Is the monitoring of the news functioning?Pool accident measures in childcare places

 On April 24, 2018, the Consumer Safety Investigation Committee "Survey on Pool Activities and Water Play in Education and Childcare Facilities, etc."Follow -up) has been announced.

The story so far

 In July 2011, following a drowning accident in a pool in a kindergarten in Yamato City, Kanagawa Prefecture, the Consumer Safety Investigation Committee examined and issued an opinion that "guidance and monitoring will be separated." I was involved as a committee member of the specialized committee to create this opinion. He was shown the structure of the pool, the depth of water, the number of children in the pool, and the behavior of the childcare worker, but I did not know how many minutes the drowned child had flooded. Therefore, there are three dangerous time in childcare: eating (suffocation during meals), sleeping (sudden death during sleep), and watering (drowning in the pool). That time is a video. It is necessary to record, "he said, but it was not covered, but it was adopted by those who are doing human errors to" separate guidance and monitoring ", June 20, 2014. On a day, the Consumer Safety Investigation Committee issued a letter to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and the Cabinet Office.

 As shown in 1 to 3 below, the content is not new, just as the so -called foundation, general theory is not clear, and it is not clear what to do.The only need to separate guidance and monitoring is described, and if no one is dedicated to monitoring, it is urging pool activities to be stopped.What has been mentioned in the suspension of pool activities may be the sense of crisis of committee members that the same accident continues to occur.

1) When performing pool activities and playing in the water, the surveillance is separated and the pool guidance, etc., and the pool guidance is placed separately so that there is no space for the surveillance system, and the division of roles is clarified.If you cannot place any personnel dedicated to monitoring outside the water, discontinue pool activities and playing in the water.

2) In order to prevent accidents, teachers involved in pool activities will provide sufficiently in advance on the risks and points to be careful about when monitoring pool activities and water play in infants.

3. For faculty and staff, we will provide a place for education for first aid, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation.In addition, we will organize and share the response to emergencies, including 119 calls, so that we can deal with the situation that can be competed in a moment, and train in everyday life so that we can practice those knowledge and skills in an emergency.conduct.

Overview of the survey report

 This time, whether the content of the opinion submitted in 2014 is fully transmitted to kindergartens, nursery schools, and certified children's schools, whether actually taking measures are being taken, and kindergarten teachers, childcare and childcare related to pool activities.A survey was conducted by the Consumer Safety Investigation Committee on how the teacher accepts it.

 Until now, the government's response to the accident has never been considered whether the accidents have decreased due to the alert just after the accident has occurred.In fact, in the case of pool accidents, drowning accidents have occurred shortly after the notice has been alerted.This time, the point of investigating the effects of the opinion can be evaluated, but I would like to consider the results of the survey.

 A questionnaire was sent to 5,000 kindergartens, nursery schools, and certified children's schools nationwide, and the director and staff were answered, and the results were announced.Emergency assumptions in pool activities and water play are conducted at 40 %, and the number of children in the water at one time is not a difference between the 3 -year -old class, the 4 -year -old class, and the 5 -year -old class.Then there were 16-19 people.The average number of staff members in the water is 1.6 to 1.The average number of staff members who concentrate on monitoring outside the water is 1.1 to 1.There were three people.4-9 % of the ratio of non -water staff outside the water.In addition, the rate of attendance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation has been examined.

Report issues

 The biggest problem in this report is "monitoring.""It is necessary to ensure that people who concentrate on monitoring outside the water are thorough," but it is necessary to verify what kind of monitoring the "monitoring" is.It is not possible to prevent the actual situation of monitoring and the effectiveness of monitoring, and simply pointing out that "monitoring is necessary."

ニュース その監視は機能しているか?保育の場のプール事故対策の課題

 For example, go to a local pool in the summer and check what the surveillance is doing.Some monitors move in the shade and look at the pool, not on the surveillance table for too much heat.In addition, even if 19 children are monitored, which is the average number of children in water, 19 children are sitting and watering.It is necessary to check that point whether it can be monitored all the time.

 On the Internet, you can see pool monitoring training images.It's a good idea to try this video and try it.You will see the difficulty of monitoring.Alternatively, show this video to the nursery surveillance and check if it can be properly monitored.

Monitoring era

 In the emergency room of a medical institution in the United States, the whole story after the patient was brought in was recorded with a camera installed on the ceiling, and later a study group was held while listening to the images and instructions. The patient is brought in, transferred to the bed, paste electrodes for heart rate monitor, and starts compression as soon as breathing is stopped. At the same time, a tracheal intubation is performed to connect to the ventilator. Search for blood vessels and stab the needle to secure a drip. At the same time, blood collection is performed and submitted to the test. A doctor instructed the medicine and injected the drug solution. All of these measures are taken for about 10-15 minutes. The doctor's instructions are accurate, whether the instructions were properly transmitted to the nurse, whether the medical staff was wasted, the procedure for preventing infection was appropriate, and whether there were any missing records. I will. By being analyzed in this way, high -quality medical care can be performed.

 A drive recorder was installed on the car, and if a collision accident occurred, it was possible to determine which car was responsible.Until then, each other had not acknowledged each other, but if there was a record at the time of collision, the movement of seconds was confirmed.

 Recently, small, lightweight cameras have been developed, and animals have been monitored in various animals.I became able to understand various things, such as the range of movement, what I was eating, and nighttime behavior.

What should I do?

 What should I do as a pool drowning measure?I will do the following survey.

The entire pool will be able to shoot a camera and monitor during the pool activity.Analyzing the video can tell you about the movement of the childcare worker, the behavior of the child, and the position of the monitoring role.If you record and analyze your daily pool activities, you can know how many children can monitor, the actual situation and limits of the pool, and also improve childcare work.。In the event of an accident, it will be possible to analyze accurately, which will be very useful.Installing a video camera is not a recurrence prevention measure, but does not lead to direct prevention, but it is not possible to consider precautionary measures unless monitoring is clear.

2. Attach the viewpoint monitoring device (gaze measurement device) to the nursery of the surveillance to find out how the children in the pool look and what they are paying attention to.As a result, you can see how many people can look at it without any eyes, and the limits of the surveillance may be understood.Alternatively, you may have the pool survivors cooperate and analyze the monitoring monitoring of the monitor.

3 Unfortunately, in the summer, a drowning case in the pool occurs unfortunately.The news reports that "there were three surveillance."At the site where the drowning was performed, how the surveillance system was performed, where was the height, what height, and where the drowning was, and where the drown was occurred.If you do a detailed verification, you will know the limit of the monitoring.The Consumer Affairs Agency must conduct this verification and continue to investigate the limits of human monitoring.

4. It has been reported to collect cases of hiyari hat in the future, but gives priority to analyzing accidents that have actually occurred.For example, it is more useful to provide data on the disaster mutual aid benefit of the Japan Sports Promotion Center (JSC) (an accident with a medical expenses of 5,000 yen or more) every year.Hiyari hates are subjective, and it is difficult to collect them.

 Many childcareers have a sense of resistance that installing monitors seems to be being monitored, but in fact, scientific analysis can lead to their business improvement.Also, if the image analysis is inundated for several tens of seconds, it may be possible to determine that it is an inevitable sudden death due to lethal arrhythmia, and it will protect childcareers.At the same time, it also protects the rights of children who cannot fully explain the situation.I think that it is an era where monitoring benefits should be used.

 These studies may make it clear that human monitoring has a limit.If you know that, there will be a decision that the machine should be introduced to a system that monitors the pool, like Poseidon.

Useful survey

 In this survey, there are a wide variety of items, and the questions are often common, and I don't know what they want to find out.The number of surveys is large, but the large number is not always necessary.In a nutshell, this survey is a distracted survey, which is almost useless as an accident countermeasure.

 If the investigation is to help prevent accidents, it is necessary to clarify the purpose of the survey in advance and set the question items that match it, so that experts must participate and consider the survey items.Not.In this survey, as a question item regarding the monitoring point, the monitoring is concentrated on monitoring, monitoring the entire pool, c).There are four questions about not only those who are moving, but also those who have little movement or finding those who have been actively moving, but they know, but in this question.Even if you know, "it doesn't seem to lead to drowning prevention.

in conclusion

 You need to know the actual situation of monitoring and recognize that human monitoring has a limit.The checklist on the pool activities and water play attached to this report states, "It is important to keep an eye on the children for a moment."There is no effect if you instruct the same thing in the Edo period.Can you actually write this sentence that you keep an eye on it for a moment?Only electronic devices can do this.In terms of cost, monitors should be cheaper than monitoring labor costs.

 As we have pointed out many times, it is necessary to develop a safe product and environment even if you take your eyes off a little, rather than "keep an eye on".

Information provision

 SAFE KIDS JAPAN will hold a symposium entitled "School Physical Education and Sports Accidents that can be prevented by this -protecting children from repeated pool accidents" together with the Japan Sports Law Support and Research Center.We are currently looking for participants, so if you are interested, please come to the venue.