News Isuzu improves the medium -sized truck "forward"! Reduces the burden on the driver with the same safety device as a large car

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ニュース いすゞが中型トラック「フォワード」を改良! 大型車と同等の安全装置でドライバーの負担を軽減

 Isuzu Motors improved the medium truck "forward".Equipped with all vehicles fast -cared marine cars, contributing to driver load reduction and safety operation.[Image gallery] The system is equivalent to a large truck with a medium -sized truck with enhanced safety devices, but the total vehicle weight is less than 8t, and starts and stops at a full speed range up to 120 km / h.Automatically perform control such as acceleration deceleration.The safety devices of medium -sized trucks have been quite enhanced.Sentence/Track Magazine "Full Road" editorial department, photo/Isuzu Motor

Equipped with the same safety device as a large truck

Image of all cars fast -piercing cars interchangeable cars

 Isuzu Motor Co., Ltd. has released the safety performance of the medium -sized truck "forward" and launched all over the country on February 24. In this improvement, all vehicles fast -middlemoted cars used in the large truck "Giga" are newly installed on the medium truck "forward" (only for medium -sized AMT "Smusser FX"). All vehicles fast -cared carbal cars are automatically accelerated, deceleration, stopping, and starting, so that the distance between cars is maintained. Controled in all vehicles of H was possible. As a result, brakes and accelerator operations during low -speed driving due to traffic congestion on the highway are significantly reduced than before. However, if you have more than 3 seconds after the stop, you need to start with a driver. With a monocular camera and a millimeter wave radar in the front, the interrupt vehicle was quickly detected, making it possible to control more appropriate vehicle speed. This contributes to safe operation and reducing drivers. Truck safety devices continue to evolve, and Isuzu's medium -sized truck "forward" has the following safety devices except for some vehicles. Nevertheless, it is a system that supports driver's safe driving, and does not enable driving beyond the limit of vehicles. I want the driver to always try to drive safely without overwhelming the device.

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