News "Not a fire" The "powerful" device of the railway is a topic ... I asked Enoshima Electric Railway about the identity

(FNN Prime Online)

ニュース 「火事ではありません」鉄道の“縁の下の力持ち”装置が話題…正体を江ノ島電鉄に聞いた

Various people are involved in operating trains safely, and many devices and equipment are active.Now, the “track device” that keeps this safety has become a hot topic on Twitter.[Image] Looking at the images of another shaped snowware and Enoden vehicles, I posted a video on the Enoden official Twitter account (@enoden_official), saying "It's not a fire, so don't worry."Although it is the state of the branch (point) part of the track, if you look closely, you can see the burning fire from under the rail.In fact, it is said that this has prevented the turning device from being able to convert due to snowfall and freezing.It is a device that can only be seen in the cold season and is indispensable for safe operation.In addition to the surprising voices on Twitter on Twitter, "I didn't know!"rice field.Some people may think, "Is there a fire from the track?"It's not a fire, so don't worry

Did this type decrease?

You can see that it warms it with fire to prevent snow and freezing.However, in the video, it seems that the fire is directly hitting the rails, but is there any problem? What kind of mechanism is this device in the first place? I spoke to the Twitter staff of Enoshima Electric Railway Co., Ltd.-When this device is heated, the name of this device is called a snow melting or a snow melting cantera, etc.).There are side -type and bottom type, but in this post, we introduced the bottom -type snowyers.-When it has been installed since time? There is no accurate record, but it has been used for a long time.-What kind of mechanism is it burning kerosene?Kerosene stoves and alcohol lamps are the same.It is used by refueling as appropriate while freezing is expected due to snowfall.-Is it okay to light the rails in the first place? There is no problem due to the material for the whole.-I guess this device is used by any railway company? I guess it is used by many companies, but I think it is used more than the latest device.In our company, the bottom type is also reducing the number.According to the person in charge, the "bottom -type snowware" posted this time is the case and ignition bowl under the branch part of the tracks, and used the oldest in Enoshima Electric Railway.It is said that it has been done.However, in recent years, it has been switching from the bottom type to the "side type" because it is convenient and easy to handle.As the name suggests, the "side type" has a fire source on the side of the rail, and a larger tank can be prepared than the bottom type, so that the refueling frequency is reduced, so that the efficiency of the work can be improved.By the way, it is not invisible because the side -type snowy snowers are covered, but it is difficult for users and residents along the line to notice.
