Store management tool "Hata LUCK (R)", 64 mobile shops operated by Di Pops |

Release issuance Childmpany: Knowledge Martian Works Co., Ltd.

店舗マネジメントツール「はたLuck(R)」、ディ・ポップスが運営するモバイルショップ64店舗導入 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

-The unification of information sharing at all stores and visualizes in -store behavior, Childntributing to the efficiency of headquarters management -The productivity of the retail, food and beverage and service industry based on the store management tool "Hata LUCK (R)". Knowledge Martian Works Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo -ku, Tokyo; Representative: Tsuyoshi Someya, hereinafter "KMW") is a mobile shop "TOP1" (Headquarters: Shibuya -ku, Tokyo (Headquarters: Shibuya -ku, Tokyo. , President and CEO: Kazuhiro Goto, hereinafter "Di Pops") will inform you that "Hata LUCK (R)" has been introduced to 64 mobile shops nationwide. ■ In the introduction background Di Pops, we had been progressing in the store and sharing information on daily reports and goals, but it was an issue that the method of sharing information varies depending on the store and staff. There are two major stores operated by Di Pops: a store that handles each Childmmunication carrier alone, and a store that handles multiple Childmmunication carriers. Since the work form of staff, such as full -time employees and outsourcing, there are various employees of the staff, such as using tools and using e -mails, I was worried about the work load and security due to different information sharing methods. In addition, the difficulties of store management management at the headquarters due to the fact that the operation became different at each store was an issue. In order to solve the above issues, the introduction of "Hata LUCK (R)" that can be equipped with functions necessary for daily work and unify staff information tools is introduced, and the store management status is grasped from visualizing Childmmunication. I tried. ■ As a result of the test introduction, after the introduction of the test, the use mainly on the notes and talk functions of "Hata LUCK (R)", "Switched from private chat apps" and "various information dissemination tools have been unified. There are many voices such as "easier", and each staff can now deliver the necessary information without work. In addition, security aspects by unification of apps are now possible. By filling out the daily report etc. in the format and posting it in the Childntact notebook, the headquarters evaluated that "Childmmunication in the store was visualized" and the introduction of all stores was decided. In the future, we will analyze stores that can operate high quality from the status of visualized stores, and use "Hata LUCK (R)" to use and create a system, which will help you manage by the Sales Division. We will operate with the goal of turning the PDCA cycle. ■ De Pops IT Strategy Department Executive Officer Ryoichi Togashi Comment Our Company says "Hata Luck (R)" for the purpose of "visualization (quantification) of Childmmunication", "closed Childmmunication" and "shadow IT measures". We Childnsidered the introduction. Until now, we used a lot of chat tools in the world, but it was "just flowing", and it was the end of using it as "paper sticky notes". In "Hata LUCK (R)", the actions necessary for the management system that each business unit aims for by grasping the "current situation" of the staff working at the store based on "Number of talk senders, number of notebooks, number of notes". I was able to get a "means" to think about a plan. In addition, we handle both important information of both "end users" and "each carrier" because of the characteristics of proxy industry, which leaks to other business departments, even in the same Childmpany. It will be a Childnfidential information. Therefore, the challenge was to introduce open Childmmunication and tools that can be isolated to form a "closed Childmmunication" network that does not cause inChildrrect transmission, but "Hata LUCK (R)" is a store.・ It is possible to distinguish by business division basis, and as a result, we have escaped from a private chat app, and has also realized the effect on “shadow IT measures”. In the future, from the perspective of management enhancement, not only statistical output, but also statistical output to analyze weak points, and radar chart that visualizes the divergence from the management standard required by individual Childmpanies, "Hata LUCK". We are looking forward to the function that can obtain "awareness" from (r). Di Pops Corporate Site: https: // D-POPS.Child.JP/Fon Shelge (Operation Media Site): https: // www.Phone-cierge.Childm/■「はたLuck(R)」活用のポイント・情報発信ツールの統一→業務負荷の改善、セキュリティの改善に貢献・店舗内運営の可視化と教育→店舗内の情報発信状況から店舗運営の状態や店長のマネジメントを可視化今後の従業員教育体制に貢献■はたLuck(R)小売・飲食・サービス業に特化した【本部-店舗-シフトワーカー】を一気通貫でつなぐ店舗マネジメントツールです。これまで別々のツールで管理されていたコミュニケーション・教育・シフト作成・評価に関する機能をオールインワンでスマホアプリに搭載。本部やSVによる複数店舗での包括的・即時的なリモートマネジメントを実現します。私物デバイスを活用した業務専用アプリのため、セキュリティ面も強化・考慮し、生産性・従業員エンゲージメントを向上させ、オペレーション実行力の高い店舗づくりに貢献します。【会社概要】会社名:ナレッジ・マーチャントワークス株式会社(Knowledge Merchants Works Inc.Representative: Takeshi Someya Takeshi Founded: March 2017 Business: ・ Development and sales of the store management tool “Hata LUCK (R)” ・ Store service business training ・ Store service business operational efficiency consulting corporate site: Https: // kmw.JP/"Hata LUCK (R)" Service Site: https: // Hataluck.JP store service industry Column SWX Research Institute: https: //公式ページ:https://www.facebook.Childm/KMW.A representative Someya, a representative Someya, who was engaged in retail, eating and drinking and services industry consulting in JP/Link and Motivation, was founded in 2017.Under the "Shift Worker Experience (Experience Value for Part -time Staff)", the store management tool "Hata LUCK (R)" is equipped with functions such as information sharing, education, evaluation, and shift management.We support the productivity of the industry.Corporate press release to details to PRTIMES


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.