Russian Army, near the nuclear power plant, agreed to secure evacuation routes in the second time in the army

On the third day of the 8th day of Ukraine invasion by Russia, the Russian army controlled the southern strikes of Helson in the southern part.This is the first time since the start of invasion.The two countries have held a second ceasefire consultation and agreed with evacuation methods for civilians.The Russian army advanced to the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.A fire broke out at the nuclear power plant early in the morning of the 4th.The local government of the nuclear power plant announced on the morning that the safety of the nuclear power plant was "secured."

Advanced near the nuclear power plant, fire occurred

According to the Ukrainian regional authorities and reports, a fire broke out at the European largest Zaporgian nuclear power plant in the southeastern part of the country.

Mayor Dimitro Orlov, the city of Enel Godal, said on Tuesday that a fierce battle was occurring near the city.The Russian army entered the city with a tank and tried to seize the nuclear power plant, but residents and workers gathered on the surrounding and surrounding roads.

Mayor Orlov said that the fire at the nuclear power plant was caused by "continuous artillery in buildings (nuclear power) buildings and facilities".

Ukraine's President Walodimil Zelensky posted a video on Twitter and said that the Russian army is now burning, "the largest nuclear power plant in Europe is still burning."He accused him of bombarding.

"Ensuring safety" of the nuclear power plant

Alexander Starc, Director of the Zapoligger, stated on Facebook that the safety of the nuclear power plant was "secured."He talked to the Director of the Polgian nuclear power plant and was informed that he was safe.

"The Director of the Zapolija nuclear power plant has now secured the nucleus of the facility," said Stark.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) wrote on Twitter that "the Ukrainian authorities have explained that the fire at the Zapolija nuclear power plant does not affect important facilities.

Prior to the announcement of local governments and IAEA, the AP communication, Zapoligger's Spokesman Andriy Tz called on the social media to stop "intense firing."

Mr. Tz explained that the fire brigade for fire extinguishing activities is not approaching the nuclear power plant due to the Russian attack, saying that "the European largest nuclear power plant is in the world's largest nuclear power plant in Europe."He wrote that the nuclear reactor at the fire was under renovation and did not operate, but had nuclear fuel inside.

Ukraine has four operating nuclear power plants, including the Zapoliga nuclear power plant.Chornobiri (Chernobyl) has radioactive waste on the site of the nuclear power plant, but now Russia is occupying the area.

Ukrainian government executives warned that Russian nuclear attacks could cause meltdown.

Agreement in the "humanitarian corridor" in the ceasefire consultation

The diplomatic efforts for the ceasefire were managed as battle and bombardment continued.

The Russian and Ukrainian representatives have discussed without revealing the location.It has been reported that it has agreed to secure a "humanitarian corridor" used for evacuation in a temporary ceasefire.

According to the Ukrainian representative President Mihailo Podriak, the two opinions were "to secure a humanitarian corridor to evacuate peaceful civilians and supply pharmaceuticals and food to places where combat is intense."Said the match.

He explained that there is a possibility of temporary ceasefire in a specific area while evacuating."I emphasize, but it's possible."

Regarding the consultation on this day, Podriak said, "Unfortunately (...) we couldn't get the result we wanted."However, both sides have agreed by resuming the "in the near future" consultation.

He said, "I can only say that both sides have had a detailed discussion on humanitarian aspects. Many cities are currently besieged."

According to the Russian national team President Vladimir Medinsky (formerly Cultural Minister), Russian media "Russia 24" has been able to find a common understanding in several discussions in consultation.He said, "The main problem we solved today is to save the lives of civilians in areas where there is a military collision."

He also said that the Ministry of Defense agreed on how to maintain humanitarian corridors, and said, "Escap of civilians and the possibility of temporary ceasefire in an area where the humanitarian corridor is located during that period."

"I think this is a meaningful progress."

President Zerensky requests a leader consultation

Ukrainian President Walodimil Zelensky held a press conference on March 3 and called on the west to provide fighters.

"If you do not have the authority to close the airspace (make Ukraine spaces a prohibited area), please provide an aircraft."

"If Ukraine is gone, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia will continue."

These three countries are member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).If Russia invades, it will be a war with NATO's all -member countries.

Zelenceky also said, "This is the only way to end the war," said Russia's direct talk with President Vladimir Putin.

"We are not attacking Russia and there is no plan to do so. What do we want? Get out of our land."

"I want you to sit down with me. (Like a meeting with President Emmanuel Macron) 30 meters away."

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Macron had met Putin last month with a long table, and Zelenceky seems to have mentioned that.

President Putin has announced the continuation of the operation

Russian President Putin made a television speech on Tuesday, stating that the "Special Military Operation" is "planned as planned."

However, many analysts believe that invasion is as planned.

Putin accused Ukraine in his speech that "thousands of foreigners are hostage."He claimed that civilians were "human shields."I did not show any grounds.

Russians and Ukrainians emphasize that they are "one person."He said, "The western side will break the anti -Russian".

Meanwhile, French President Macron talked with Putin for 90 minutes.The invasion was a serious mistake, and Putin's recognition was not in line with the reality, and he worked hard to persuade him.

But there were almost no agreement between both sides.Putin claims that he will continue military operations until his goal is achieved.Ukraine's "disgusting" is also included.

Putin later, at the Russian Security Council, said that he would never abandon the Russian and Ukrainian people.

Russia controls in the southern part

By the 3rd, the Russian army suppressed Helson in the southern part.For the first time since the start of the invasion, it has controlled major cities.

Henadi Lafta, Director of Helson Local Management Bureau, wrote on Facebook that the Russian army had fully controlled the local government.

"But we haven't given up on duties. The local government's staff, who are the top, is still working to support residents in this area," wrote Rafta.I'm waiting. "

Rafta further called out, "Don't believe in fake news. Don't panic."

Destroyed in various towns

The destruction of towns and buildings is seen in various parts of Ukraine.

A drone video taken in the northwest Borodianka in the capital Kiu (Kyiv) allows residential areas to be spread.

The destroyed Russian troops are also reflected.Local residents said they had driven off the Russian troops who tried to enter the Borodianka.

Applicants are preparing for the capital of the capital

Near Ukraine's Keyu, Ukrainian applicants prepared for urban defense.

In the forest, he is digging a groove and trying to hinder the Russian army invasion, which is likely to be in the near future.

Since there are no heavy equipment, people who are reminiscent of World War II, such as digging the ground with a scoop, reported the BBC Aura Gerin.

Lawyer Dennis (36) says, "I'm preparing to fight with my friends for my home country," "We are now a warrior. We protect the country from invaders and occupants. Fight to the last drop of blood."I talked to the correspondent.

The Russian army has not yet entered Kiu City.However, on the north side of the city, a large military vehicle trains are stagnant.

Estonian ship sinks in the Black Sea

In Odaa (Odessa) along the Black Sea coast, an offshore explosion sinking a cargo ship owned by Estonia.

According to Ukraine, the cargo ship was used by the Russian Navy as a shield for Ukrainian weapons.

All six crew members were rescued.

Estonia, which faces the Baltic Sea, is a NATO member.It is in contact with Russia.

World War III is "nuclear war" = Foreign Minister of Russia

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavlov held a press conference in Moscow on March 3.

Foreign Minister argued that the only option for sanctions was to say that only World War III had stated that it was only a "nuclear war" in World War II.

The Foreign Minister emphasizes that only the western politicians are thinking about such things, and that Russian people are not thinking about that."If you really want to set a real war for us, those who make such a plan should consider (the prospects of the nuclear war). I think that we are planning such a development," he said.

Foreign Ministers frequently mentioned Hollywood, calling the western media wrote the script, "Not only seeing this Hollywood movie," "you should see where the ultimate evil is."Furthermore, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) accused Russia to strengthen the western security at the expense of Russia.

Foreign Minister Lavlov has repeatedly repeated the Russian government's official opinion that the Ukrainian government was ganging in the Neo -Nazi administration and looting in Ukraine in various parts of the Ukrainian.The BBC has not been able to confirm these claims.

The Foreign Minister has repeated the official view of the Russian government that the Ukrainian government is trying to make civilians a human shield.He said in the United States to Napoleon and Hitler, saying, "Napoleon and Hitler tried to conquer Europe at the time. The United States is now doing the same."


British Defense Minister Ben Wallace said that Russian military operations were not proceeding as planned.

In an interview with BBC's Jonathan Beer reporter, Wallace said that the Russian army was delayed from the schedule, judging from the goods obtained from armored vehicles.He also stated that Russia's plan to appeal to Ukrainians as "liberation" failed.

Meanwhile, the British government has announced that Russia's sanctions include two emerging congloments close to the government.

One is Alichel Usmanov, and the USM owners are sponsors of Arsenal and Everton in the Soccer England Premier League.

The other is Egori Schwarov, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Putin administration.

Both assets are frozen and banned from entering the United Kingdom.

Prior to this, German authorities seized a $ 600 million (about 69 billion yen) yacht in Hamburg in Hamburg.

French customs has confiscated the yacht, CEO, an Egori Cetin, an oil company, Losnevchi.
