"Smart city" Safe.5G Effect of Surveillance Camera Advancement | New Switch by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

By 2050, more than two -thirds of the world population will live in urban areas.Under these changes, government governments are focusing on sustainability, safety, and prosperity, and accelerating initiatives for new urbanization.Introducing the role of video monitoring under the theme of "Smart City x 5th generation News (5g)" and the use of flight robots (drones).

Japan, which has experienced a significant increase in urban population for half a century, has been working to realize smart city through the “Super City Concept”, which takes advantage of advanced technology in urban design.It is expected that it will contribute to the development of a socio -economic system in a wide range of fields, from government, logistics, traffic, medical, education, disaster prevention, and safety.

Innovative technologies that are fundamental to smart city include artificial intelligence (AI), big data (mass data), and machine learning.AI and machine learning can be used in the rapidly growing video monitoring field to enhance the safety of the city.

However, it is necessary to enhance the mobile broadband function unique to the 5G network.That is, it is a function that supports the bandwidth requirements of a high resolution camera and distributes real -time video feeds.

「スマートシティー」安全に。5Gで監視カメラ高度化の効果|ニュースイッチ by 日刊工業新聞社

These functions are essential for the large -scale development of video monitoring and developing new use cases for video monitoring in smart city.

5G can radiate CCTV (closed -circuit TV) networks used in factories and store surveillance cameras, etc., and brings major changes to the video monitoring field due to the characteristics of ultra -high speed, high trust, and low delay.With 5 g, a large -scale CCTV camera network can be deployed, and a high -resolution real -time feed can be sent.

Conventional CCTV cameras data transmission greatly depends on cables and optical fiber connections.Especially in high -density urban environments, large -scale implementation and management are complicated and expensive.On the other hand, since the 5G connection is wireless, it not only improves the situation recognition and decision -making, but also makes it easier to transmit images for analysis.However, a large amount of data communication is generated when a high -resolution video is sent in real time.Saving more accurate data requires more cameras, and the data communication volume increases many times.

However, the large increase in the bandwidth of the 5G network has made it possible to create a CCTV dedicated channel with "network slices", which provides networks virtually.You can send high -resolution images at low delays as possible.

A new monitoring system can be realized, such as attaching the camera to the device, a vehicle, and a drone as a further advantage of 5 g.A new monitoring function is realized because the CCTV camera becomes a multipurpose sensor and can analyze images in various ways.

Nokia Solutions & Networks Tatsuya Yanagibashi

Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun July 16, 2021