PayPay, 7-Eleven 1% -1000% reduction Hit once every two times

Win with the Seven-Eleven app!Paypay jumbo

 PayPay、セブン-イレブンで1%~1000%還元 2回に1回当たる

PayPay announced on February 8th that it will hold a campaign entitled "Hit with the Seven-Eleven App! PayPay Jumbo" from March 1st to April 30th. [Image] PayPay bonus to be given If you pay for the product purchased at Seven-Eleven stores nationwide with PayPay from the Seven-Eleven app, up to 1000% (10 times) of the payment amount will be used as a PayPay bonus by lottery. To give. The winning probability of each etc. is as follows.・ 1st prize: 1000% (10 times) of the payment amount ・ 2nd prize: 10% of the payment amount ・ 3rd prize: 1% of the payment amount The maximum grant amount is equivalent to 100,000 yen each month, with a probability of once every two times. It is said that 1st to 3rd prize will be awarded. The lottery results will be displayed in animation immediately after the payment is completed, and the PayPay bonus will be given 30 days after the payment date. In addition, as part of the "Super PayPay Festival", PayPay will give you a PayPay bonus (upper limit of 100,000 yen / time / period) for the entire payment amount (100%) by lottery. "Jumbo" is held from February 1st to March 31st, and Seven-Eleven is also covered. However, if you use PayPay from the Seven-Eleven app within the period when both campaigns overlap (March 1st to 31st), the content of the campaign is advantageous, "Hit with the Seven-Eleven app! PayPay Jumbo". subject. In addition, payment via the Seven-Eleven app can be done with PayPay balance, credit card, PayPay deferred payment, PayPay deferred payment (lump sum only), but payment with credit cards other than PayPay card and Yahoo card is not covered by the campaign. Will be.

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