The set meal restaurant "Yayoi eaves" greatly expands payment methods such as reopening ticket vending machines and code payments

A new automatic ticket vending machine that Yayoi is being introduced.You can see the card payment terminal on the left side

 定食レストラン「やよい軒」が券売機をリニューアル クレカやコード決済など支払い方法を大幅拡充

On January 20, Prenas will gradually introduce a new ticket vending machine by the end of January at the company's set meal restaurant "Yayoi eaves" ( * 1).As a result, the payment method for purchasing a meal ticket, such as a credit card or QR code payment, is expanded.[Image] Compatible with credit cards, QR code payments, etc. ( * 1) Excluding stores that are settled by manned cash registers or self -checkout

Supported payment method

The new ticket vending machine corresponds to the following payment methods in addition to cash.・ Credit cards (including debit cards and prepaid cards) ・ Non -contact payments using VISA / MasterCardFelica (excluding transportation -based electronic money) ・ ID ・ Rakuten Edy Transportation Electronic Money ・ Kitaka ・ Suica ・ Pasmo ・ TOICA ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca ・ Manaca.ICOCA / SUGOCA / NIMOCA / Hakken QR code payment, au Pay, Melpe, Rakuten Pay, LINE Pay PayPay In addition, new ticket vending machines have the function of reading QR code, so various types of QR code will be used in the future.It is said that the coupon will be enhanced.