News Tokyo Snow, Sky Tree to the sidewalk How to protect the "dangerous" pedestrians?I asked the facility for countermeasures

Tokyo Sky Tree (Photo: AFP/Afro)

ニュース 東京積雪、スカイツリーから歩道への落雪が「危ない」 歩行者どう身を守れば?施設に対策を聞いた

 A video that captures the snow lumps piled up in the Tokyo Sky Tree to fall into the sidewalk with a shock sound is attracting attention.There are voices on the Internet that shows concerns about the surrounding safety.[Image] What is the measures to prevent accidents due to falling snowfall?J-CAST News interviewed.■ "I'm sorry for your concerns and inconvenience." The video was posted on Tiktok on February 11, 2022, the day after snow was observed in Tokyo.It has been shot to fall in snow from the middle of the tower I looked up.Most frozen snow lumps were washed away by the wind and fell on the roof of the building, but one reached the sidewalk.I scattered with a dull sound that made me feel solid.Under the eaves nearby, pedestrians and people wear yellow clothes, which are considered to be some kind of staff, can be confirmed.The video was spread on Twitter on the same day, and has resonated with "the sound is too dangerous" and "this is really dangerous".The Tokyo Sky Tree's spokeswoman said on the 15th that the existence of the video was grasped in the interview of J-CAST News, and said, "We have confirmed that there was snow on February 11th."In response to the response on the Internet, he said, "We apologize for the concerns and inconvenience of the snowfall from the Tokyo Sky Tree."The direct cause of the snowfall taken in the video was "estimated, but it is thought that the snow that has fallen on the tower has dropped due to the rise in temperature."The measures that pedestrians around the Sky Tree can take in the case of falling snow like this time, "As much as possible, you will be able to pass under the eaves of Tokyo Skytree Town or use the umbrella lent from our facility.Please be careful not to hit the snow. "As of the 15th, no injured person has been confirmed due to the snowfall.

What is the countermeasures against snowfall on the facility side?

 According to a public relations officer, it was the officials of the facility who wore yellow clothes in the video.Regarding the situation on the 11th, "I will respond to the staple of warning to those who pass the surrounding area, and the rental of umbrellas on the sidewalk where the snowfall has been confirmed, and arrive at the tower from around 8:15.He explained that he had implemented a "snow payment work" to pay the snow in detail.The spokeswoman emphasized, "Because the nature of snow is the opponent, it is not possible to completely prevent the expansion of the Tokyo Sky Tree and fall in snow."The other measures against snow falling were introduced as follows.・ In the event of a snowfall forecast, a countermeasure headquarters will be set up, and information will be provided to relevant organizations, etc.・ At the time of snowfall forecast, the heating of the heater installed on the outer wall of the observatory and heating in the observatory will be operated at night to warm the wall to prevent snow on the observatory itself.In addition, monitoring the snowfall status with surveillance cameras installed on the tower is performed.・ Every winter (December to April), the net is installed at the gain tower at the Tokyo Sky Tree top, so that the snow that has stalled does not fall off with large lumps.・ The steel frame, which tends to accumulate, is closed with a metal plate so that snow does not accumulate.・ If the snow is stuck in the tower, perform “snow payment” to pay as thin as possible before the snow hardens.・ Around the Tokyo Skytree Town, in a 24 -hour posture, a patronage of warning to the passengers ・ At night, the formation and guidance of a flow line to walk under the eaves, and the umbrella of the sidewalk in the sidewalk where snowfall is confirmed.Lends, etc., reducing the damage caused by falling snow as much as possible.Furthermore, every year, before the winter begins, it is said that the measures are individually explained to local governments, local police, firefighting, and neighboring town councils.The spokeswoman stated the future response as follows."In the event of a snowfall forecast, we will prepare in advance and alert in the surrounding area, and if snow is confirmed in the tower, we will do snow payment work, and local residents.We will ensure the safety of those who pass, those who come to Tokyo Skytree Town. "
