The mysterious phenomenon of hundreds of birds from the news sky also crashed to why it happened ...

(Photo: Coulier Japon)

ニュース 空から数百羽の鳥が“降り注ぐ”不可解な現象はなぜ起きたのか 激突死も…

In Mexico, a mysterious phenomenon of a large amount of birds "falling down" was shot.This happened in the city quotemock in northern Mexico.The video captured by the security camera contains hundreds of Kigashiramodokudoki from the sky, and pours down from the sky like black smoke.[Image] It is said that hundreds of birds from the sky have already died in Kigashiramkukudorimodoki, which fell in a mysterious moment.The detailed cause of death is unknown, but experts may have dropped out on the ground as if the flock suddenly descended and tried to catch the prey.In this case, veterinarians pointed out that pollution may be related to the use of wood stoves and the use of pesticides, while Dr. Richard Broton, an ecological and water literature center, said the English "Guardian".""There are no birds of prey (birds such as eagle and hawks) in the video, but these birds seem to have crashed when the flocks have fallen down, chasing a herd of Kigashiramkudorimodoki.At first, you can see that it is behaving like a waves. "In addition, Dr. Alexander Lisse, a senior lecturer at the University of Manchester Metropolitan University, said," The herd has crashed on the ground to avoid predators of birds of prey.He is highly gender, "he said with Dr. Broton.In 2019, a case where 225 birds have died on angle Island, UK.

Courrier Japon