Is it due to prolonged new coloner aftereffects, autoimmune?

Assistant Professor Aaron Ring collected and inspected blood samples from patients with new Coronavirus infections (COVID-19), which were housed in Yale New Heaven Hospital from March to April 2020.At the beginning of the test, Assistant Professor Ring had already anticipated that some kind of immune cells called "autoantibodies" could be confirmed in some samples.A self -antibody is an antibody that has stopped working normally and has begun to attack your own tissue.It is known that it appears after severe infection.

The potentially dangerous copies of some new colonavirus infection patients have already found a copy of the Rockefeller University in New York and published a paper at the end of October 2020.rice field.Before infection with the new colona, it is believed that a self -antibody, which was considered to have been created by some kind of infection, was lurking and attacked other immune cells.This discovery helped to explain the causes of severe severe severe severity.

In the fall of 2020, Associate Professor Ring, a cancer immunologist at Yale University, was so upset to see the results of a blood sample collected from a new Corona patient at Yale New Heaven Hospital, and to leave her 9 -month -old daughter in a nursery school.I stopped and pulled my family to rock down.

Rockefeller researchers have identified one type of antibody that can attack other immune cells.However, Assistant Professor Ring has found a variety of autoantibodies that can attack various proteins in the human body by making full use of new detection methods developed by himself.Some of them have been found in important organs and blood.Assistant Professor Ring was shocked by the strength and diversity of autoantibodies found in some patients's samples, and that they existed throughout the body.It was the same as found in patients with chronic autoimmune diseases.Chronic autoimmune diseases can cause pain in patients for a lifetime and can damage the organs, including the brain.

"I was particularly surprised to see the new Corona patients with the same self -reaction as autoimmune disease, such as systemic elitesematodes (systemic erythema)," said Assistant Professor Ring.

According to Assistant Professor Ring's autoanti test, some patients (even mild patients) had unauthorized immune cells prepared for attacks and aimed for blood cells.Immune cells for proteins related to the heart and liver were also found.Some patients had a central nervous system and a self -antibody that could attack the brain.Assistant Professor Ring's survey shows that it is much more scary than the facts revealed by scientists at Rockefeller University, affecting the entire immune system of the human body.In other words, in the process of reaction to the new colon virus, it is considered that the body was creating various new autoantibodies, and the body was trying to fight themselves.

The most feared assistant Professor Ring was that self -antibodies could last for a lifetime.And the following terrible questions came to my mind.If a powerful autoantibody that attacks cells even after recovering from infection remains in the body, what will happen to the long -term prognosis of the patient?How much cells and tissues will be destroyed and how long will it last?


The expectation that vaccines will stop the relentless expansion of the new colon virus, but other public health crisis is approaching.It is often called "Long Cobid" and is a mysterious chronic disease in which some people who have recovered from the new colon virus infection are troubled.Approximately 10 % of recovery patients continue to suffer from sequelae.Many of them were patients with mild initial symptoms.

Those who have such prolonged aftereffects often suffer from extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, "brain fog (concentration, decrease in memory, etc.)", sleep disorders, fever, gastrointestinal disorders, anxiety, and depression.。Policy, doctors, and scientists from around the world have warned that new coloners may suffer from weaknesses for decades for decades.

The cause of Long Cobid has not yet been known, but for now, autoimmunity is considered to be the most likely factor.And at least some patients are the most doubtful factors that have caused symptoms, which are a large runaway autoantic.

Immune system runaway, cytcoin storm

It took a long time for a new Coronavirus pandemic to be at the forefront to realize that the biggest threat to many patients was not the virus itself.The biggest threat was the human body reaction to the virus.

Some clinicians in the Chinese Wuhan have noticed that many severely ill patients have a large amount of immune proteins called cytokines.Cytokine triggers cell death and causes a "cytokine storm" that some of the body begins to attack his own tissue.In other words, it is a SOS signal of cells.The cytcoin storm was considered a kind of dangerous and ending immune response.During a firefight that is overwhelmed by numbers, it is like calling an air bomb into your position.

The cytcoin storm was also confirmed in cases of other diseases, but it quickly revealed that the cytcoin storm caused by the new Coronavirus infection has abnormal destructive power.

Professor Jean -Laurent Casanova, who is studying immunity and heredity at Rockefeller University, has decided to investigate the cytcoin storm at an early pandemic stage.Professor Casanova revealed in 2015 that many of the severe influenza patients have gene mutations that inhibit the ability to produce important signal transmission proteins.This signal transmitted protein is called interferon-1 (IGF-1), which causes the patient to have an effective initial immunity response.Professor Casanova says that the name "interferon" was given to the cells next to the adjacent cells, "the virus is around and the door is locked."explain.

When Professor Casanova was examining a severely ill patient in a new colona, he discovered that a certain number of patients suffering from severe pneumonia had a certain number of congenital abnormalities.Inter ...