Setting center The first boat ticket section in the Zaza City Hamamatsu Nishi -kan next spring "Outside" newly established regional redemption and revitalization focus

Hamamatsu General Bureau Kota Ogishima

 設定 中心街初の舟券売り場 ザザシティ浜松西館に来春「場外」新設 地域還元や活性化焦点

 Next spring, the Boat Race Ticket Shop Orare Hamamatsu (tentative name) will be newly established next spring at the composite commercial facility Zaza City Hamamatsu Nishi -kan in Naka -ku, Hamamatsu City.The outer boat ticket office has been installed in Koyama -cho and Yaizu City in the prefecture, but this is the first time in the central city area.The Hamana Lake Boat Racing Corporation, which operates, will pay 1 % of the sales money in Hamamatsu City and return to the area, as in the case of Koyama -cho and Yaizu City.Without ending in a facility for some fans, local residents are interested in the operation of the boat ticket section in the long term from the viewpoint of town development, leading to the revitalization of the central city area.

 In April, the local blacksmith residents' association agreed to set up the boat ticket section. After confirming that Mayor Yasutomo Suzuki's consent and that there was no opposition from the city council, consultation with Hamamatsu Chuo Station was completed in late August. If the permission application procedure for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism proceeds smoothly, it will be opened in April next year. ■ Despite some opposition from the precedent residents 'association in the background of the precedent residents' association, there were many opinions that filling the tenants (in the Zazititi) early leading to a lively revival. 。 In the city center, the Japan Central Horse Racing Association (JRA) has been operating in the commercial building "Kajimachi Plaza", and an out -of -day betting counter for local horse racing has been open since 2013. No noticeable troubles or noise problems have occurred so far, and this experience was based on the support. Of course, residents have a strong feeling that safety measures are the highest priority. The company, which runs a boat race Hamana in Kosai City and has four outside boat ticket sales offices inside and outside the prefecture, will introduce a security camera face recognition system for the first time in Orare Hamamatsu. A dedicated doorway will be set up on the first basement floor of the Zaza West Building, and the flow line with shoppers on the ground floor and minor visitors will be separated. ■ 1 % of sales of sales of sales in the city is a small facility with about 5 windows, and the average daily sales are assumed to be 6.5 million yen. Assuming security measures in the central area and the use of environmental beautification projects, 1 % of the sales money is set in Hamamatsu City every month as an environmental maintenance cooperation fee, and 23.4 million yen is set in the city a year. It is expected that the usage will be decided by discussion between the city and the organizations created by local towns in cooperation. Yaizu City is about 36 million yen, and Koyama -cho is about 22 million yen every year. Tamagawa Village, Fukushima Prefecture, which operates the boat ticket counter, will clearly determine the use of cooperation expenses, spend on the cost of school excursions and planting maintenance for junior high school students, and actively disseminate the results of its use to the villagers. According to the Kuji Town Neighborhood Association officer, "1 % should also pay attention to the use of 1 % useful in the future of the region." In the future, the neighborhood associations, the city, the police, and the PTA will participate to establish an environmental development measures council, check the operation status of Orare Hamamatsu and make regular opinions in the region. Whether the council can maintain the check function is an important issue. The plan for the boat ticket section went on at a stretch with the withdrawal of the major toy chain of the Zaza West Building, Toyslas Hamamatsu. On the other hand, the possibility of attracting large tenants at Toys R Us is unclear. In order to maximize the effect of opening the boat ticket section, it is necessary to attract tenants that enhance the migration of families early. The downtown area around the area is prolonged and the scenic situation is severe. A store manager in the center hopes, "The birth of a sales floor is a positive thing that we want to be positive for the central area of ​​difficulties.

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