New playground equipment Installation in Reizawa Kindergarten together with the balloon release

Category: Event

麗澤幼稚園に新遊具設置 バルーンリリースと共にお披露目 企業リリース

Release issuance company: Reizawa University

-The fun memories will live tomorrow -April 9, 2018 (Monday) Reizawa Kindergarten (Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture/Director: Yoshi Okada) will be April 9, 2018 (Yoshi Okada). A new playground equipment will be held on Monday). Under the keyword, "The memories that were fun would be the power to live tomorrow," we installed this new playground equipment to foster "the willingness to challenge" and "the power to live" while enjoying the children. This playground equipment is about 16 meters long, and has 18 points for children to enjoy. These 18 points include a mechanism that supports the improvement of the physical abilities of children, and the feature is that they can increase the athletic ability of each child while playing happily. It is important for children to create a "heart foundation" in kindergartens, which are the first school education. I hope that the foundation of the "strong heart" that will challenge anything will be nurtured through this playground equipment and the experience of experiencing the sense of accomplishment of "challenging" and "done" will be raised. ◆ Outline Date and time: Monday, April 9, 2018 11: 20-12: 00 Place: Reisawa Kindergarten Garden ( Participants:・ Children and parents (approximately 200 people) ◆ Program 11: 20 -Opening ceremony (Director Greeting), Balloon Release (150 pieces), Memorial Photo 11:40 -First play in new playgrounds 12:00 dissolution About Reizawa Kindergarten] Reisawa Kindergarten opened in 1982. Since the opening of the park, we have been working on childcare by inheriting the educational policy proposed by the founder, Ikuro Hiroike (Dr. Law). As an educational goal, we have a gentle and compassionate child, a child who can say thank you, and a child who can be yourself, and is developing educational activities with one faculty and staff. [Inquiries regarding interviews] Hiroike Gakuen Public Relations Department URL: 〒277-8686 277-8686 277-8686 Mitsugaoka, Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture: Kawahara (Kawahara) Email: PR@Reitaku-- U.Ac.jptel: 04-7173-3136FAX: 04-7173-3585 Corporate press release to PRTIMES Top


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