter trains and small offices. It has also been shown that masks and partitions have a certain effect.


Updated: August 2, 2021

A video that visualizes droplets dispersed in the air by sneezing and "micro droplets" emitted outdoors by ventilation (Source: NHK)

On March 27, 2020, NHK released an experimental video that visualized droplets in the air and issued the following warnings. (External link)

[NHK web page summary]

Source: NHK NEWS WEB > Special site New coronavirus > At home At work > Important things in life > To prevent stagnation (External link. It may have been deleted after the posting period has passed.)

 Also, on the following page, we have released a video showing the effect of the mask and the dispersion of droplets that can be visualized.


Updated: August 2, 2021

Please refer to the "Tottori Office System"

 For the following purposes, in March 2020, the Tottori Prefectural Government will establish a distance between employees We have introduced a "Tottori-type office system", which is a review of the layout of work desks, such as securing of space and installing partitions between desks. 【the purpose】

 This Tottori-style office system is one of the ways to live while preventing infectious diseases in the Tottori-style "new lifestyle". You can expect to reduce the risk of infection with a little ingenuity. Please refer to it at work.

[Layout example] * As a guideline, keep a distance of 2m or more between people.

Tottori type office system (cardboard format)

Department in charge: Personnel Planning Division

Updated: August 2, 2021


For more information, please see the "Masks" page.

Updated: August 2, 2021



Don't forget to ventilate in winter (Updated November 25, 2021)

*Text version▼ Click here Deployment

Don't forget to ventilate in winter

In winter, there are fewer opportunities to open windows, increasing the risk of aerosol (microdroplet) infection. Thorough ventilation please.

Main points of basic ventilation

Ingenuity to keep indoor temperature from dropping when it's cold

(Reference) November 25, 2021 Tottori Prefecture New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters (108th) based on the Special Measures Law

Department in charge: New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters Secretariat

Updated: December 18, 2021

Good ventilation method (Updated December 6, 2021, external link)

1 General

< /tr>
Date of issue, date of publicationSenderTitle, name of notification, etc.PDF size (KB)Remarks
December 4, 2021NHK NEWS WEBSevere cold What about "ventilation" to prevent corona infection? What's the point? -Winter
November 20, 2020NHK News Good Morning JapanVentilation points in winter (0:54 video)-Winter
November 2020 12thCabinet SecretariatPoints to prevent new corona infection in cold weather108Winter
October 30, 2020Nihon TV news every. (Video 9 min 8 sec)

June 17, 2020NHK Special Site New Coronavirus< /td>"Visualization" makes it all clear! -
June 20, 2020NHK NEWS WEB"Frequent ventilation" for corona prevention Energy saving with the air conditioner on-Summer
June 9, 2020NHK NEWS WEBWith Corona Ban air conditioners in schools? Ventilation is important-Summer

2 Housing

Date of issue, date of publicationSenderTitle, name of noticePDF size (KB)Remarks
December 1, 2021Matsudo CityEffective ventilation at home Summarized (Ventilation points at home)-
April 10, 2020 Daikin Industry Co., Ltd.How to Ventilate Well ~Residential Version~ *Winter and Summer Ventilation Methods Available-

3 Offices, stores, commercial facilities

< td>October 2021< td>Daikin Industries, Ltd.
Date of issue, date of releaseSenderTitle, notification namePDF size (KB)Remarks
Matsudo CityVentilation is important to prevent infection! > Ventilation points in stores and facilities-
May 14, 2020How to ventilate well -offices and stores--

Detailed version for commercial facilities

< th>Title, notification name td>
Date of issue, date of publicationFromPDF size (KB)Remarks
November 27, 2020Ministry of Health, Labor and WelfareVentilation to improve closed spaces with poor ventilation in winter (leaflet)1,070Winter
November 27, 2020Ministry of Health, Labor and WelfareVentilation to improve closed spaces with poor ventilation in winter (Reference material)600Winter
June 24, 2020Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare< /td>Ventilation method to improve ``poorly ventilated closed space'' with attention to heatstroke prevention (leaflet)803Summer
June 17, 2020Ministry of Health, Labor and WelfareTo improve ``closed spaces with poor ventilation'' with attention to heat stroke prevention About ventilation (reference material)1,019Summer
Revised April 3, 2020 (first published: March 30 )Ministry of Health, Labor and WelfareVentilation method to improve ``closed spaces with poor ventilation'' (leaflet)938
March 30, 2020Ministry of Health, Labor and WelfareImprove ``closed spaces with poor ventilation'' in commercial facilities, etc. 746

4 Public Transportation

5 Others

(1) Research using the supercomputer "Fugaku"

Updated: December 6, 2021

Hand washing, coughing etiquette

Back< h2> Flyer/poster "Cooperate with measures against infectious diseases (correct hand washing, cough etiquette, etc.)" (Prime Minister's Official Residence, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, February 2020)

 Summary of measures against infectious diseases It's a flyer. Please feel free to use it, such as posting it at your company, school, or place where people gather, or publicizing it (please do not modify or alter it). Also, please refer to the Prime Minister's official residence web page (external link) for notes on using leaflets.

○ Hand washing + cough etiquette (how to wear a mask) (PDF:950KB, Source: Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, external link)

Updated: December 6, 2021



Precautions for preventing infection when traveling "New travel etiquette", "New travel rules"

 Travel In order to avoid the risk of infection and travel safely, tourism-related business operators have compiled the "new travel etiquette" that should be kept in mind to prevent infection when traveling. In addition to basic precautions for preventing infection when traveling, there are precautions for each aspect of travel (transportation, meals, accommodation, tourist facilities, shopping). For details, please see "New Travel Etiquette" and "New Travel Rules" (Go To Travel Business Official Website for Travelers, external link).

Updated: December 6, 2021

Alcohol for disinfection


[Fire warning] Safe handling of alcohol for disinfection (ethanol, etc.)

New coronavirus infection Along with the outbreak of the disease, there are more opportunities to use rubbing alcohol for disinfection of fingers, etc. Generally, rubbing alcohol has the following characteristics as physical properties.

○It is easy to ignite when brought close to fire ○Combustible vapor generated from alcohol is heavier than air and tends to accumulate in low places.

 For this reason, when using rubbing alcohol in your home or office, please pay close attention to the general precautions for fire prevention shown on the link and handle it safely.

Updated: December 6, 2021

[Fire Warning] Please be careful when handling disinfectant alcohol in your car

The combustible vapor generated from the air is heavier than air and tends to accumulate in low places. Therefore, if alcohol for disinfection is left inside a car in the summer when the temperature rises, the temperature rises in a closed space, and the alcohol generates flammable vapor, which tends to accumulate. . If you get in the car and light the lighter, the vaporized alcohol may ignite and cause a fire. When carrying around alcohol for disinfection, pay attention to these characteristics and be careful not to use or store it in hot places or near fire.

[Beware of flammability] Safe handling of rubbing alcohol (ethanol, etc.)

NHK "Don't leave it alone! Rubbing alcohol in the car" (external link)

Updated: February 18, 2021

[Fire warning] Please be careful of fire caused by the installation of splash prevention sheets

In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, stores, offices, etc. Although the installation of sheets to prevent splashes is increasing, there was an incident in a commercial facility outside the prefecture where a lighter was ignited near the sheet and the sheet caught fire, causing a fire. Therefore, when installing sheets to prevent splashes in stores, offices, etc., please pay attention to the following points to prevent such fires.

Reference link

Eastern Tottori Prefecture Wide Area Administrative Management Association Fire Department "About sheets to prevent droplet infection installed at store windows" (external link)

NHK "Used at stores, etc." Pine prevention sheet "Firefighters call attention to fires" (May 28, 2020, external link)

NHK "New Corona Spreading Transparent Sheet" (May 20, 2020, external link)

h3> Updated: February 18, 2021

Alternative disinfection methods other than alcohol for the new coronavirus

In response to the spread of the new coronavirus, disinfection methods other than alcohol at home and at work In order to increase the options for , the National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (abbreviated as "NITE") is conducting an evaluation of the effectiveness of disinfection methods other than alcohol at the request of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. A list of products containing surfactants effective against the new coronavirus has been announced. Some of them include household detergents that are familiar to us. Please use it at home and in the community as an alternative disinfection method other than alcohol for the new coronavirus.

Link to the website of National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (external link)

Updated: February 18, 2021

Disinfection "ethanol" and toxic "methanol" Please note the difference!

Regarding alcohol, which is said to be effective in disinfecting the new coronavirus, there are cases where people make their own disinfectant solutions due to the lack of products such as disinfectant sprays and gels. At that time, never use ethanol (ethyl alcohol) and methanol (methyl alcohol), which has a similar name. Inhalation or accidental ingestion of methanol (methyl alcohol) may result in poisoning such as death, blindness, and renal failure. Also, it is a flammable liquid, so there is a risk of fire. For details, please see "Disinfectant alcohol, one letter mistake is fatal" (NHK NEWS WEB, February 19, 2020, external link). Updated: February 18, 2021



To protect yourself and your loved ones, install the new coronavirus contact-confirming app "COCOA"

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's new coronavirus contact confirmation application "COCOA" is a smartphone application that allows you to receive notifications about the possibility of contact with a person infected with the new coronavirus infection. By knowing the possibility of contact with a positive person, users can quickly receive support from public health centers, such as taking tests. Please use all means. "Personal information will be protected." For details, please see the following page.

*Please check the model and OS version as it may not work properly on terminals that are not compatible or in an OS environment that is not the latest.

Updated: December 6, 2021

Points to note about sports and exercise and examples of exercise (Sports Agency)

The Sports Agency encourages safe and secure exercise even under the circumstances of the new coronavirus.・Good examples of exercise/sports that can be done indoors (at home), and cases where exercise/sports are performed outdoors, based on what is necessary to prevent infection and what you would like people around you to consider so that you can do sports We have summarized the points to be considered and published on our website. For details, please see "New Coronavirus Infection Countermeasures Points to Note Regarding Sports and Exercise and Examples of Exercise (Sports Agency, external link)".

Updated: March 17, 2021

Appropriate consultation at a medical institution based on measures against the new coronavirus (how to get good medical care)-Necessary consultation at a medical institution even during the corona crisis-

< ol>
  • Excessive refraining from seeing a doctor may increase health risks.
  • Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to manage your health, including treatment for chronic diseases, vaccinations, and checkups.
  • Infection control measures are taken at medical institutions.
  • If you feel unwell or have any concerns about your health, first consult your primary care doctor.
  • See the following page for details.

    Updated: August 25, 2020 Back|Mask

    Navigation Lists
