AI monitoring of News ATM, Saga Bank prevention to prevent full -scale wire fraud

ATM corner where AI camera is installed.If you talk on a mobile phone for a certain period of time while operating, the audio of the warning will flow = the ATM corner of the Saga Bank head office in Saga City

 In order to prevent clever wire fraud, Saga Bank (Saga City) cooperates with Saga Prefectural Police and system development Optim (head office, Saga City) to full -scale AI cameras to the automatic depositor (ATM).I started introducing it.Based on the demonstration experiment that has been promoted since 2019, the detection accuracy has been improved.A digital signage (electronic sign) was also installed at the top of the ATM."Please refrain from operating while calling a mobile phone."ATM corner outside the Saga Bank head office in Saga City.A man, assuming a visitor, holding his smartphone over his ears in front of the ATM, trying to operate while talking, and the sound of the warning flowed into the store.The AI camera to be installed detected the behavior of calling for a certain period of time, and informs the user of the possibility of fraud.The company started to operate ATMs as instructed by the other party and deceive cash throughout the country, and the prefectural police, the prefectural police, and Optim have begun a three -way cooperation agreement.The AI camera uses Optim's image analysis technology.Until the end of January, Saga has been conducting a campaign to operate sponsoring companies and operates to see if companies in the prefecture can support the operation of the crime prevention system.At the ATM outside the store at the same head office, it is said that 15 seconds advertisements can be made as a privilege to digital signage.The advertisement is repeatedly shed every 3 minutes, which is the average use time of one operation.The person in charge appeals that "activities that can prevent damage with the power of companies in the prefecture and lead to SDGs."According to the Saga Prefectural Police, the number of fake telephone fraud recognition in the prefecture was 21 from January to the end of October this year (5 decreased from the previous year), and the damage was about 8.229 million yen (up about 44.15 million yen).Of these, four refund frauds to transfer cash from ATMs (up 4), and the damage amount is about 7.27 million yen.In the unlikely event that an incident occurs, it will use the recorded image to use it.(Tomoka Shiwa)


ニュース ATMをAI監視、佐賀銀行が本格導入 振り込め詐欺防止へ