News [DCU] Sudden "gag elements" that the captain and the deputy captain are upset in the diamond loss scene of evidence

The price is desperate to search in the 10 million yen pool

Hiroshi Abe, starring at DCU [Photo: Encount editorial department]

ニュース 【DCU】証拠のダイヤ紛失シーンで隊長と副隊長が取り乱す 突然の“ギャグ要素”が話題に

 The 6th episode of the TBS Sunday Theater "DCU -Diver with handcuffs" (every Sunday, 9:00 pm) starring actor Hiroshi Abe was broadcast on the 27th. A water mystery depicting the success of a diver investigator belonging to the DCU (DEEP CRIME UNIT (Dive Special Investigative Corps) "of the Japan Coast Guard, which investigates underwater incidents and accidents. On this day, there was a comical production about the loss of diamonds in the murder in the aquarium, leaving a fresh impression on the viewers. [Video] A new battle of new name vs. Nanaga!? March 6 Broadcasting "DCU" Official notice video ( * There is a description about the contents of the drama) The body of an unknown woman who drowned. Discovered at the port of Yokohama. Her hand has a high diamond ring. She was suspected of suicide because she was not stolen, but DCU investigated as a murder case that seemed to be suicide because there were many mysterious points, such as finding plankton inhabiting the Arctic sea from the victim's lungs. I embarked on. As we conducted multiple investigations, plankton in the South China Sea was also found, so the crime site was determined to be aquariums with both seawater. The victim, who was unknown, was found to be a fiancee of fish supplier Ichiro Kimi (Masaya Kato). The new name (Hiroshi Abe) and Seno (Yokohama Ryusei) are suspicious of Kimi, but also pays for doubts on the aquarium producer, Nayu Negishi (Rio Asumi), who shows suspicious movements. Then, he was connected to Narusa (Koji Yoshikawa), who had died in a water accident 15 years ago ... This highlight was an arrest of a fish supplier who killed the fiance, but to get evidence, the viewer has an interest in the verification scene where the new name is damaged on the same acrylic board as the material in the aquarium with a diamond ring. I went. While the new name tried many times in the pool, the diamond went out of the pedestal and went to the bottom of the pool. Deputy Captain Nishino screamed, "Captain Ooooooooo! That, ring!", And the members Otomo (Tosa Brothers Ariki) screamed, "10 million yen!" Morita (Okazaki Physical Education) also said, "Is this a work -related accident? Or the captain is compensated?" Looking back, the scientific investigation lab team leader, Mako (Mikako Ichikawa), turned the look of a contempt. The blurred new name and Nishino's expression were comical, and it was a rare element of laughter for a mystery drama. On the net, "Today's DCU is the victory of Mitsuomi Takahashi when he was scratching with a diamond ring." "Suddenly you can laugh with gags." "This week, the DCU was interesting because of the losing diamond gag development." The viewer also enjoyed it. On the other hand, in the scene where Seno, who had been investigating a security camera video, fell asleep at the desk, "I was happy to see this sleeping face." Attention was gathered, such as too much, such as "too much," "Sleeping face that is insanely healed," "the mouth is too cute," and "Seno -kun's sleeping face is too beautiful and yaniya stops." The 7th episode of the March 6 broadcast depicts a remote diving VR unveiled event produced by Nayu (Rio Asumi) for the daughter of heart disease, and an unimaginable incident involving hospital children.

Encount editorial department