"Smart Plate" Aquabit Spirals, Tokyu Agency, procurement 70 million yen - focus on the use of house naka businesses and accumulation data | Bridge (Bridge) Technology & Startup Information

QR コードや NFC 技術を使って、ユーザのスマートフォンを特定の URL と紐づけるサービス「スマートプレート」を開発するアクアビットスパイラルズは14日、プレシリーズ A ラウンドの2次募集で東急エージェンシー、K&P パートナーズ、個人投資家から7,000万円を調達したことを明らかにした(東急エージェンシーによるプレスリリース)。

これは同社にとって、2015年12月に実施したシードラウンドでの K&P パートナーズからの4,000万円の調達、2016年11月に実施したプレシリーズ A ラウンドの1次募集でのグローブアドバイザーズ、フリービットインベストメント、K&P パートナーズからの7,000万円の調達に続くものだ。今回の調達を受けて、アクアビットスパイラルズは開示されているものだけで、これまでに1億8,000万円を調達したことになる。同社は今後、プレシリーズ A ラウンドの3次募集を続ける予定。

「スマートプレート」開発のアクアビットスパイラルズ、東急エージェンシーらから7,000万円を調達——家ナカ事業や集積データの利活用に注力 | BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報

Aquabit Spirals won the Shibuya Award Program in the Tokyu Axelate Program, hosted by Tokyu Corporation and IMJ Investment Partners (now Spiral Ventures) in November 2015, and in January 2016 with Tokyu Corporation in January 2016.There are many cases of business collaboration with Tokyu Group, such as conducting test marketing used at Shibuya Station, etc., and distributing recipe tests at Tokyu Store in December 2016.It is presumed that the financing with a business alliance from Tokyu Agency is an extension of such a circumstances.

Tokyu Agency combines the company's big data analysis tools "Target Finder" and "Activation Manager" and Aquabit Spiral's solutions, and the advertisers are daily behavior for consumers in the era when real and the Internet integrates in earnest.The company aims to provide an "activation platform" that can be snuggled up.Last year, Tokyu Agency has also invested in Tangerine, which provides cloud services that manages BLE beacon terminals collectively.

Aquabit Spirals has realized a solution called "Smart Pay" in a sea house in Enoshima, Enoshima, in collaboration with GMO TECH and Second Factory as a use case for promoting app use at retail stores.In response to the procurement, Aquabit Spirals will strengthen collaboration on business development in the home naka area and the use of integrated data, as seen in previous cases of coordination with Pizza Hut.

Aquabit Spirals has announced next year, with several Japanese startups, participating in the 4yFn (Four Years from Now) Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona, Spain.The following is the pitch of this year's 4YFN pitch competition IoT department when the company advanced to the finals.

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