Technology to "enhanced" people.A new global AI technology group of human x AI due to "human expansion" ~ NEC THE WISE ~ Break or stop In order to overcome the three walls that stand out for the use of AI, "AI/SUM Applied AI Summit -AI and Industries Co -evidence" lecture How to take the root of data science in the AI era and how to make use of AI human resources?

 Mr. Junichi, a professor at the University of Tokyo, is said to have had a great influence on the development of the iPhone user interface (UI) "multi -touch".The focusing theme of the calendar, who created the UI of the future, is currently studying "Human Augmentation", human expansion.

 Focusing on the significance of the research and agreeing to the importance is Yosuke Motohashi, a senior data analyst of NEC's AI and Analytics Division.


The next one is "human expansion" by AI

 First, Mr. Motohashi explains that AI is in the disillusioned period on the technology high -type cycle.

 AI is said to be moving toward the bottom of the valley during the disillusioned period."AI is out of the POC (Proof of Concept demonstration experiment)."

 Mr. Motohashi said that in response to the "cloud computing", which is now accepted through the valley, the AI will also go to the spread, as well as the disillusioned period.

 He also mentions the next -generation technology that Mr. Motohashi is particular about.Introduced "Augmented Human (Fusion of AI and Human Science)".

 Aug maintenance means "enlargement" or "extension" in a literal translation."It's a concept of enriching people while expanding human abilities with AI and computer. In efforts, people and technologies are not shared and can be fused and impossible.So, I feel various possibilities as well as complementing functions such as muscle strength, perception, and memories.

"AI" and "eyes", which NEC are good at, are expanding humans

 Mr. Motohashi said, "We have begun to use ordinary AI, so that any company has begun to work, so there is a phase that should use AI at a higher level and develop technology to expand humans.I think, "he said," I think the future of design, "" future of sentence understanding, "" future of decision -making, "and" future of video understanding. "Among them, the most notable is the future of decision -making and the future of video understanding.

・ Future of decision making

 "In the future of AI, it may be possible to model what we make a comprehensive judgment while taking into account the sixth sense of humans," he said, and modeled the know -how of crop -making masters in agriculture.We foresee the future that everyone can reproduce it.Also, by learning excellent drivers, you can automatically drive based on human judgment.


* 1 intentional learning = AI technology that learns the intentions of skilled people and imitates decision -making.NEC announced in July 2019.Click here for details.

・ Future of video understanding

 Glass -type wearable devices tend to focus on functions as a display that displays images on a glass, but more importantly, cameras can be photographed on human perspectives.

 "People's vision has given a tremendous amount of information, but it doesn't recognize it as information just in the field of view, and it's not remembered. NEC is good at expanding the" eyes ".Is. In combination with language analysis, you will be able to learn 100 % of the things that humans are looking at. "

 For example, even if you come up with an idea from the sight you saw during lunch, you may not be able to evoke later.If you enter "I ate a sandwich at noon", you will be able to find the video and regenerate the visibility at that time.

 NEC is the world's "face authentication".1※2評価を得ており、「映像鮮明化」や、人間には同じに見える金属ボルトの個体を識別するような「物体指紋認証」など、人間の“目”を拡張できる技術を持つ。他の技術と組み合わせることで、ナレッジの継承に役立つ追体験が可能になりそうだ。

* 2 The fifth first place in the performance evaluation of facial authentication technology by US government agencies.Click here for related information.

 Finally, Mr. Motohashi said, "It is an oagmented human in a broad sense that VR can communicate beyond space.You will be able to borrow and do remote control and instructions, and you will be able to work as if one person is in three places.He gave the same concept to the calendar, who has studied the same concept with the word "human augmentation (human expansion)".

"AI vs.Possibility of "AI x human" instead of "human"

 After graduating from university, NEC, who joined the new graduate, had been involved in UI research since then.And after moving to the Sony Computer Science Research Institute, "Smart Skin", which realizes multi -touch, has been developed.This is a technology that has given great hints to the birth of the iPhone.

人を“エンハンス”する技術。「人間拡張」による人間×AIの新たな世界 最先端AI技術群
~NEC the WISE~ ブレイクするか立ち止まるか
AI活用に立ちはだかる3つの壁を乗り越えるには 「AI/SUM アプライドAI サミット~AIと人・産業の共進化」講演録 AI時代におけるデータサイエンスの根付かせ方、生かし方 AI人材とは?

 "I realized that it was unnatural as a UI to make a multi -touch and operate with one finger. There are limited opportunities to use only one in my life, and I usually have multiple fingers.Mr. Honmoto recalled, saying that the multi -touch realized with smart skins was trying to bring out human abilities. "

 He described it as "pulled out," but he seems to have released the ability restricted by technology.For example, when digital photos are enlarged and displayed, a mouse operation that requires multiple procedures for a personal computer is common, but now it is an unnatural UI that is used to smartphones.

 And now, the theme of Mr. Senmoto has a great possibility and researching is "Human Augmentation = Human Expansion".

 "How to enhance (enhance) human abilities with technology. Especially focusing on" Human-AI Integration (fusion of humans and AI) "and" Internet of Abilities (IOA = Internet of the Ability) "I am. "

 "AI and robots function autonomously can be captured in the image of Astro Boy, while human augmentation can be compared to cyborg 009."

 "First of all, there are humans, and each function that humans did not have by remodeling, such as" flight "," strength "," weapon ", and" spitting flame ", are also expanded by remodeling.You can think of a network and connecting with other people and computers in the category of augmentation. "

 さらに暦本氏は、AIと人間の関係を考えるテーマとして、Alpha Go※3を取り上げた。碁でAIが人間に勝ったことから人間対AIという構図で議論をされることが多く、「シンギュラリティ」という言葉も流行した。

 "In fact," pair go "was also performed at this time. AI and humans like tennis doubles and play with teamwork. I think this is exactly an augmentation.Is not just a conflict alone. The synergistic effect between AI and humans is greater, and how to partner with AI is not a story that is easy to answer. "

* 3 Computer Go program developed by Google

After IoT, to the "IOA" era where the ability is connected

 Regarding the IOA, "After IoT, where things are connected, it will be a major theme of how the ability will be connected. It is an era in which the restrictions on moving and the transaction of abilities are promoted."

 So what direction can humans expand their abilities?Mr. Calendar lists four classifications.

 They believe that these four are integrated and developed rather than independence.As an example of a fusion between humans and AI, he introduced research on silent voices.

 Recently, voice recognition has been able to control equipment such as smartphones, but it is difficult to use outside.By analyzing the sound and the movement of the throat captured by the ultrasonic echo, the neural network can analyze the "mouth park" that does not speak and use it as an input of voice recognition.

 If you use the head -mounted device "Jackin Head" studied by Mr. Calenda, you can relive others' sensations.Expert can be transmitted to young people as if possessed remotely.By relying a large wheel of gymnastics, you will be able to learn quickly and experience like a virtual way home.

 Mr. Honmoto introduced many other cases.Finally, "I don't need to be automated. Automatic pianos are also good, but the sense of accomplishment that can play the piano yourself has a completely different value. According to Maslow's desire hierarchy, the highest level is" self.It is realized. In the AI era, it is important to design how technology supports it. "

The old image industry is the winning opportunity in AI

 The two who finished the relay lecture looked back on each other's lectures in the “dressing room”."People vs..Instead of technology, it was common to see the fusion world of "people x technology".

Calenda: Mr. Motohashi introduced the AI trend from the Hype Cycle at the beginning, but the fact that AI entered the disillusioned period is evidence that AI has begun to be used.It means that "patterns of what you can do" have been seen in the complex in deep learning (the main technology of image processing).The industry that seems to be old should be able to renew a lot in IT, and Japan is a country that has a lot of craftsmanship and personal assets, so it will be connected to AI and develop it "fast".I think you can expect great development."Fast" is important.

Motohashi: That's also the teacher's specialty.

Calendar Hon: I realized again that there is a possibility of a technology that records and recognizes abilities, such as the head -mounted device Jackin Head introduced in the lecture.I would like to use it to take advantage of Japan's strengths.

The growing AI is a hybrid design that collaborates with people

Calendar book: AI automation is a little bit involved in human beings, and the range can be done.For example, if AI is good at automatic driving, if you are not good at garage entry where the situation judgment is complicated, the garage will be in charge.The design of these roles seems to have the fun of the UI.

Motobashi: That's a deep story.NEC is involved in the demonstration experiment of unmanned stores, but in fact, customers seem to feel uncomfortable with the concierge unmanned.I think I want a humanity at the contact between people.I have the opportunity to discuss with the hotel, but everyone says, "I don't want to do unmanned concierge."It may cost labor, but you want to do it, so you do it.The teacher finally talked about the automatic piano.

Calendar Hon: You will want an AI that will exquisitely correct the mistouch, or a piano equipped with AI that supports practice.There is a sense of "I want to do it myself", and the "feeling I can do" directly connects to happiness.

Motobashi: Even in a world where everything is automated and money comes in without permission, I feel like there are people who work.

Calendar Hon: There is an experiment of telepresence in which remotely salespeople sell Rolex to the wealthy.It sold in telepresence, but would it be a normal online shop?I think, "If you recommend this person, let's buy it," and buy the story after buying.There is a pleasure of buying and selling that is not only convenient.Efficacy (motivation that I can do) and efficiency.Humans are alive in this balance.At the hotel, there are robots but humans.At that time, how to design the role.

Motobashi: You mentioned that the AI entered the disillusioned period in the high -cycle, because you can see the "pattern of what you can do", but you can say that you have understood the replacement of humans and the perfect range.The world is disappointed, but the application range of AI without humans is very small in the first place.

Calendar: Perhaps 100 years later, the automation area will be very expanded.I see that the hybrid era up to that point will continue in the near future.I think the AI that can work well will grow.

 Imagined from the word "singularity", "People vs..While there are many discussions that easily imagine the opposing structure of technology, the lectures and dialogue have revealed another world.Technology only supported human abilities, impressed the perspective of fusion, and was hoped for the development of new technology.

(Interview / edit: Takeshi Kimura composition: Gakuhiro Kato photographed: Kazushi Mori Design: Yasusuke Tsukimori)

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