HEURITECH at Paris, Series A raises 4 million euros (approximately 470 million yen) — - Instagram and Weibo (Fire Expo) Predicted fashion and beauty epidemics

While social media and data change the way of commerce, HEURITECH based in Paris is 4 million euros (about 4).700 million yen).Fashion and beauty clients use it to always understand the tastes of rapidly changing people.

The company uses algorithms and computer vision to scan and analyze a large amount of images and text on the Internet.To understand the trends that appear, change, and eventually disappear.While social media accelerates the rise and fall of a small boom, companies are desperate to be delayed in the trend of the times, in an industry where it is fatal.

HEURITECH's CEO Tony Pinville said:

It is very difficult to grasp the trends because the trends change very quickly thanks to social media.

HEURITECH, established in 2013, is a good example of AI and machine learning gradually expanding the target to a wider range of non -tech industries.Social media, sharing on the Internet, e -commerce created a lot of data, and if you really want to use it instead of being buried in these progress, companies need more tools.


Pinville jointly established Heuritech with his friend Charles Ollion, who has acquired a doctorate in the machine learning field.According to Pinville, they focused on finding a tool use case for the first three years, but eventually reached fashion and luxury market.

The company began to work closely with France's LVMH and eventually launched a product analysis platform in 2017.Since the number of data to be processed and the number of data to be processed, a trend predictive platform has been created.As a result, clients such as Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Adidas were attached.

At present, 3 million images and videos have been processed at high speed.2,000 detailed information can be identified for one image, including elements such as patterns, products, shapes, and colors.According to Pinville, the data is shared by product developers and marketing staff and is used in design decisions.

The platform data provides advice on how long the trends will last and what people prefer, and it will be useful for companies to make decisions in terms of purchasing, marketing, and purchasing.

This year, the company began to enter the beauty field.According to Pinville, the funds raised this time will be used to promote the beauty field in terms of product development and expansion of marketing teams.The company has 40 employees.

The financing round was raised from venture companies Elaia and Serena, and Jimmy Choo's CEO Pierre Denis and Cartier France, formerly General Manager Coralie de Fontenay, also participated.

[Via VentureBeat] @Venturebeat

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