Supporting New Normal of accommodation with smart locks -Structural planning research institute Shuichi Ikeda | Tourism industry latest information travel vision

Expanded from a new era to a luxury hotel to a luxury hotel that accelerated due to corona evil

A smart lock system that saves check -in and delivery work in accommodation facilities.The introduction of hotels and private lodging has begun, but the structural research institute provides this system.Shuichi Ikeda, the company, points out that smart locks have increased their value as one of the infrastructure that supports new -face and non -contact, not just for labor saving and cost control.(Listor: Our representative director and travel vision published person Naoki Okada)

Structural Planning Research Institute RemoteLock Evangelist Shuichi Ikeda


スマートロックで宿泊施設のニューノーマルを支える-構造計画研究所 池田修一氏 | 観光産業 最新情報 トラベルビジョン

Shuichi Ikeda (hereinafter abbreviated) "Remotelock" is a product of Lockstate in the United States, and has been a smart lock as a global partner that is linked to the system with Airbnb for 10 years.The company was considering entering the Japanese market, where the Minpaku New Law was enacted in 2017 and the Minpaku Market had shown a significant expansion.At that time, the Company was consulted by the company's CEO, which was interacted by the structural planning institute, and became the provider of the Official Store and Sales and Services with exclusive sales rights in Japan.rice field.In domestic sales, we provide "Remotelock" manufactured in Japan by jointly developing with Wests, a rock maker and rock maker.

We are a company that has a business area as a business area as you can see from the name.Specifically, we have provided solutions such as architectural system development and consulting for marketing or data mining as a main business, but as a pillar of the next business, we have launched a policy to develop new businesses in the IoT field."Remotelock" is part of such an initiative.

I have been in charge of data mining and marketing consulting so far, but I was in charge of a new business in the company's life and became responsible for the "Remotelock" business.This is our first attempt at the cloud -based sub -school business and the business that handles hardware.The honest impression is that it is interesting and difficult in that sense.


In the case of Ikeda private nights, the delivery of the key was one of the tasks, and it was common to have a host and guests meeting and handing the key.However, if a smart lock is introduced, the procedure including the delivery of the key can be unmanned, saved, and a non -meeting."Remotelock" is a Wi-Fi-type smart lock and no dedicated server or wiring work is required.Since multiple doors and admissions can be managed in a lump in the cloud, you can manage the admission anytime anytime, publish the permissions remotely, and understand the admission history.In other words, you can manage the room from any time, anywhere.In conjunction with the reservation system, you can inform the passengers of the key to the passengers at the time of booking, and the passengers can unlock the shared door or room door with the PIN.


The initial cost is about 100,000 yen per place depending on the cost of the Ikeda itself and the installation cost.In addition, the usage fee for the cloud system is set on a monthly basis.

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