Studies reveal gopher bioluminescence

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You can know a lot just by looking at animals. However, there are some secrets that can only be understood in the dark ... that is, using a flashlight with ultraviolet rays. It's a small rodent, the gopher, that lives beneath the sand. A strong, lonely, round-cheeked animal with special abilities that can only be revealed under UV light, according to a new paper published by researchers at the University of Georgia (UGA). Gophers are biological phosphors that emit colored light when irradiated with ultraviolet light. The image is a gopher irradiated with ultraviolet rays (Source: UGA). It was published in the online version of The American Midland Naturalist on July 19, 2021, and is the first time that a gopher's biofluorescence has been recorded. Having just graduated from the UGA Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources PhD, Dr. JT Pynne, the lead author of this study, read a similar study that recorded this phenomenon in flying squirrels and opossums a few years ago. He said he wanted to shed light on the possibilities. This new paper is entitled "Ultraviolet Biofluorescence in Pocket Gophers".

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