News What do you think the world will be like in 100 years? I've seen an exhibition where you hold a "magical item" smartphone and think about the future

Exhibition with smartphone in hand

News What will the world be like in 100 years? Do you think it's possible? I've seen an exhibition where you hold a

 Smartphones are magical items - if people in the past saw the smartphones we have now, they would surely feel this way. Smartphones are portable devices that can fit in your pocket, yet allow you to view and create text, image, video, and audio content. It also has the power to display next-generation content called VR. [Image] What lies ahead of the evolution of music media and cameras --- Exhibited work "Time Monolith" The spread of high-speed mobile lines is what draws out the "performance" of smartphones. Now that 5G is being developed, you can enjoy higher quality content than ever before. We have entered an era in which home appliances and various sensors are connected to the Internet and the collected information can be used instantly. A few decades ago, no one could have imagined such a world. We learned that the evolution of technology will affect humankind in various ways, changing our lifestyles and the way we do business. What will happen in the future? Can you imagine the distant future 100 years from now? Therefore, I took a peek at the exhibition "2121 Futures In-Sight" (held at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT (Minato-ku, Tokyo) until May 8, 2022) where you can get hints for thinking 100 years from now. In this exhibition, smartphones, which are “magical items,” are used as a “Future Compass,” which provides guidelines for thinking about the future.

I can imagine 10 years ahead. What about 100 years from now?

Can we imagine the future? 10 years from now I can imagine. The first goal of the SDGs, “No Poverty,” should have been achieved, and regional disparities should have disappeared regardless of whether they were developed or developing countries, and the level of education should have risen. The presence of companies that have been left behind will fade away, and the days will come when pioneers who open up cutting-edge paths will take the lead in advancing technological evolution, solving social issues, and living better lives. . As Toyota announced in its EV strategy, "We aim to sell 3.5 million EVs by 2030," when thinking about business in any era, we must imagine the future world, such as 10 or 20 years from now. It is important to continue exploring and taking on challenges. Then what about 100 years from now in the 22nd century? What about information devices? "What about food, clothing and shelter?" In the first place, what kind of occupations are active in the 22nd century? It's hard for many people, myself included, to imagine. Therefore, this 2121 Futures In-Sight exhibition provides hints for imagining the future. This exhibition is directed by Michiaki Matsushima, editor-in-chief of the Japanese edition of the magazine "WIRED". Designers, artists, engineers, and researchers selected by Mr. Matsushima will exhibit hints for thinking about the year 2121, 100 years from now, from their own perspectives. Let's introduce the ones that caught our attention.

Next page: Evolution of music media and cameras, and what lies ahead

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