New threat!?"New vehicle theft mouth, CAN Invader measures should be done like this!"

Until now, the tricks for vehicle theft were the mainstream, such as the "relay attack" that unlocked through the smart key radio waves, and the "Code Glover", which created a spare key, but here is a new theft.The damage caused by the trick "CAN Invader" has continued.

The trick is very advanced, and it invades the car's brain (CPU) from the wiring, sensors, connectors, etc. of the integrated control system, which is stretched into the vehicle, but what measures should be taken as a user side.Mitsuhiro Kunisawa explains.Sentence / Mitsuhiro Kunisawa / Photo AC, AUTOBACSEven

[Image gallery] Check out the effective measures for CAN Invaders with images!

■ Expanding theft damage

There is a method of easily stealing vehicles, such as "relay attack" that uses weak radio waves from smart keys, and "Imobi cutter" that allows you to access directly from the OBD2 terminal used for inspection of cars.He also had a weak point.If you are a relay attack, you can cut off the radio waves of the smart key, and the immobilized cutter takes time to unlock the door.

新手の脅威!? 「新型車両盗難手口、CANインベーダー対策はこうすべし!!」

Also, if you know the "attacker" of the thief, there are ways to protect it, but the trouble is that the police or automakers do not provide any information.At the time of the relay attack, when I interviewed a car manufacturer, only two companies gave me information.The police paid for the stolen trick.As a result, he was not taken to defend, and during that time he was stolen.

Fortunately, the relay attack obtained information on the trick at an early stage.The two companies taught me the smart key system, so I was able to introduce a defense measure to "cut off the radio waves of the smart key."If the two companies did not contribute, the damage to the relay attack would have expanded further.I can only think that the police and the theft group are helping.If a new trick comes out, you should notify you of countermeasures.

■ "CAN Invader" invades from non -OBD2 terminals

Now.Here, a new stolen trick called "CAN Invader" came out.It accesses the communication and control unit (nerve in humans), which is stretched out of the car from the outside, and performs the same operation as the OBD2 terminal.Specifically, if the rankle, insert a coupler into the headlight control ECU near the left front wheel.

Enter the Can Communication system that has come to the ECU and unlock the door.Furthermore, by pressing the push button in the room, you can start the engine as usual and run.Theft group seems to obtain coupler access points for each model along with the CAN Invader device.Once you get used to it, you can start the engine after locking in 2-3 minutes.

This is what I know now.At the moment, automakers seem to have no way to deal with them.Surprisingly, if you borrow a new Land Cancel public relations car, you will be locked with handle locks and tire locks, and you will be told that you should use it.Theft group knows the new rankle CAN information.If there is an effective anti -theft measure, Toyota would have adopted it.

If you write it for reference, the "blueprint" of CAN communication is different for each manufacturer.Of course it is treated as confidential information.Therefore, a Can Invader cannot be used if it is a model without a can information.Conversely, a car with a can information can be stolen easily.Police should quickly announce a model that seems to have been stolen with a CAN invader to deter theft.

The next page is: ■ Is there a countermeasure method?

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